It pits a squad of Navy SEALs against a squad of Israeli Commandos. For long-range weapons, the Micro Galil was tested against the M4 Colt Commando in hitting a moving pig target surrounded by four bystanders. The grenado was detonated near several pig carcasses, one having an armor plate. The IRA man shows up at the entrance and sets fire to the entire room, burning the Spetsnaz soldier to a crisp as he screams in agony and pain. The war hawk delivered death blows to all three skulls in 32 seconds, piercing into the brainpans with a force of roughly 300 psi, while also stabbing upwards through the gel skull's cheekbone and into the lower portion of the brain, tearing off the top half of the skull. The PKM Pirate tries to shoot Escobar, but misses. Terrified, the IRA man tries to bring his flamethrower around to fire, but the Spetsnaz soldier fires and completely blows off the IRA man's head. The Korean leader manages to hold down the rifle, but the Ranger leader counters with a headbutt. SbS tell me about them they seem more secretive than the SAS. Although the Jida was longer and more likely to achieve a kill, the edge was given to the Soliferrum since it could be used as a missile-weapon and that Hannibal would be carrying several of them. The black eggs and the shuriken are the first two weapons to score zero kills in the simulations. The Samurai makes a quick thrust at the Spartan in an attempt to finish him off. The edge was given to the Siege Cannon for its intimidation factor and ability to actually breach a castle wall. The cigar completely destroyed the upper and lower jaw of a gel head but was determined to be very unreliable due to its timed fuse and small explosive payload while the explosive trap concealed in the dead drop spike decimated a mannequin. However, William, the Conqueror is Norman. The Musketeer climbs up and engages the Ming Warrior in a duel. The Samurai, undeterred, grabs the Spartan's Spear and flips over the Spartan, causing him to release the Spear. Shaka Zulu statistics: Gear Weight: Ranges between 7lbs to 10lbs. The morningstar proved to be a fast and deadly short-range weapon when it shattered a dummy skull. Back outside, a firefight starts between the only Republican Guard soldier unscathed by the grenade and the Khmer Rouge rebels. Meanwhile, the rapier-like jian could cleanly pierce through and cut up another pig carcass, piercing the aorta, and severing bone. The Spartan knocks him away with his Shield and then gets back up with his spear and shield. For short-range weapons, the tomahawk was tested against the cestus and the scissor. The Viking pulls out the arrow and looks up, only to find a second arrow coming at him. The two pull on the rope to gain control of the spear. The Villista then runs past Villa, and noticing Crazy Horse, charges at him. The shot was then simulated by an air cannon which drove a lead slingshot into a gel head and shattered the upper jaw, penetrating just past the nose. Crazy Horse quickly holsters his revolver and gives chase. The Ming Warrior running from the Musketeers fires his Pole Gun again and kills a Musketeer. How many Seal team recruits have died during training? The Mori watches as the Shaolin begins to twirl his staff around. Pancho stops firing at the last Lakota brave as he sees his last Villista run up behind him and run him through with his bolo knife. 3 Navy Seals vs SAS. The Korean leader gets to his feet as the Ranger leader does the same and tries to kick the M4 away from his hands. Tier 1- Roosevelt turns around and aims his Krag as the other two riflemen regroup with him, taking aim at the Bedouin. The Musketeer raises his sword and yells out "Vive le Roi!" For long-range weapons, neither the shuriken nor the javelin proved itself effective as the shuriken failed to produce more than minor wounds and the javelin proved slow and inaccurate. It explodes right next to the SWAT member, throwing him to the floor. A fifth is down below, setting up a Mechanically Triggered Land Mine and sticking a sword on top of it as bait. Both warriors did not bring one of their weapons in the final battle (neither team brought their sniper rifles and the Spetsnaz did not use their grenades or pistols). The Samurai flips the Viking over and readies another stab to his heart, but sees that his opponent is dead. Knight team: David Coretti (Army Veteran/Sword Expert), Josh Paugh (Medieval Weapons Expert)Knight weapons: Broadsword, Halberd, Crossbow, MorningstarKnight armor: Plate Armor. Escobar struggles to get up, but his wounds are so bad that he cannot. The battle begins with 5 relaxed French Foreign Legionnaires milling about at their campsite. The Spartan makes his move first and thrusts the Short Sword at the Samurai, but the Samurai dodges and swings his Katana. Another tries to shoot him with his musket, but misses. One of the Spetsnaz busts the lock with the butt of his AK-74 carbine and opens the gate to let his fellow soldiers in. With his javelin at hand, he looks for the Ninja while keeping his shield up. The battle simulator (created by