God delights in you! Jesus replied, You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony. Read the following verse for 111 times. Will never be shared. The pain ranges as to how important the lost or stolen item is to us. You dont have to read them all. Lord Jesus I believe in your power and the fact that impossible does not exist to you. Im praying for you and I hope that your property gets back to you. I dont want others to suffer the same fate and that is why Lord, through your help, I now bless them and pray for their change. You know the stress placed on me while Ive been trying to look for it. Amen. I ask these things in the comforting name of Jesus Messiah, Amen. See question no. 5. If we spend a lot of time looking for a solution, we become even more hopeless. God bless. Here is an effective prayer that will help you on your hard days to ask God for help in returning your l stolen property. It can be youre a family member, car, wedding ring, mobile phone, purse or wallet, a bag,a babys toy or shoe. You who knows all things Lord knows what the thief will do next knows whats in their heart. With expectant faith, I eagerly await the moment my possession is returned, confident in Your limitless love and grace. Please bring my lost things back to me. God our protector, I want to thank you so much for the gift of life and health. Thank you for hearing even the smallest prayer, in Jesus name, Amen. I humbly come before you asking for your forgiveness for all the times that I failed to put you first. Returning Rights One Took from Others In your case, this last condition is the most important. How Do I Repent From the Theft I Committed Many Years - SeekersGuidance May the thief or Thieves have a change of heart to do the right thing. God is always willing to aid His loving people with anything they lost. not more serious than killing. I give what I have lost to your care, that you may bring it back to me. Yes, Allah will forgive you for your mistake if you repent because He is All-Forgiving and Ever-Merciful. Islam Q&A, He stole from his father and brother, and now regrets it, You can ask your question on the website via this link: https://islamqa.info/en/ask, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in Thank you Lord and St. Anthony for allowing the thieves to return my stolen items. Rulings on lending - Islam Question & Answer - IslamQA.info Prayer to Recover Stolen Item Dear Lord, I know that Satan is always trying to get us away from you and to do his will. Dua For Return of Stolen Items, Stealing, it becomes common nowadays, people prefer to take a product or idea rather than working for it, as it seems an easy way for them. I have lost my keys, and I ask for mercy to find them in the name of Jesus. I cant tell a lie to cover up, and I confess before you that I am careless, cover up my inadequacies and help me find this ring in the name of Jesus. Find the one that best suits your situation, and feel free to personalize it to your exact situation. This is not what the word of God tells us to do w. When it comes to prayer the bible teaches that all prayers are made to God not to a saints or angels. I ask that you fold this person in your arms so that they may find a way to walk in your light instead of in the dark of evil. But Allah has kept behind ninety-nine degrees of mercy by virtue Father God i ask you to help me to find my IDs and bank cards and my cell phones and all cards was in my bag the person who took them on the chair please my Lord touch his heart to have mercy and think that things is not belongs to is belongs to me it is the importand focuments to me and phone including the bank card of my husband and his phone in Jesus name i know your with me now on this fustrations way i trust you Lord my father touch the heart of that person who is stealing my bag saturday of 22/10/2022 and my God on 15/10/2022 it was funeral of my husband the following saturday they took bag it is too much to me Lord i trust God father oh my Lord Amen. Thank for answering my prayer and bless those that agree with me in prayer. Someone who I believe hasnt met You and Your love yet. Jesus said pray to the father in my name because the father knows you and lobes you. Thank you, Jesus, because I believe I have found the money in the name of Jesus. I believe you will lead me to find it. to others, rather the rights of the one who has been wronged must be Open my heart to be okay with the possibility that I may never get my item back and make peace with that. Guide me and show me the way so that I might retrieve my lost objects. You will in days get the help you asked for by Gods grace. My movements these past few months have made me lose record of where I kept the file containing my certificates. Every chain used to tie up my child is broken in the name of Jesus. And some. Please forgive my irresponsibility and assist me in locating this object since it is too important for me to get it back. Im having a hard time even processing what just happened. I admit my carelessness in front of You. From the same site. I dont want hatred in my heart, O God. I pray for anyone who knows about the stolen items to come forward and be helpful. They dont care what they cost us in time or money. Let them become obedient to your will and fill them only with the fruits of the Holy Spirit. This is truly painful for me, to imagine what I have lost really breaks my heart and I