The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) is a private 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation. This device, which measures the electrical activity of your heart using sensors attached to the skin of your chest, is highly accurate. By measuring various aspects of the biofield, we may be able to recognize organ and tissue dysfunctions even in advance of diseases or symptoms and treat them appropriately so as to eradicate them. Nonetheless, meaningful results have been shown in some studies, consistent with improved energy regulation, for example, after qigong, and which are also consistent with measurements from using other types of biofield instrumentation. Nonetheless, only a limited number of studies has been conducted investigating a very limited number of human subjects in these studies, making any firm conclusions premature. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION. Here, we describe a few of the devices and techniques that are being used in biofield research or the clinic that appear promising but that need further substantiation to become accepted. Dobrin R et al: Experimental measurements of the human energy field . 6. Voll R: Twenty years of electroacupuncture diagnosis in Germany: a progress report, Am J Acupuncture 3(19):7, 1975. The possibility also exists that the biofield will shift because of transient thoughts or feelings of the patient. Certain ways of being are only available at certain levels of vibration, or vibrational frequency. To my surprise, I noticed that one can also buy inexpensive (costs only $50), portable 1Mhz Ultrasound cavitation device from Ebay or Aliexpress that also claims to reduce body fat. Early systematic measurements of human biophotons attempted to record the radiation from naked subjects with photomultiplier tubes and found that the noise in the detector was approximately the same order of magnitude as the signal. Zimmerman J: Laying-on-of-hands and therapeutic touch: a testable theory, BEMI currents, J Bio-Electro-Magnet Ins 2:8, 1989. The methods will lead to improvement of the performance of the skin, respiratory, circulatory, neurological, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, immunologic, auditory, psychology, or general body medical systems by using topical cosmetics or pharmaceuticals or devices that emit specially designed electromagnetic frequency signals that match or To calculate your BMI, first multiply your weight in pounds by .45 to convert to kilograms. This sounds futuristic . In this chapter, no further effort to discuss these conventional measurements will be made. Third, certain aspects exist to the biofield that may fluctuate rapidly such that no reliability in measurement may be seen, which may be the case for certain subjects more than others. Van Wijk R, Van Wijk EPA: An introduction to human biophoton emission, Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd 12:77, 2005. In addition, difficulty has been found in reproducing results with the same practitioner over time. Moreover, measuring the biofield and understanding its role in life are more difficult than the study of more tangible phenomena, and the funding for the former has been extremely scarce. 1 b is a schematic illustration of narrow band measurement of frequencies emitted by skin. In this view, the essence of life is seen as a metaphysical, irreducible life force that cannot be measured. A large influx of funding for biofield science is recommended to support a concerted effort over the long term by a larger community of collaborating scientists. Just a few reasons to keep at it (and going solo counts): It boosts your immune system, burns calories, lowers blood pressure, helps you relax, eases . In this case the skin of the diseased subjects exhibited extra frequencies (the side peaks). A main obstacle to the acceptance of EDS is an attitude on the part of the conventional medical community that has historical origins. In eight subjects, Vekaria (2003) investigated the influence of intention to change ones emission on the measured biophoton emission and found that the mean photon count decreased, but not all subjects were able to achieve this change. Boyers D G, Tiller W A: Corona discharge photography, J Appl Physics 44:3102, 1973. 8. Their results showed no clear distinction between external and internal qigong. Healthy: Avg 10 test subjects Peak = 795 fempto Watts, Avg 5 test subjects Main Peak = 550.6 fempto Watts Avg 5 test subjects Side Peaks = 413.8 fempto Watts. So those examples are a few that I could think of off hand. In addition, Voll noticed that major disturbances in the body produced a downward drop, or steady decay, of the conductivity indicator as the point was being measured. C. Smith, Straws in the Wind, J. of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, measured the frequencies of human body tissue in acupuncture points. This is your BMI. Although different electrode specifications and measurement parameters may be used by various manufacturers, the goal is the sameto assess the health of the body through its ability to conduct microcurrent. 