host Robert Daly, who replaced Max Geiger) now simulates 5,000 battles as opposed to the previous 1,000. Clashing, Alexander knocks Attila's shield from his hands with a Kopis. For long-range sniper rifles, the IRA's HK G3 was paired against the Dragunov. As Joan and the remaining two knights enter the castle through the breach in the wall, William's fourth and last soldier kills a third knight with a slice to the face. For explosive weapons, the Box Mine was tested against the M18 Claymore in eliminating a group of three targets. Follow us on Twitter!Zenu Games: https:/. The blast rocks the hillside as Roosevelt and the gunner quickly turn the Gatling towards the area of the blast. Dr. Armand Dorian examined the first puncture wound, claiming that it stabbed through the heart and punctured the back, claiming that the lorica hamata was "like a T-shirt to this weapon". The edge was given to the dead drop spike for its higher success rate at killing a target with its SEMTEX payload and "fail-deadly tamper" trigger. Regular SEALs were tier 2, compared to those 3. 1 Spartan Vs Knight. The Skorpion delivered three kills but left one wounded and one alive in 12 seconds while the MAC-10 delivered five kills in 20 seconds. The Spetsnaz soldier makes his way to the bathroom and cautiously opens the door. The Vickers gunner opens fire on the Rough Riders, killing one of the gunners as he tries to run behind the Gatling for cover. The iwisa, meanwhile, shattered a glass plate and two glass orbs at a velocity of 16 feet per second, or 32mph. The rebel moves into the house, but sees nothing. Meanwhile, the Green Beret approaches from another part of the city and enters from a different gate. In the performance test, the Springfield Krag had a muzzle velocity of 1958 fps, created a damage cavity of 5-in, and imparted a recoil force of 9lbs while the SMLE had a muzzle velocity of 2592 fps, created a damage cavity of 5.5-in, and imparted a recoil force of 37lbs. As far as SAS vs Team 6 vs DELTA? For close range, in order to get a baseline pressure reading, the zombie bite was simulated by a 100lb. This is the second squad on squad battle that featured four on four instead of the traditional five on five. Nearby, the other legionnaire cautiously searches for his prey, aiming his rifle. Operator Descendant), Stass Klassen (Former Russian Military)K.G.B. [6] Over the course of several weeks, Spike revealed the Season 3 match ups. In a last desperation, the Gladiator swings his shield at the Apache, but the Apache ducks and slices the Gladiator's hamstrings. With Cyrus King, Salmaan Bokhari, Xingu Del Rosario, Geoff Desmoulin. The zhua tore apart a gel head in three strikes (causing a depressed fracture in every bone in the face), while the halberd pierced and ripped through the bones on a side of beef with the axe, hook, and pike portions of the blade, including severing 6inches into the thickest part of the femur and piercing to the spinal cord. The Gurkhas are physiologically less susceptible to fatigue due to the high altitude mountainous environment in which they live, strengthening their legs from incessant high incline traversal and lessening their dependence on oxygen after generations of exposure to the thin mountain air. Somewhere along the Korean Peninsula, a group of 5 U.S. Army Rangers are getting set to raid a Korean occupied facility, largely resembling a factory. The kopis completed the test in 25.75 seconds; the kopis decapitated one meat "neck" and cut through the spinal cord on the other. Angered, the Rough Rider attempts to draw his knife, but Lawrence follows up with two slashes to the chest, killing him. In addition, the PSG1 was more accurate in hitting its target by about 1/8 of a centimeter, so it earned the advantage in long-ranged weapons. Navy Seal vs. Israeli Commando: Directed by Kiran Gonsalves, Michael S. Ojeda. Joan rushes up and stabs him in the neck with her arming sword. Outside the embassy, KGB Agent 005 awaits his fellow agents, unaware that he is being watched by CIA 002 from across the street. The naginata failed to penetrate its target, inflicting a dent on the Spartan cuirass but not even inflicting enough blunt force trauma to break a rib. Meanwhile, the Ranger group marches slowly up a drainage ditch when one ranger trips a box landmine, sending him flying. Navy Seal vs. Israeli commando Social Issues & Current Events leader against the cupboards. The knight reaches the top first and William engages him. A hailstorm of bullets ensues as both factions open fire on each other, with a Capone flunky taking out one of Jesse's men out with a Tommy gun. After each swings and misses, Pancho closes and cuts Crazy Horse across the chest. William now stands alone in his castle and readies himself with his shield and sword. The sai is the fourth weapon to be given the edge while scoring fewer kills than the opposing weapon. Inside the basement, the SEALs break off into a 2-man unit and a 3-man unit, while a 3-man unit of Commandos heads into the basement. The SWAT member tries to shoot the GSG9 man with