feel like I should curse them to be worse than what they already are but this would be selfish on my part. God will talk to the person who took your belongings so they feel the need to return them immediately. That it was something that could be replaced, and even if it cant that its a material thing and not a loved one or a friend. My concern was raised when I read a prayer to and multiple mention of Saint Antony to petition on our behalf. Lord help me so that my stolen items would be returned to me. I look up to you to help me. It is upsetting to lose something that you had a special attachment to and which you call yours. Prayer for lost things Father, You are with us always, always walking beside us, offering us love, truth and hope each day. Im grateful that I wasnt hurt when my purse was stolen. All the pieces are from different relatives so its all very meaningful to me and my spouse. May your warmth bring my child comfort, reassurance and love in the name of Jesus. Dua To Recover Lost Item? - General Islamic Discussion - ShiaChat.com Thank you for your protection upon my life. My computer is password protected so its not going to be worth much to someone, which doesnt make sense to me. and so on. I am 14 and 1 or 2 years ago I have stolen a book from my friend without her knowledge. Mighty Redeemer, I humbly ask for the return of my stolen possessions. God bless. Seeking our lost or stolen items is godly. God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, you are God in all the earth. 20884 . Even if there is no way for that item to return to us, a way will be made by Gods grace. You are capable of everything, I ask You to somehow return my stuff to me and hopefully undamaged. My heart is heavy and filled with anxiety at having lost my items. I pray that you may help the thieves to change and stop engaging in such activities. Yes, you can pray for lost or stolen items to be recovered; it is not mundane. 1. must also be discharged, such as paying zakah, returning peoples wealth to You need to ask Him to clear paths for you so that you will be directed to the thing that you lost wherever you left it. You can also say a prayer to protect yourself from negative energies. God, we need your help, if it be your will. 1. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT YOUR PRAYER REQUEST In sha ALLAH you will get back the lost things. I am so grateful that I only lost material things and not my life or the life of a loved one or a dear friend. Please read our PRIVACY POLICY. 6. I believe in you and nothing is impossible through you! There are somethings i bought from the stolen money but i have donated to the poor people but i will repay the amount to the owner completely. In Your infinite love and mercy, I ask You to send Your heavenly angels to watch over the item I have lost, to protect it from further harm and guide it back to me. Lord if it is your will for me to get them back, then help me to find them. Father, as You already know, my daughter just been abducted. Islam recommends us to spend our money neither in a stingy way nor spend it thrifty. Do not trust in extortion or put vain hope in stolen goods; though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them. Im trying not be anxious about this and give everything to you in prayer, so please grant me peace and a calmness. House and wealth are inherited from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord. Prayer For Stolen Items To Be Returned (Prayer Points) Let them shun away from evil and renounce Satan and all his ways. Thirdly: What you mention about not being able to return the money is no He will make a way for your item to find its way back to you. People use prayers to Saint Anthony for miracles for many things but, most commonly, we pray for help in finding a lost item. dua for return of stolen items - Love Wazifa and Duas Like a shepherd tending to his flock, gather them in Your loving embrace, and redirect their steps towards the light of righteousness. I bless you because of them when I call upon you, and you hear my voice. In this article, well provide you with 6 prayers to God for stolen items to be returned in a short time. Please Lord, guide me in the search to find what belongs to me. O Allah, the one who returns the lost, by your ability and fear return what I have lost, for surely I have found it as your gift and favor. If you cannot return the money because the amount is too great and you 11/245-246; Madarij al-Salikeen, 1/396; Fath al-Bari, 11/104. Lord please help the thieves to have a change of heart and bring back all that they stole from me. I pray that you soften my heart and grant the thieves forgiveness for what they did. You know the anxiety that losing this item has caused me. The Psalmist affirms in Psalms 55:17, Evening and morning, and at noon, will I pray and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice I stand with the Psalmist. Lord I continue to keep my trust in you and serve you as you are worthy of my praises today. Recite Durood-e-Ibrahimi for 11 times. can imagine. I beg for your mercy to find this money in Jesus name. And Lord, even though I dont really feel like it at all, I pray for the thiefconvict that person and change their heart. By admin staff. It is so tiring, Lord! For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light. All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. Lord, in faith, I receive my child back whole in peace in the name of Jesus. This is a major deal for me, Godall my work was on there. will not cause embarrassment or lead to harmful consequences; if being frank I need to be thankful that it was just a possession that was stolen. If one does so, he is one of the thieves. 