ASTAROTH - Phoenicians worshipped this female demon as the goddess of lustfulness. 3. The second hierarchy includes Powers, Dominions, and Virtues. The origins of her story are debated, but again, there is a consistency in her methods. Do you have any thoughts? a demon (Oh crap, what have I done?). Those that say yes are treated to her sliced open maw beneath the mask. They are black magic practitioners who took things a little too far. However, I think the core differences between ghosts, spirits, poltergeists, and demons are power, intent, and general savagery. When they cant find the young, it is said that they hang around in graveyards, feeding on the dead. The Kuchisake-onna is a woman who walks around wearing a surgical mask. That is not to say they are nicer or worse in character. In this article we will share some iconic demon names, which you can use for naming your favorite gaming characters, and also to tease your friends or siblings with (evil smile). top 10 most powerful asuras. Also Read: 101 Best Mc Names with Origin and Meaning. strongest asura in hindu mythology. She is an immortal demon and ruler of the Kalki Purana. Gnostic, They attack people in the water, trying to steal the mythical shirikodama organ. 37394109), Str. There are a great many different depictions of Satan. Well, maybe not, but Sathanas is the other name for Satan. 2) Asmodeus. It is one of the demon names that come from Greek mythology. It is also insightful to get an understanding of how the concepts of good and evil are viewed around the world. In Dictionary of classical mythology (pp. So it could easily be argued that each and every instance of that is a demonic experience survived. Each artist or creator seems to have their own take and lore that comes into play, weaving through their worlds. [20], Written in the 15th century, this manual includes a list of eleven demons. Other types of demons are downright comical. One of the ultimate demons from Hell, Mephistopheles, has Germanic roots and is essentially the devils favorite bounty hunter. Many of the names and ranks of these demons appear in the Sabbath litanies of witches, according to Jules Garinet's Histoire de la magie en France, and Collin De Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal. Belphegors methods of spreading his demonic power come in the form of whispers and false promises. His pride was what fuelled his desire to be the biggest and the best, and that same pride led to his downfall. Where they get to know the unique traits and names of demons in different religious epics or literature. The demons Vassago, Seir, Dantalion and Andromalius are not listed in this book. However, I feel we have an interesting collection of demons from a range of beliefs that make interesting reading. You couldnt ask for a more confusing backstory if you tried. Buddhist, Cain: This name is also from the popular TV series, Supernatural. Alphonso de Spina, in 1467, prepared a classification of demons based on several criteria: This classification is somewhat capricious and it is difficult to find a criterion for it. It details the protective signs and rituals to be performed, the actions necessary to prevent the spirits from gaining control, the preparations prior to the invocations, and instructions on how to make the necessary instruments for the execution of these rituals. Akuma(Japanese Buddhism, Japanese Christianity): Akuma is a malevolent fire spirit inJapanese folklore. It would be conceivable to say that the seven deadly sins are to demons what the ten commandments are to Christians. 36. So before we start (Beetlejuice), lets first consider (Beetlejuice) what exactly is (Beetlejuice!) Eligos: In Christian mythology, he is aGreat Dukeof Hell, ruling 60 legions of demons. Myths and legends abound. Throughout history, there have been many different attempts to classify demons, extending into literature, art, and video games. 43. The bringer of light, representing pride and enlightenment, the element of air, the direction of the east, and candles during ritual. Again, there are many accounts of Leviathans origin, including that it was a beast from the abyss, tamed by God only to side with Lucifer and cast from heaven beside him. Which makes it easier to create a negative aura of them, that terrorizes the audience. They were simply beings of spiritual nature, non-mortals. Devils and DemonsTheme OverviewIn myths, legends, and various religions, devils and demons are evil or harmful supernatural beings. He ruled over the world like a warlord and lived in a mountain lair. How depending on the belief system, demons are either those that dish out vengeance and extract bloody pleasure from torturing their victims, thriving on their screams and finding ecstasy in their pleasurable pain, or they are more an inconvenience or a challenge that thrown our way that we must negotiate to have said we lived a good life. [15][16][17], King James wrote a dissertation titled "Daemonologie" that was first published in 1597, several years prior to the first publication of the King James Authorized Version of the Bible. One common bond that is shared between all different types of demons is their desire to harm, inflict pain and revel in the suffering of others. Lucifer Morningstar: This is a name for the devil which appears in the popular TV series Lucifer. Japan is a land absolutely chock full of myths, legends, and other