his LWRC PSD, but misses and is shot himself with the HK G36. At the last second, the Samurai aims for the Spartan's legs and shoots, but it goes in between them and hits the floor. Season 1 was released on DVD and Blu-ray on May 11, 2010. Behind CIA 001, a Russian KGB Agent (001) shadows him as they walk into the Embassy. The I.R.A. Deadliest Warrior: 10 Best Fights On The Show, Ranked - Screen Rant The Mori sticks his tongue out at the Shaolin again, but the monk remains calm as he pulls out a meteor hammer and begins to swing it around. The bowie hunter only killed one target and had an impact force of 42mph while the jambiya killed both targets and had an impact force of 51mph. The slingshot was a very accurate weapon (capable of hitting the eye socket of a skull), and its velocity was clocked at roughly 155mph, but it did not provide sufficient killing power. Not far away, Crazy Horse and 4 Lakota come over the hill, himself and two other Lakota mounted on horseback. The Ranger leader fights back and hits him across the face with the rifle. For military tactics, Hannibal's "Double Envelopment" was compared to Genghis Khan's "Feigned Retreat". The Mori manages to hold on to his weapon, but the distraction allows the monk to get back up. He makes a run for the trees, forcing the Mori to give chase. The Siege Cannon inflicted heavy damage on a wall with its first three shots and bored a large hole into a gel dummy with the fifth shot, despite missing it with the fourth. The Viking's round shield proved itself effective as a defensive shield and as a bludgeoning weapon. The battle begins in a field with Ivan the Terrible knelt in a silent prayer, surrounded by 2 Oprichniki horsemen and 2 streltsy. An Israeli Commando makes his way down a flight of stairs trying to aim his Micro Galil from the sights, but a SEAL who already has a bead on him shoots and kills him with his M4 Colt Commando. For special weapons, the Aztec Jaguar's tematlatl took the edge over the Zande Warrior's botto and pima. leader. The garrote decapitated a gel torso but was determined to be heavily dependent on a surprise attack from behind. For mid-range weapons, the Aztec Jaguar's maquahuitl took the edge over the Zande Warrior's makrigga. He closes in and stabs the Ming Warrior in the stomach with the dagger. The Great runs over to his fallen bowman and grabs his shield. For mid-range weaponry, footage for season one reviewed the IRA's LPO-50 Flamethrower against the Spetsnaz's Saiga Shotgun. All content is protected by copyright and may not be used for commercial purposes without prior written permission. They train in different ways and for other things. The edge was given to Genghis Khan for his tactical ability in luring away and weakening the enemy. The Irish Republican Army leader leads his four men through the lot, but wind up running into the Taliban. Green Beret statistics: Height: 6 feet, 1inch Weight: 180lbs Gear Weight: 29lbs. For special weapons, the burda club was tested against the chariot scythe. The Gurkha slashes the legionnaire twice across the face. Only DEVGRU, which is a separate unit is Tier 1. During a test of a single Taser, it was able to bring down its live target non-violently. Hernn Corts then walks up to the fallen Tsar, holding his right breast where the sword struck him and kicks Ivan to make sure that he's dead. 2. The Viking swings his axe at the Samurai's back, but the Samurai's armor manages to prevent the axe from tearing into the Samurai. It completely shattered the skull but was broken against the helmet. For short-range weapons, the Turko-Mongol Saber was tested against the Falcata in eliminating four targets on foot and one target on horseback. It was determined that both SMGs performed almost equally in eliminating three targets in 30 seconds, resulting in a draw. Alexander grabs Attila's leg and tries to pull him away from the sword, but Attila kicks Alexander in the face. The Roman Infantry force of 70,000 took the bait by focusing all of their efforts onto the center until they were trapped in a double-envelopment and slaughtered down to only a handful of survivors. He raises his gun up and gives a quick shout in victory. For short-range weapons, the French cavalry saber was tested against the Colichemarde sword in eliminating three targets from horseback and on foot. The xyston was also tested from horseback on an armoured carcass and was able to puncture through the front plate, impale the carcass through the sternum, and still puncture the back plate. The other Gurkha sniper quickly retaliates by shooting him in the head while he's still standing. The brass knuckles also managed to fracture a naked skull with one hit and cause a depressed skull fracture in three hits. The Zande Warrior rushes back to the top of his hill and runs back to the makrigga spear he put down earlier with the Aztec in hot pursuit. The Celt hits the Sagaris out of the Persian Immortal's hands and leaves him without a weapon. The velocity of the ninjato was measured and while the results were not specifically stated on the