11 Types of Angels For Every Need - Beliefnet It feels like theyve taken more than just the itemtheyve taken a measure of trust, too. May their actions eventually lead them to find Your grace and redemption. And also bring along with them your happiness back to you by calming the anger that you felt during that period of loss. When you are at that crossroad of helplessness, the best thing to do is PRAY! I am a senior citizen, and my daughter has a learning disability. My car is the last straw that breaks your camels back in the name of Jesus. jinn, mankind, the animals and the vermin, by virtue of which they show Please help me grab hold of other truths so I can make it through the next few hours and days ahead. Our Lord God, you have made the heavens by your great power, I declare, there is nothing too difficult for you. I am not afraid that I have lost my bag (purse, wallet); I also declare that it is not stolen in the name of Jesus. 7. Father, I ask that You now take this assignment up and move as a Man of War to fully rescue and fully . My heart and mind are full of anxiety over the loss of my belongings. God bless. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. In You, Jesus, I place my trust and hope, confident that my stolen items will be restored to me. Father, as You already know, my daughter just been abducted. God will only assist you in recovering your priceless object quickly. Oh Merciful One, I ask that You transform the hearts of the thieves, instilling in them the desire to repent and make amends for their actions. You understand the importance of this item to me. Almighty God, You know every detail and circumstance. Thank you, Father, for being with me in the midst of this crazy day. Father in heaven, I pray that I will find my lost or stolen property today in the name of Jesus. I place my faith in You, that Youll help me recover the items Ive lost. Im hopeful they can find the walletthat the thief only takes the cash and dumps the wallet where it can be found. I praise you for all that you have provided for me in my life. Youre also asking to bless those who took your items. He will open doors and straighten ways for you. Bringing Christians around the world together with a weekly email newsletter. Take a deep breath. Be with me and lead me to them my Lord. Prayers For A Better Relationship With God, A Short Prayer for Stolen Items to be Returned, A Prayer for a Stolen Phone to be Recovered, A Prayer for a Stolen Computer to be Returned, A Prayer for Stolen Household Items to be Recovered. Plus, Lord, it was my favorite pursemy daughter bought it for me. Dear reader, bare your heart before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords as we pray today so bow your heart now! It can make you feel violated and so upset that someone else would be so selfish. Yes, you can. Dear Lord, I know this is a test of my faith; provide a way of escape in this one in the name of Jesus. cannot be found, then the matter should be referred to a qadi (judge) of good character. God, I thank you for the helpful people here at the mall whove been so kind to me. Im so frustrated right now, its hard for me to pray, but I know you hear even the simplest of prayers. He has to return the items to their original owner; if he had sold them then he has to give back their price on the day of their sale to the owner. I pray this with strength from you, my Savior Jesus, Amen. This was mentioned by Ibn Qudamah, al-Nawawi, Ibn al-Qayyim, Ibn Hajar and Were all unharmed, so Im grateful for that piece of reality, God. See Rawdat al-Talibeen, 11/246; Kashshaf al-Qina, 2/257. Heal my heart Lord from wanting to find my stolen items and help me make peace with the fact that they will never be returned to me. My smartphone was lifted at the store when I had my back turned. Return of stolen property & stolen goods back to you prayer MrPastor77 Reloaded 54K subscribers Subscribe 610 Share Save 19K views 4 years ago If you really enjoy the prayers, then you're. 45016. Mighty Savior, let Your light shine through the darkness, illuminating the path that will return my stolen items to me. Let us pray. This is where prayer comes into play, you dont need to do anything other than pray consistently. Keep the money safe, oh Lord, until I find it. You may be very surprised that. This prayer will help you put into words some of the pain that you feel because of what you lost. As I pray, please transform my heart toward this thief. Amen Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. I want it done according to your will and not according to my own wishes. The prayer is effective in recovering such goods as cash, computer, jewelry and other goods when they have been stolen from you. There is no doubt our heavenly father the Lord God listens to our prayer. Lord I pray that you reach their hearts and make them want to always do the right things. Thy kingdom come. But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. I feel like I need to be thankful we werent home when they broke in, but I cant really organize my thoughts right now. forgive him by His grace. When we lose or get