After looking about the temple, (" round about upon all things," Mark,) as if He would observe whether all was done according to His Father's will, He goes out, and returns to Bethany. Luke, speaking in general terms, says, (xxi. Jesus, in early 30 A.D., is in Bethany after raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1 - 45). BETHPHAGE. (1) As to the relation between Bethphage and Bethany, St. Luke (Luke 19:29) alone mentions both places ('as he drew near to Bethphage and Bethany'). Mark 11:1 When they drew near to Jerusalem, to Bethsphage and Bethany, at the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, Mark 11:11 Jesus entered into the temple in Jerusalem. beth'-fa-je, beth'-faj (from beth paghah; Bethphage, or Bethphage; in Aramaic "place of young figs"): Near the Mount of Olives and to the road from Jerusalem to Jericho; mentioned together with Bethany (Matthew 21:1 Mark 11:1 Luke 19:29).The place occurs in several Talmudic passages where it may be inferred that it was near but outside Jerusalem; it was at the Sabbatical distance . What St. Luke calls hill country, other references callthe Judean mountains. It wasnt a walk in the park. When he was come nigh to Bethphage and Bethany. This was the usual road for horsemen and caravans; a steep footpath leads over the central peak, and a winding road over the northern shoulder, neither of which could He have taken. Probably Bethany is here meant as a district embracing a part of the mount, for He could not well, at this season of the year,, with out a tent, lodge in the open air. After the group leaves Ephraim, Jesus reveals that he will soon be betrayed, suffer, have his life taken then rise from the dead three days later (Matthew 20:17 - 19, Mark 10:32 - 34, Luke 18:31 - 34). Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. 17:) " He went out of the city, into Bethany, and He lodged there." of Olives. Jesus on the donkey, a mural in the Franciscan church ( Jerusalem to Church of Bethphage - 3 ways to travel via bus - Rome2rio Leaving Bethany, He sends to Bethphage for an ass Matt. Even if they did have a donkey, I bet she walked. How many miles was Bethany from Jerusalem? - Answers Eighty miles riding a donkey, picturesque as might be, still works out to, oh, lets see, yes, 80 miles riding a donkey. Proud member She broke the jar, and poured it over his head. All rights reserved. Half of the vast mass, turning round, preceded; the other half followed. . } Mark 11:12 The next day, when they had come out from Bethany, he was hungry. Written in Latin around the windows are the words which the people said about Jesus during the procession into the city. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!, Recalling the sight of their master riding a beast of burden, the disciples saw the fulfilment of a prophecy by Zechariah more than 500 years before: Shout aloud, O daughter Jerusalem! The Acts of the Apostles. An olive tree; the Mount of Olives. They all are taught that those who will be considered the greatest in God's kingdom are those who serve everyone (Matthew 20:20 - 28, Mark 10:35 - 45). Bethphage was considered the outermost reach of the city of Jerusalem, the limit of a Sabbath-days journey (900 metres) from the city, and the furthest point at which bread could be baked for use in the Temple. Jesus, as he is leaving Jericho, heals two more blind men (Matthew 20:29 - 34, Mark 10:46 - 52). #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { Sorry, there was an error loading the video. His answer is that God's perfect will is that people stay married for life (Matthew 19:1 - 12, Mark 10:2 - 12). * See Van de Velde's Map of Jerusalem; Ellicott, 288, note 1. 10,) yet it is plain from the question put by the citizens, " Who is this ? " Bethany lies east of Bethphage on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives. He is fully aware that his betrayal, arrest, torture and death await him after he partakes of his last Passover in Jerusalem (John 11:55 - 57). xxi. Bethpage (Bethphage) Essential Guide Notes - The Wandering Shepherd Church of the Nutrition (Sisters of Nazareth). 1,) " And when they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, at the Mount of Olives," and the like expression in Luke xix. Just up the hill is a Greek Orthodox church whose courtyard offers a view and a place for reflection. [3][4][5] Bethphage is about 2 kilometres (1.2mi) from the modern village of al-Azariya. If you have found See the Holy Land helpful and would like to support our work, please make a secure donation. If you were to walk from the Old City of Jerusalem to Bethany as Jesus did, it would take about 40 minutes. 11. around Him, leaves it, and goes out with the Twelve to Bethany, where He passes the night. 