show, it was stated that the ninjato's velocity surpassed that of the Spartan's dory spear. With the head targets, the Sword of Mars caused a decapitation on one meat "neck" and cut through the cervical muscles to the spinal cord on the other. Navy Seal, the most highly trained special forces in the U.S., vs. an Israeli Commando, Isreals' most skilled fighters who defend their countries' borders on a regular basis. Comanche team: Joaquin Gonzalez (Comanche Horseman), Jay Redhawk (Master Horse Archer)Comanche weapons: War Hawk, War Lance, Bow & Arrow, Scalping KnifeComanche armor: Hair Pipe Breastplate, Buffalo Hide Shield, Mongol team: Munkhtur Luvsanjambaa (Native Mongol Historian), Jason Nguyen (Asian Combat Expert)Mongol weapons: Flanged Mace, Glaive, Bow & Arrow, IldMongol armor: Leather Lamellar, Leather Shield. 4 Rifle, Bren Light Machine Gun Gurkha Tactics: Improvised Ambush. my comment still stands. soldier. The taser shockwave shoots out hooks that latch on to the GSG9 member and electrocutes him. As the Macedonian soldiers crank the ballista, birds fly off, warning the Huns of something wrong. The chakram severed a simulated neck while the scorpion demonstrated its superior range by delivering four kills at 25 yards and one kill at 50 yards. Attila falls back, but when Alexander comes up and thrusts at The Hun, Attila sucks his stomach in, avoiding the sword. The Spetsnaz was able to eliminate all three targets without causing friendly casualties. The mechanical landmine killed all four of its targets upon detonation while the grenade only killed two of its targets and left the other two alive. The G.R.U Spetsnaz have been described as one of the most formidable, renowned, and most respected special operations forces in the world. & C.I.A. Both pistols were shot at targets while navigating a specially designed target course using a night vision device. Jesse James team: Joey Dillon (Champion Gunslinger), J.W. The Apache pulls out his tomahawk and swings at the Gladiator. The LPO-50 Flamethrower is the fourth weapon to be given the edge while scoring fewer kills than the opposing weapon. Shaka charges at Wallace, but he regains his balance at the last second and points his claymore upward. The Villa Revolutionaries continue to fire until the Lakota come too close for comfort. For SEALs, the team is a central part of their way of life; everything they do is for the teams benefit. @Lost_Rellik said: . The Flammenwerfer 41 eliminated a group of targets and burned down a hut in the brief span of a few seconds. The Ranger raises his fist and shouts "Rangers lead the way!" Snake Blocker also demonstrated Apache knife fighting techniques, such as the "piercing buffalo", on a dummy garbed as a gladiator and wearing a gladiator's helmet. Al Capone's Thompson sub-machine gun was tested on three targets as well. May 7, 2010 . Although the TT-33 finished the test at 2:02, the edge was given to the Browning Hi-Power for its 13-round capacity and heavier caliber. The Gladiator tries to cut the Apache with the sica, but the Apache knocks it out of his hand with the war club. The Yakuza's leader goes for hiding on an elevator shaft, where another Mafia member was hiding, the Yakuza leader brings out his two Sais as the Mafia member brings out his trusty shaving blade. The IRA member takes cover and fires at the Spetsnaz commander, but misses as well. Another Spetsnaz man lies on the ground and sets up his Dragunov sniper rifle. The Spartan walks up to him and thrusts the Short Sword into the Samurai's neck, killing him. The PSL is one of two weapons to not score any kills in the Season 3-formatted simulation. First, the tecpatl demonstrated human sacrifice rituals when the victim's. The battle begins in an American history museum in Chicago hosting an exhibit about Old West outlaws. Lawrence takes a step forward and swings, causing Roosevelt to shout and lunge forward. As the lead opens the door, they are greeted by another horde of zombies. The CIA elite Special Operation Group (SOG) recruits its members from . He slowly walks through the trees and makes his way to a darker part of the forest. Sun Tzu kicks Vlad in the face while he is still distracted and pulls out the halberd, hobbling away as Vlad gets back up and collects his helmet and shield again. Roman Centurion team: Terence Rotolo (Ancient Combat Specialist), Matt Lasky (Roman Weapons Historian)Roman Centurion weapons: Gladius, Pilum, Scorpion, DolabraRoman Centurion armor: Lorica Hamata, Galea, Scutum, Rajput Warrior team: Gugun Deep Singh (Rajput Descendant/Weapons Expert), Bhajneet Singh (Gatka Martial Artist), Sukhwinder Singh (Aara Expert)Rajput Warrior weapons: Khanda, Aara, Chakram, KatarRajput Warrior armor: Coat of 10000 Nails, Steel Helmet, Steel Shield. As the crossfire goes on, two Yakuza are gunned down by Tommy Gun rounds and another Mafia member is shot down by a Walther, causing the leader to run off. As one of them tries to cross, he trips a wire and activates the POMZ-2 mine which kills him.

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