2. Monitor Your Breathing Monitoring your breathing is another effective way to measure your body frequency. The primacy of the biofield over the material body, a belief held by many people since ancient times, means that the material aspect of the body is subordinate to the energetic and not the reverse. All disease may show first via imbalances in the biofield. The discharge of light from the finger is the result of a glowing gas plasma of charged particles from the finger to the plate that conducts electricity. In a double-blind study on allergy testing, six different diagnostic methods for allergy testing were comparedhistory, food challenge, skin testing, radioallergosorbent test, immunoglobulin E antibodies, and EDSon 30 subjects. Distant healing, which is often combined with spiritual healing and prayer, may involve no energy transfer whatsoever if it occurs by the principle of quantum nonlocality, or it may involve a putative energy not yet identified in science. It includes the metrics and frequency weightings needed to measure human vibration. They also found that subjects self-reported sense of the internal flow of qi correlated with DC potential readings but only for specific measurements made on acupuncture points. Various corporations market these devices, including Vega, Biomeridian, and Health Epoch, to name a few. Other studies with human osteoblasts revealed that therapeutic touch stimulated normal human osteoblast adhesion, with significant changes in integrin levels. A: The hierarchy of consciousness is a scale that ranks different levels of awareness. Studies on these biofield therapies in themselves may offer clues to certain key components of the human biofield that are associated with healing. Jan 26, 2017 #3 berkeman Mentor 64,642 16,068 delphi2036 said: A number of authors emphasize that the human body generates electromagnetic fields and mechanical vibrations with different frequencies. The researcher pushes a mouse button attached to both the computer and camera to activate the camera, which sends a pulsed electric field to the plate for the selected time duration. Jones J P: Oral presentation. These findings support the hypothesis that the patterns in the temporal fluctuations of the DC electrodermal acupuncture measurements correspond to the traditional Eastern concept of qi circulating in the body. Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. If the amplitude of EM signal measured (body plus product) is greater than the c) Method for measuring the frequency of emitted electromagnetic signal by active materials, waters, topical products, etc. Diabetic skin measurements were obtained by taking an average of 5 type Il diabetic individuals. You are using an out of date browser. On the other hand, an advantage can be found to observing indicators of the future state of the patient energetically using biofield measurements. Some researchers speculate that the extremely low-level visible light emission from organisms, called biophotons, may be coherent (as in a laser) and may communicate key electromagnetic bioinformation (Chwirot et al, 1987; Popp, 1992, 1998). Popp FA, Li K H, GuQ, eds: Recent advances in biophoton research and its applications, Singapore and New York, 1992, World Scientific Publishing . Liboff A R: Toward an electromagnetic paradigm for biology and medicine, J Altern Complement Med 10( 1 ):41, 2004. These methods represent frontier assessment measures and are not yet part of mainstream science or medicine. Santa Sabina Center, Dominican University, San Raphael, Calif, September 1-3, 2002a. Figure 20-3. In Zhang C L, Popp F A, Bischof M, editors: Current development of biophysics, Hangzhou, China, 1996, Hangzhou University Press. It is understood that various modifications and changes in the specific form and construction of the various parts can be made without departing from the scope of the following claims. * We can detox our bodies and consume less harmful 'food' (we are so addicted to). Photon-count statistics on the distribution of photons in the emission should provide an answer to this question (Kobayashi, Devaraj, and Inaba, 1998; Van Wijk and Van Wijk, 2005). Sweat gland activity. Tracking your sleep patterns is another way to measure your body frequency. Electrical currents, along with their associated magnetic fields, can be found in the body (Becker and Selden, 1985). It has been shown that a normal healthy body has a frequency. Additionally, some of the more recently developed medical scans, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography, can also be used as indirect indicators of electromagnetic activity. Figure 20-9. In external qi therapy and polarity therapy, the energy is thought to move from the practitioners body to the patient. Proc. Galvanic skin response (GSR) measures the electrical conductance between two electrodes placed on the skin. A portable three-axis digital gaussmeter, which can detect milligauss levels of magnetic fields (AC and DC), was used to monitor Reiki practitioners (n = 17) and healers from several different healing traditions ( n = 15) who were instructed to transmit biofield therapy. This includes but is not limited to Krebs cycle, blood oxygenation, glycation, wound healing, collagen and keratin production, ATP/ADP cycle and other body bio-electro-mechanical or bio-chemical activity. Three categories of biofield measurement from humans have been reviewed: (1) high-voltage electrophotography, (2) EDT, and (3) natural light emission (biophotons). The term "replay" means broadcasting the generated frequencies as a signal using a standard coil or other devices to generate an EM field. This effort would involve measuring different frequency bands within the electromagnetic spectrum emanating from the body ( Figure 20-1 ). The method should theoretically allow determination of other compounds which are resonant with the human body. Hawaii, November 29-December 3, 2001. Or certain organs or body parts? Usa Me t a l: ITEJ Technical Report 15:1, 1991. 