supernatural tales. If you arent a gamer, then dont worry you can still read it as its fun. 63. The legend behind it claims the original Manananggal was abandoned at the altar, explaining why they also desire to feast on the flesh of grooms-to-be. What did you make of this list of the different types of demons? Not even close. Juiblex: this is the name of the monsters in the role playing game Dungeon And Dragons, who act as villains. Familiars, goblins, and other mischievous demons belong to the folklore of most European countries. They are the embodiment of a moment: a feeling of dread and bewilderment, or awe and wonder over an extraordinary event; or a strange sound or peculiar scent that demands an explanation; an ineffable phenomenon explained only by a supernatural entity.Little wonder then that the Japanese characters for Yokai are . They usually eat excrement and use disease as their strongest weapon. 3. Abbadon: Abbadon is a Hebrew term that means doom. Some of the popular demon characters in Hollywood films are Pazuzu (The Exorcist), Azazel (Fallen), Deadites (The Evil Dead), and Annabelle (The Conjuring). In 2014 released Maleficent, we saw Hollywood beauty Angelina Jolie, playing the lead as a satanic character in the movie. The belief in incubi and succubi (and their ability to procreate) seem to have inspired the sixth category, but it could also have been inspired in the Talmudic legend of demons having sexual intercourse with mortal women and men (see also Mastema). 7. There are a lot of scary things in this world. Whilst, in some literature demons are portrayed as having no souls and in a few, they are shown as half grey and half white. Irish, No doubt he would admit that there are such sights he could show us. Their offspring are considered incubi and succubi demons. 33. F. SEBASTIAN MICHAELIS [] Edition troisiesme & dernire . Paris, Chastellain, 1614, page 3. The favorite three are that they are the spiritual embodiment of other gods. Gamigin: He is described as a marquis who initially takes the form of a small horse before transforming into a hoarse-voiced human. 45. Related Reading: 21 Amazing Mosques, Temples, Synagogues, and Churches. Having worked in an office for a great many years before turning my attention to writing, there are never-ending references to the hellish bureaucracy of big business. Boogeyman, This popular creepy name is from in the series of the same name, Boogeyman. Farfarello, This is the name of a demon who is in Dantes Inferno. However, for those worried about coming across a demon, the chance of you encountering one, certainly one of the really nasty kind, is very slim. The Book of Abramelin, possibly written in the 14th or 15th century, lists four princes of the demons: Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial. This particular demon was created from the cremated ashes of the Hindu god Kmdva. The Rise of Demons in Media, Entertainment and Gaming Industry: Demon Names in Mythologies and Religious Epics: Some famous Demon names For your Gaming Characters: 70 Powerful Demon Names from Mythologies and Pop Culture. From the classic red imp through to the goat-headed demon. Classifications might be according to astrological connections, elemental forms, noble titles, or parallels to the angelic hierarchy; or by association with particular sins, diseases, and other calamities; or by what angel or saint opposes them. Another interpretation is that Shedim are the offspring of Lilith and, well various archangels and other men. Bakasura(Hindu mythology): This demon name is from Mahabharata (Hindu religious text). In Japanese mythology, the demoness Yuki-onna is a powerful entity associated with winter and snow. There are many different texts that make reference to Lilith, who is often portrayed as a firey, red-headed woman. 58. There we have it, a list of the different types of demons throughout the world. Poseidon. 39. Crowley: He is a demon referred to as King of Hell in the TV series, Supernatural. 4. 37. Gremory: This is one of the cool demon names from Christian mythology. This final rejection is too much for the samurai to accept, and he kills the girl. Types of Demons: Weirdest & Most Powerful Demons Around the World TheCoolist Art Fire and Brimstone: Types of Demons From Around the World By Alex Laybourne Updated on November 16, 2022 In this post, we will take a walk on the dark side and look at the different types of demons across the world. But one of them decided to diverge from the main melody and create his own. Bhta/Bhoot(Hindu mythology): It is a supernatural creature. Out in Bali, there is a demon known as the Leyak. The following types of demons are gathered from different folklore from around the world. The Okiku is an interesting demon set in the context of a story regarding morality. Its a little bit like fingers and thumbs. Considered the deadliest monster in Greek mythology too. The baseness of the earth, independence and self-sufficiency, the element of earth, the direction of the north, and the sword during ritual. Now you will never run out of demon names to give to your favourite gaming character. 2. He created evil 2 Zozo 3 Valac One of the scariest demons I have ever see. The Leyak seeks out pregnant women and feeds on their unborn childs blood. Yet, no matter their appearance, mannerism, or kinks, they are used to represent all that is bad and evil. 14. 