11. The Holy Land in New Testament Times - The Church of Jesus Christ i Ebrard, 477; Greswell, iii. The traditional tomb of Lazarus is shown and there are some remains of medieval buildings, besides rock-cut tombs of much earlier date (PEF, III, 27, Sheet XVII). It was built beside the steep road that descends from the Mount of Olives eastwards towards the village of El . Stanley (187) thus describes the procession : " Two vast streams of people met on that day. It was, then, probably near the middle of the day when He left Bethany. a So Wieseler, 435, note, s So Porter, (i. 3-6,) and thus find in it a mystical significance. #gallery-1 img { Near Jericho a blind man cries out to the Lord for mercy and is miraculous healed (Luke 18:35 - 43). to send out literally or figuratively. The animal being brought to Him, He is seated upon it, and, amidst the acclamations of the multitude, ascends to the top of the Mount. It was on his way to Jerusalem that Jesus stopped on the summit of the Mount of Olives, overlooking the panorama of the Temple, towers and palaces, and wept over the city as he predicted its impending destruction only 40 years in the future. When they were approaching Jerusalem, at Bethphage and Bethany, near the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples and said to them, "Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately as you enter it, you will find tied there a colt that has never been ridden; untie it and bring it. On Nisan 9, 33C.E., when Jesus rode the colt of a donkey over the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem, he may well have done so from Bethphage, following the road to Jerusalem. } 12,13.) Again the procession advanced. . At this point He arrests His march, and sends two of His disciples; to find and bring to Him an ass tied, and her colt with her. Assuming an average pace of 2.5 mph, 20 miles a day, would mean a trip of four 8-hour days. /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */, All content 2022, See the Holy Land | Site by, . Here occurred the incident of the raising of Lazarus (John 11) and the feast at the house of Simon (Matthew 26:1-13 Mark 14:3-9 Luke 7:36-50 John 1:2:1-8). Matthew says, (xxi. It was at this precise point, c as He drew near, at the descent of the Mount of Olives,' (may it not have been from the sight thus opening upon them ?) Sensible people thatthey were, they walked. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Distance from Bethany to Jerusalem: 2 miles. This short video follows a path approaching Jerusalem from the east, from the village of modern-day et-Turthought to correspond to the Biblical Bethphageto one of the higher points on the Mount of Olives. "house of green figs" in Aramaic), is a village atop a spur on the southern section of the Mount of Olives chain. Knowing what the religious leaders are collectively planning to do, Jesus leaves Bethany with his disciples. Blessed is the King of Israel, that cometh in the name of the Lord." When her owners demanded of them why they took the ass, they had only to say that the Lord had need of it, and the sight of Jesus, wTith the attendant crowds, would at once explain why^ He needed it. It was built beside the steep road that descends from the Mount of Olives eastwards towards the village of El-Azariyeh (ancient Bethany). The, the definite article. Jesus arrives, near sunset on Wednesday, March 29 in 30 A.D., in Bethany. Unknown villagers living there, the owners of the colt according to Gospel of Luke 19:33, permitted Jesus' disciples to take the colt away for Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, which would have been four days before Passover. PDF Distances From Jerusalem - Bible Charts Toward. 76,) relying upon Talmudical authorities, would put Bethphage just under the city walls, and ascribe to it the same privileges as if actually within them. " But it was a 90-mile walk to the village of Ein Karem, John the Baptists traditional birth place, and only five miles to Jerusalem from the southwest. An unspecified time later the mother of James and John initiates a journey to Jesus and requests that her sons have authority, directly under him, in his Kingdom. All the city is greatly moved, and the Pharisees desire Him to rebuke His disciples. 21:1). Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. The name means "the house of unripe or early figs." The Gospels name Bethphage as the starting point of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Luke 19:29; Mark 11:1; Matt. This is where Jesus sent the disciples to find a donkey and a colt and became thestarting pointofJesustriumphalentryintoJerusalem on Palm Sunday. " Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord.'' A private entry before the public one conflicts with the whole tenor of the narrative. Of Chaldee origin; date-house; Beth-any, a place in Palestine. 