stolen something important to us, praying is the most effective tool we have. Dear Father in heaven, I have lost something dear to me and seek guidance and aid in finding it. 5. Your email address will not be published. Pocket money for wife in Islam. Trying to find another source of communication channel is a diversion from God because Jesus said no one goes to the father besides by me . Discord is set in between you and your alibi, no matter who the person is. Thank you Father God in advance Strong Wazifa For Getting Lost Love Come Back Used to confirm your prayer submission. Additionally, prayer can help you to remain hopeful during this difficult time. repentance: giving up the sin, regretting what is past, and resolving not to prayer for stolen items to be returned in islam. It seems silly to pray about a stolen phone when there are people sick with major diseases and really serious stuff out there, but I need my smartphone to function in my life. Say these prayers for lost or stolen items when you need to remain centered and calm when youve lost something special to you. example, then we hope that Allah will forgive you. O my God, my Savior, my car has been stolen! With Your power, help me return my lost property or to trace my steps back to where I left it. I declare that the spirit of inconsistency visits you, and all your hiding skills are made foolishness in the name of Jesus. May the desire they had to steal be changed by you God to a heart that no longer wants to take what is not theirs. Archangels like Michael, Ariel, Haniel, Uriel and Gabriel are divine entities that each embody an archetype. I ask for the pawnshop owners who may come across my stuff to alert the authorities immediately. Any protesting power against my recovery be wasted in the name of Jesus. All the stuff in it would be a shame to lose, but Lord, Id really just like the purse back. Prayers To Recover Stolen And Missing Things In The Dream Father, In the name of Jesus Christ, I now approach Your throne of grace boldly and with full confidence that You will hear my very special prayer to You. You need to stay hopeful during this difficult time. So, today I pray for those who dont know the warmth and power of Your presence in their lives. Reveal the whereabouts of our stolen items, and guide us with Your divine wisdom to take the necessary steps in their recovery. The pain ranges as to how important the lost or stolen item is to us. Dear Father God, I left my computer for a moment to get my coffee refilled and someone walked off with it! Repented From Stealing But Unable to Return Stolen Property I ask that you drive the thief from my life in any further capacity. I ask of you to help me be reunited with my items, as they have more than worldly value to me. Pray that God guides those who took your items to return them. Please Lord, hear my prayer, through Jesus, the Christ, Amen. Lord, I thank you for giving me the gift of life and giving me your son freely. Islam is not a religion of despair, for Allah's mercy is vast. See: al-Mughni, 14/193; Rawdat al-Talibeen, If I dont get it back, I pray that you take away my stress about losing it. Thank you, Father, because I know that you have heard my voice, and I receive answers to my prayers in the name of Jesus. Because God is able to work miracles. Dear Lord, I know this is a test of my faith; provide a way of escape in this one in the name of Jesus. Its such an upsetting thing when you lose something of yours. prayer for lost or stolen items - CHURCHGISTS.COM its young. Will Allah Forgive Me After Stealing Something That Can't Be Returned If your lost item istruly precious to you, we have a larger collection of prayers to Saint Anthony for lost things. Thank you for your help in all things, Amen. The pain that stabs the heart at remembering a lost or stolen item can remain raw even after a long time. condition to repentance, which is that peoples rights should be restored to I know that Satan takes joy in pain, suffering, and anxiety. It is hard not to be angry, and mistrustful of the world, but I believe that if you say steal, steal, steal to the world, the world will say steal, steal, steal right back. Father, In the name of Jesus Christ, I now approach Your throne of grace boldly and with full confidence that You will hear my very special prayer to You. I shall rejoice and give thanks for Your unwavering support, celebrating Your blessings in the fellowship of Your church. May 26, 2021. Send a good Samaritan my wayto help me find and recover my lost or stolen bag (purse, wallet). I pray my sons computer is returned to him. them if it is still present or paying them the equivalent otherwise, or Please pray for the person that did this. In Your divine wisdom, You paint the world with colors of mercy and grace. In order to bring you back your happiness and emotional health. crimes against peoples wealth, then as well as that (repentance) the duty I pray not only for Tom to return the computer, asap, but, also for Eric to see that we have done all that we could do to get the computer back. Let them know that obeying the Ten Commandments is the quickest and easiest route to eternal life which comes without pain and suffering. Repentance for past stolen items - Islamweb - Fatwas Purify their hearts so that from this day onwards they will only do what is right and pleasing to you. Amen.

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