60% of all subjects showed a decrease in signal strength after listening to scary music. Is there a way to use the hydrogen in the human body? For more information, contact Dr. Beverly Rubik; Lab phone: 510-428-4084. You can use accelerometers to measure the transmissibility of vibration through the spine, from which you can find out the resonance frequency of spine Cite 1 Recommendation Various approaches have been submitted by this author (Rubik, 1993, 1997, 2002b) and other authors [Popp (1996); Tiller (1993); Welch (1992); Welch and Smith (1990); and Zhang (1995, 1996)]. A method for measuring in real-time the frequency and the power of an electromagnetic ("EM") field emitted by a human body for different body conditions, the resonance phenomenon between the EM fields emitted by various products or electronic devices and the EM field emitted by a human body, and the signals emitted by active materials, waters, topical products, etc. Liboff (2004) also wrote of the electromagnetic unity of the organism. Typically, the practitioner uses his or her hands to sense a deficiency or imbalance in the patients biofield and then proceeds to alter or influence this imbalance by means of a subtle energy. Other researchers have used similar high-voltage electrophotographic techniques (not the GDV camera, however) to investigate the reproducibility of assessments of biofield practitioners compared with controls with significant results (Russo et al, 2001). An important factor to keep in mind is that these studies may show either the effects of an energy field associated with the human biofield of the practitioners or the effects of a universal life energy source on which they may draw, or some combination of both. Read more. The spectrum analyzer is capable of reading transient EM signals at a rate of 48,000 spectrum measurements per second. Accordingly, there is a need for improved methods of measuring in real time the frequency or frequencies of electromagnetic fields emitted by and mechanical vibrations generated by the human body as a whole and/or specific human body tissue. The electrical and magnetic fields of the human body are complex and dynamic and are associated with dynamical processes such as heart and brain function, blood and lymph flow, ion transport across cell membranes, and many other biologic processes on many different scales. Long-range coherent interactions in living systems are also expected from other physical considerations (Frohlich, 1968). If excess energy is being conducted at a given point, it is called excitation (fullness), and if a lack of energy exists, then it is called inhibition (emptiness). Thermography is now an accepted diagnostic procedure in medicine. They are looking at surface, and that is not going to reveal vibration. Jhaveri A, McCarthy MB, Gronowicz G A: Therapeutic touch affects proliferation and bone formation in vitro, J Altern Complement Med 10( 4 ):723, 2004. Square your height (i.e. There are several different methods you can use to measure your body frequency, including using a heart rate monitor, checking your pulse, monitoring your breathing, practicing meditation, taking an energy test, and tracking your sleep patterns. Figure 20-4. 6:50, 1998. It is said that the intensity of this radiation is proportional to the temperature of the region of the body from which it originates. Hi, I'm Happy Sharer and I love sharing interesting and useful knowledge with others. Chwirot W B, Dygdala R S, Chwirot S: Quasi-monochromatic-lightinduced photon emission from microsporocytes of larch shows oscillating decay behavior predicted by the electromagnetic model of differentiation, Cytobios 47:137, 1987. The evaluation of the fingertip sectors and their comparison with particular organs and tissues in the GDV software is said to be based on both the system of acupuncture meridians and su jok (a form of Korean hand acupuncture) (Korotkov, 1999). The biofield is also elusive. Kazakh State Department for Higher and Special Academic Education . By using these methods, you can gain insight into your overall health and well-being and become more aware of your bodys energy. I am wondering if there are any new developments. However, two main schools of EDS have been established, which we refer to here as the Western and Eastern schools. Am Acad Acupunc Rev 5:15, 1993. A2. Most research has focused on electromagnetic aspects of the biofield. This effort culminated in the Human Genome Project whereby teams of scientists from around the world mapped all the genes in human deoxyribonucleic acid. Russo M et al: Quantitative analysis of reproducible changes in highvoltage electrophotography, J Altern Complement Med 7( 6 ):617, 2001. What to Expect When You Live in Your Home During Renovation? This information is sent by cable to a computer for analysis, as shown in Figure 20-4. A decrease in signal strength was noted by 75% of the test subjects after listening to peaceful music. conditions: skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, diabetic, musculoskeletal, mood, tinnitus, etc., based on the resonance phenomenon between the frequencies emitted by the products and the human body frequencies for different body conditions. 