52.). Bible Map: Olivet (Mount of Olives) - Bible So he slipped out of the city each evening back to Bethanys relative shelter, and back into Jerusalem the next morning. Given the antipathy between Jews and Samaritans, Joseph and Marylikely skirted the area and went around the longer way. Yes, all the images depict Mary seated on a donkey. A strengthened form of pro; a preposition of direction; forward to, i.e. Blessed is He that Cometh in the name of the Lord !' 20-36,) upon this day; but it may better be referred to Tuesday, upon grounds to be there given. The two streams met midway. margin: auto; Of Chaldee origin; fig-house; Beth-phage, a place in Palestine. 78. Mark 11:11 Jesus entered into the temple in Jerusalem. Bethpage and Bethany - Bible Study Tools Why Does God Compare Our Relationship with Him to That of a Bride and Groom? that, as a body, they had taken little part in the matter. " BETH'-PHA-GE , house of figs, it was near Bethany. How long does it take to walk from Jerusalem to Bethany? Bethphage - Wikipedia Panorama of modern Bethphage ( Custodia Terrae Sanctae). 188,) who refers to the similarity of their names, "house of figs " and " house of dates.". Open hours:Apr-Sep 8am-noon, 2-5pm, Oct-Mar 8am-noon, 2-4.30pm. 5 1 So Liechtenstein, Robinson, Wieseler, Bucher, Friedlieb, Wichelhaus, Meyer. Ive hiked with pack burros; it is slower. [6], Eusebius (Onom 58:13) located it on the Mount of Olives. "Israel and You" (C) 2013 All Rights Reserved, On display in the church, protected by a wrought iron grille, is a large square. He was relatively safe during the day, teaching in the temple. 11) states that He merely entered the temple, and, looking around Him, went out because the even had come, and returned to Bethany with the Twelve. Lo, your king comes to you; triumphant and victorious is he, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. (Zechariah 9:9). Emmaus The risen Christ walked on the road to Emmaus with two of His disciples ( Luke 24:13-32 ). " Blessed be the king that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven and glory in the highest." Thanks to their partnership in our mission, we reachmore than 20 million unique users per month! Distance from Nazareth to Bethlehem: 80 miles. } Jesus' first trip is to the nearby city of Ephraim (John 11:54) which affords him a short escape from the threats against his life. The crusader era chapel itself was built on the foundations of a 4th-century Byzantine shrine commemorating the meeting between Lazarus' sister Martha and Jesus. Occurrences Luke 19:29 It happened, when he drew near to Bethsphage and Bethany, at the mountain that is called Olivet, he sent two of his disciples, Luke 21:37 Every day Jesus was teaching in the temple, and every night he would go out and spend the night on the mountain that is called Olivet. border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; Above the altar in the church is a mural of Jesus riding the donkey and receiving the acclaim of crowds. Mary traveled alone, Luke implies (though likely in caravan), and she was newly pregnant (think morning sickness). [1] The town is located on the southeastern slope of the Mount of Olives, less than 2 miles (3.2 km) from Jerusalem. It is shown on Osborn's map of Jerusalem. Jesus' Last Journeys Timeline - Bible Study St. Luke makes it sound like Mary slipped out the front door, opened the gate, turned right, took a walk besidea park for a block or two and showed up on her cousinElizabeths doorstep; nothing more than a stroll. 1 So Liechtenstein, Robinson, Wieseler, Bucher, Friedlieb, Wichelhaus, Meyer. She did it, Jesus said, to prepare me for burial.. Israel and You Bethphage - Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament - There can be little doubt that He spent the nights during Passion week in this village, and probably in the house of Lazarus. John 12:1 Then six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, who had been dead, whom he raised from the dead. Two miles was the distance between safety and danger. Distances from Jerusalem In Miles: Bethany: 2: Bethlehem: 6: Bethphage: 1: Caesarea: 57: Caesarea Philippi: 105: Capernaum: 85: Dead Sea: 6: Emmaus: 16: Jericho [800 . Hermon *, Everything need to know touring Israel *, Things NOT to Do in Israel! margin-left: 0; of Luke (xix. This may represent the rivalry between the two religions. On the sides of the rock are medieval paintings, restored in 1950. Does God Really Work All Things Together for Good? ), The road by which the Lord passed over Olivet was probably the southern or main road, which passes between. It is a miserably untidy and tumble-down village facing East on the Southeast