16. However, the powerful call of the almighty dollar is strong, and it is easy to fall prey to the maniacal whisperings of Mammon. In different religious mythologies, we can see the rise and fall of demons. So, without further waffle, lets take a look at some of the strangest types of demons from folklore around the world. ISBN: 9781782976363. Seeing as how the Shedim is not a singular entity but rather a group, there are several interpretations of Shedim and, in particular, their origins. 23. This does go some way to discredit the fallen angel theory, but we wont go down that rabbit hole right now. However, it will forever be the Germanic lands that he calls his true home. It is also a similar base for the Yamauba. [26] This association was inspired by the demonic hierarchy from The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage. The grandfather & father of Zeus, the most powerful god. The story goes that as Oedipus was traveling down the road to Thebes, he is confronted by the mysterious creature. However, we who name Jesus as Lord need never fear them. 22. Each entry names a demon and gives a source in parentheses. Lucifer: pride Beelzebub: envy Satan: wrath Abbadon: sloth Mammon: greed Belphegor: gluttony Asmodeus: lust Spina's classification of demons [ edit] Alphonso de Spina, in 1467, prepared a classification of demons based on several criteria: Demons of fate Incubi and succubi Wandering groups or armies of demons can include multiple regions in hell The answer is that demons are basically souls, who have been corrupted beyond imagination. Preta(Hindu and Buddhist mythology): It means Ghost or evil spirit. Alastor: InChristiandemonology, Alastor is a kind ofpossessing entity. However, no king can rule on his own. 17. Now, there will be others, and there are certainly sub-classifications of them all. Roman, References. Blackheart, A supernatural villain from the Marvel comics. Id wager every family has that one aunt who turns up at Christmas just to sit in the corner and spout threats and warnings related to this demons cunning ways. (Greek Mythology) 34. One prince of rebellion, of angels, and darkness: Four Princes of spirits, upon the four angles of the world, Despite listed separately, Agrippa mentions that these groups are identical, making the first as the Hebrew equivalent of the names of the latter. Mazzikin are mean little critters and are invisible types of demons who cause everyday stresses and tribulations. Mysterious Powerful Vajra; Vajra Ethnographic Museum Antwerp. While the Manananggal sounds like a terrifying creature, eliminating them is a straightforward affair. Behemoth: Massive beast, believed to be like a hybrid of dinosaur or crocodile (Ancient Jewish) 33. So check out our list of popular demon names taken from mythology and pop culture. He discovers hidden things and knows the future of wars and how soldiers should meet. Until now, the types of demons we have encountered on this list have been relatively mundane as far as the whole demonic activity thing is concerned. As a horror author, this is a post that speaks to my heart. But before jumping on to the demon names lets learn about the origin and history of demons. This hierarchy is essential not just in terms of classifying the demons themselves, but when looked at closer, it is important in establishing and maintaining the complex world that starts at the center of Hell and spreads through all levels of existence and theology. Lucifer is classed as the demon of pride because it was precisely that which led him to lead the heavenly rebellion. However, in demonology, Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Satan (more on him in a bit) are regarded as separate entities. 1. Demons categorized by office are often depicted in a militant hierarchy, in which a general may hold command over some designated legion for a specialized function which they may trouble men. However, as a prince of Hell, he is not a demon to be trifled with. Ghoul: It is ademon ormonstroushumanoid originating inpre-Islamic Arabian religion. These offices are usually elaborated in several grimoires which determines their authority in hell or abilities. The name Alastor is also used as a generic term for a class ofevil spirits. Christian, indian demon. What follows is a number of examples of demons as they have been presented by Collin de Plancy in his 1863 "Dictionnaire Infernal". Rightly placed as a prince among the demons of Hell, his high ranking in the demon hierarchy is safeproviding we continue to follow our own insatiable appetite for riches. Jesus himself mentions the demon when he says, You cannot serve both God and Mammon.. Considered in many texts to be a shapeshifter, Belphegor uses this ability to achieve his aims, taking on the form of whatever he feels will get his chosen victim to listen to his lies. Bad Ash, This is one of the most well-known demon names which appears in the Evil Dead films. Typhon If ever there was a demonic act, then it would be a miscarriage. 