48,000 spectral acquisitions/sec) the frequencies of an electromagnetic field emitted by the human body as a whole. Dobrin R et al: Experimental measurements of the human energy field . by using topical cosmetics or pharmaceuticals or devices that emit selected electromagnetic frequency signals that match or interfere with the electromagnetic signals or their frequencies emitted by the body (see, for example, Table 8, the data for 5% ascorbic acid). Thermography is also used before and after therapy to visualize its influence, as for example in the case of infrared photonic treatment to look for improvements in the symmetry of the emission patterns after treatment. A method for treating a particular condition of a human subject, the condition selected from one of skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, musculoskeletal, diabetic, tinnitus and mood, the method comprising the steps of: measuring in real-time the frequency and the power of an EM field emitted by the condition; selecting a cosmetic product, a pharmaceutical product or an electronic device that emits EM fields in a frequency, phase and amplitude suitable for treating the condition; and placing the cosmetic product, the pharmaceutical product or the electronic device on or sufficiently proximal to the condition, such that the EM fields emitted by the cosmetic product, the pharmaceutical product or the electronic device effectively treat the condition. It is based on the principle that disease is thought to be reflected by the 12 source acupuncture points (Oda, 1989). Jones noted that a subtle energetic conditioning of his laboratory contributed by the practitioners led to a stronger beneficial effect from pranic healing. Inaba also used a system of two-dimensional photomultipliers to record the two-dimensional pattern of biophotons from the surface of the hands. In this way, we may learn more about the healing modes of the human biofield and how it interacts with the cellular and biomolecular levels of order. Practitioners social and emotional well being correlated with bacterial growth in both the healing and the nonhealing contexts (Rubik et al, 2006). A linear, broad range antenna or any antennae capable of capturing the range of frequencies operating in the 20 MHz to 900 MHz range was coupled to the instrument for preliminary scanning of EM signals emitted by a subject's human body. It is another object of the invention to measure the frequencies phase and intensity (or amplitude) of electromagnetic fields emitted by allergens from fragrances, essential oils, other plant extracts, and ingredients or pharmaceutical actives. When these two materials are combined one resultant heterodyned frequency The author gratefully acknowledges the helpful input and assistance from Dr. Spencer Huang; Terrance Pan, LAc; Dr. Larry P. Goldberg; and Dr. Roeland van Wijk. The probe, which is attached to the device via electrical cables, is a 1-cm round, hollow metal, spring-loaded device with a plastic handle. I'm wondering if there is a frequency difference between healthy and unwell human tissue. Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot live. The amount of perspiration on your skin warns you of nervousness. However, no agreement has been reached in the scientific community on the definition of the biofield. 2023 Physics Forums, All Rights Reserved. With the multimeter still connected to the circuit, press the Hz button. Several studies by other researchers have been performed that explore the usefulness for whole body assessment of human subjects subjects (Rubik, 2002a). Another example is a study conducted at a university in Taiwan, showing that exposure to external qi significantly decreased the growth rate of prostate cancer cell cultures as compared with untreated cell cultures (Yu, Tsai, and Huang, 2003). Korotkov K G, Popechitelev E P: [Method for gas-discharge visualization and automation of the system of realizing it in clinical practice], Med Tekh Jan-Feb(1):21, 2002. Results from 458 of the experiments indicated that treatment of the cells with pranic healing produced a dramatic increase in cell survival rate, from approximately 50% in control cells to approximately 90% in treated cells. To get an accurate measurement: Sit down and try to relax. 1) Measurement of EM waves broadcast to the skin from electronic devices: Three types of recordings previously shown by Dr. Dan Levitin, McGiII University, Montreal, Department of Psychology to produce happy, peaceful and scary moods were exposed to test subjects.

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