slope of the Mount of Olives, upon the carriage road to Jericho. The distance between Jerusalem and Bethany on the Mount of Olives is about 2 miles/3.2km. New Testament Cities Distances in Ancient Israel - Bible History 174; Robinson, Meyer. What Every Christian Should Know about the Protestant Reformation. There is an annual Palm Sunday walk into Jerusalem which begins in Bethphage. When he had looked around at everything, it being now evening, he went out to Bethany with the twelve. Patritius makes Him to have healed the blind and lame, to have answered the priests and scribes, (Matt. On the night of Passover he stayed in Jerusalem with his disciples. Mark 11:1 And when they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, he sendeth forth two of his disciples, John 12:12-16 On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, . Topical Bible: Bethphage He visits the temple; but, after looking Mark xi. ", Tradition makes the Lord to have crossed the summit of the Mount of Olives, and puts the spot where He wept over the city about half-way down on its western slope.1, This entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, " the city of the great king," was a formal assertion of His Messianic claims. A donkey will pretty much set its own pace and not usually the one you would like. When in Jerusalem, Jesus and his disciples customarily spent the night at Bethany, today marked by the town of el-Azariyeh (El Eizariya), an Arabic name meaning The Place of Lazarus. Jesus undoubtedly stayed at the home of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. The Church of Bethphage, also spelled Beitphage, meaning "house of the unripe figs", is a Franciscan church located on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. The shortest route, 70 miles more or less as the crow flies, is through Samaria. Due south east of the peak of the Ascension church memorials (there are three today), the village remains are near the road from Jericho to Jerusalem. "Hosanna ! This stone, now called the Stele of Bethphage, was an integral part of the 12th century crusader chapel and now lies near the northern wall of the church. Biblical scholar Jerome Murphy-OConnor is sceptical, suggesting the Crusaders forgot that a Palestinian donkey was in no way comparable to their huge battle-chargers. Luke 19:37 And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen; Luke 21:37 And in the day time he was teaching in the temple; and at night he went out, and abode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives. Matthew (Matthew 21:1) says, "When they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and came unto Bethphage."St. Mark mentions the three places together, because Bethphage and Bethany, being near together, were also both of them close to Jerusalem. It was the last appeal to the Jews to discern and recognize His royal character. float: left; Jesus entry into Jerusalem: Matthew 21:1-11, Open: Apr-Sep 8am-noon, 2-5pm, Oct-Mar 8am-noon, 2-4.30pm, #gallery-1 { But, if so, He saw by plain marks that His Father's house was still made a house of merchandise. Lightfoot, (x. 1-10. salem amidst the shouts of His disciples, and of the Luke xix. [9], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}314638N 351503E / 31.7772N 35.2508E / 31.7772; 35.2508, Nestle Aland Novum Testamentum Graece, Mk 1:11. St. Matthew (Matthew 21:1) mentions only Bethphage. Verse 1. 99. 14-16,) and to have heard the request of the Greeks, (John xii. 12-19. of Olives He weeps over it. Others, however, maintain that the Evangelists in their narratives take Jerusalem as the centre, and mention Bethphage first, because first reached by one going to the east.1 Another reason for this order is given by Greswell, (iii. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}314639N 351503E / 31.777618N 35.250838E / 31.777618; 35.250838. Acts 1:12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives He was the Son of David, the King of Israel, coming in the name of the Lord. This is much more probable than the suggestion that the modern Abu Dis is on the site of Bethphage.E. Distance from Bethany to Jerusalem: 2 miles. This is where the annual Palm Sunday walk into Jerusalem begins a tradition begun during Crusader times. Verb - Present Participle Middle or Passive - Accusative Neuter Singular. 