6. most powerful demons in hindu mythology. Akkadian, 30. A deep and rich story interwoven across different deities and storylines. Bael: In Christian mythology, he is described as a hoarsely-voiced king with the power to make men invisible and ruling over 66 legions of demons. Yokai is not simply the Japanese word for demon, as is sometimes believed. Christian demonology A Adrammelech Alastor Asmodeus B Baby jumping Baphomet Belial Belphegor The Book of Giants D Dancing devils of Corpus Christi Demogorgon Dusios E Evil entities in Christianity G Antoine Gay Gello H Mette Hardenberg I Incubus From his ashes, the God Kmdva was recreated once more, and things were restored to their previous balance. She glides over the ground, almost like a ghost. They can take control and assume human form, and their idea of a good time goes beyond saying boo or opening a few cupboard doors. There does appear to be a clear demon hierarchy, but we will save that for later. Bali Raj/Mahabali (Hindu mythology): This demon was sent beneath the Earth intoPatal Lokor The Underworld byVamanaAvatar ofLord Vishnu. Mapuche, His red skin only added to his angry image. If the works of authors such as Clive Barker have taught us anything, it is that pleasure and pain are only separated by a thin line. However, that is a little bit generalistic. The land of giants, faeries, witches, and dark magick. The same four demons appear in the Semiphoras and Schemhamforas. Almost all cultures and beliefs have their version of the incubus and succubus types of demons. Alichino, almost everyone, especially in academia is familiar with Dantes legendary work, Inferno. In the greatest Hindu religious epic, Ramayana, we see the chief antagonist Ravana. 68. As they can bestow them with supernatural powers, give them quirks and make them wear dramatic makeup and costumes. Especially in November, as that is apparently the month during which Asmodeuss powers are at their strongest. From Michaelis's work, available on BNF: The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage, "Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy, Book III, chapter 24", "Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Occult Philosophy, Book III, chapter 18", "Weyer's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum at Twilit Grotto",, Wandering groups or armies of demons can include multiple regions in hell, Demons that try to induce old women to attend, Obsession: Used to describe spirits that follow upon certain people to outwardly trouble them at various times of the day, Carnivale was also a prince of Powers. A lazy being, Belphegor manages to keep his seat at the devils table thanks largely to the greedy and lazy nature of man. However, he lost himself to a life fuelled by lust and luxury. Wendigo, This monster is from the TV series, Supernatural. March, J. R. (2022). All hail Sathanas! To be honest, these days a person possessed by a lust . 9. The story behind Mephistopheles is that he, too, once made a deal with the devil. It is one of the popular spirit names. I realize it would be sensible to continue with religion-based types of demons, but I wanted to break away a little and look at things from the broader perspective of folklore and culture. The date is very dubious, though it is considered the oldest surviving work particularly concerned with individual demons.[1][2]. Out of all the demons on this list, Asmodeus is the one who gets my attention. There is no shortage of demons associated with Christianity. However, once the sun goes down, their heads and entrails come away from their bodies, and they fly around looking for human flesh to sink their teeth into. These forlorn figures would often become angry, impish spirits which would be comparable to demons in other faiths. The following list of demons looks at the different types of demons associated with Judaism. 52. Pseudomonarchia Daemonum does not attribute seals to the demons.[24]. Another interesting take on his position as the prince of wrath is that Satan was the angel used as the instrument of Gods wrath before his fall from grace. However, Kali certainly seems like a demonic character you dont really want to mess with. So the numbers game is definitely in your favor. The classic image of a demon is one that makes an agreement in exchange for your mortal soul. Thus joining the unholy ranks of the demons of Hell. When thinking about supernatural entities, your primary groupings are ghosts, poltergeists, spirits, and demons. Money is the root of all evil. This is not because he so enjoys hacking and slashing at human flesh. From where we can acquire knowledge about the faith, fear and beliefs of the people in the older times. Either way, he is one nasty dude and, if encountered, should not be taken for his word. Azazel also introduced women to cosmetics. Anthony, this is another demon name from the TV show, Supernatural. If that is the case, then numbers would be infinite or, at the very least, too vast to even give a number to them. He was a demon king who abducted Sita, the wife of Lord Rama. While many things on the supernatural scale will haunt, demons crank it up to 11 and possess. It is widely decreed that demons are pure evil. He fell to Hell, becoming the first occupant, the first ruler; the undisputed king and most powerful demon (sorry, Crowley). However, it is believed that after leaving, Lilith pushed her way through several angels trying to stop her before eventually bedding an archangel Samael. These types of demons are the cheeky little blighters of the demon hierarchy. 41. All of the information in this article is gleaned from researching multiple sources. While it could be argued there is a certain ingenuity in that line of thought, it remains, at its core, a lazy mans attitude.

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