29-44. populace. The Synoptic Gospels mention it as being close to Bethany, where he was staying immediately prior to his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. W. G. Masterman, "house of affliction" or "house of dates," Bethany, the name of two cities in Palestine. Bethphage (in Greek) or Bethsphage (in other Christian sources) or Bet Pagi (in Hebrew and Aramaic) means house of un-ripe figs. This village certainly occupies an ancient site and no other name is known. . The temple hierarchy was reluctant to arrest him for fear of the crowds; they would not strike in the day. Going up to Bethlehem is an important clue about the terrain, meaning more Judean mountains. After Jesus makes his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, he will spend his last week of life teaching in the city by day but leaving it to journey to Bethany for the night (Mark 11:11, Matthew 21:17, 26:6). From the fact, however, that Bethphage is first mentioned, the journey being from Jericho to Jerusalem, or from east to west, it is supposed that it was first reached, and therefore east of Bethany.5. of Olives width: 33%; The memory of Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem is kept in a Franciscan church built beside the steep road that descends from the Mount of Olives eastwards towards the village of El-Azariyeh (ancient Bethany) and the Jerusalem-Jericho highway. Grove suggested that the place intended is BETH-NIMRAH (which see), the modern Tell nimrin, a singularly suitable place, but hard to fit in with John 1:28; compare John 2:1. Some speculation puts it at seven days, or ten. The exact location of the village, on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives and close to Bethany, is uncertain. Bethany This was the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus ( John 11:1 ). Bethphage is mentioned in the New Testament as the place in ancient Israel from which Jesus sent his disciples to find a colt upon which he would ride into Jerusalem. The Crusaders had decorated the stone and inscribed upon it in Latin, descriptions of biblical events which occurred in the area of Jerusalem and Bethphage. Colored in shades of brown, the wall frescos portray New Testament era people preparing for the procession. Greswell (iii. Matthew 26:6 Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper. Church of Bethphage - Wikipedia The village in which our Lord stayed during Holy., Roman Catholic churches completed in 1883, 19th-century Roman Catholic church buildings in Israel, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 2 April 2023, at 23:15. Mark 14:3 While he was at Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster jar of ointment of pure nard-very costly. He received, as rightly belonging to Him, the acclamations, " Hosanna to the Son of David ! Akin to the base of keleuo; to 'call'. beth'-fa-je, beth'-faj (from beth paghah; Bethphage, or Bethphage; in Aramaic "place of young figs"): Near the Mount of Olives and to the road from Jerusalem to Jericho; mentioned together with Bethany (Matthew 21:1; Mark 11:1; Luke 19:29).The place occurs in several Talmudic passages where it may be inferred that it was near but outside Jerusalem; it was at the Sabbatical distance . And the multitude said, This is Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee," (v. your guide to visiting the holy places. The group, after Peter states that he and the disciples have given up everything to follow the Lord, are promised to be blessed abundantly both in this life and in the next (Matthew 19:27 - 30, Mark 10:28 - 31, Luke 18:28 - 30). 'house of unripe figs')[1] or Bethsphage,[2] is a Christian religious site on the Mount of Olives east of historical Jerusalem. It is assumed by Eusebius of Caesarea(Onom 58:13)to beon the eastern slope of theMount of Olivesand close toBethany. Mark 11:1-11 - Understanding Bethphage, a donkey colt, and palm branches Mary in her late teens, strong, healthy peasant stock; even pregnant and near delivery she could have managed walking it. Greswell puts His departure from Bethany about the ninth hour, or 3 p. M. ; his arrival in the temple before the eleventh, His departure before sunset. It was the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. The traditional site is the ford East of Jericho.E. Trans: I bring near; intrans: I come near, approach. FAQ: Where Is Bethany In The Bible Map? - Good News for Catholics 3 Lightfoot, Townsend; see Greswell, iii. In the morning, Jesus goes to Bethphage, mounts a colt, and then proceeds to make a triumphal entry into Jerusalem (John 12:12 - 19, Mark 11:1 - 10, Luke 19:29 - 40, Matthew 21:1 - 11). Does the Bible Condemn Using Tarot Cards? You get to walk ahead and pretend youre in command. Including the feminine he, and the neuter to in all their inflections; the definite article; the. The statement of Mark is so precise, that we cannot hesitate to give it the preference.1 Some suppose the Lord to have twice purified the temple; on the day of His entry, and again the next day.3 Others, that He began it on one day and finished it on the next, cleansing first the inner and then the outer court.

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