It can be seen as diminishing active citizenship, because the codes of the conspiracy cannot ultimately be shattered, but it can equally be seen as empowering, to the extent that it generates widespread skepticism about the official narrative. A recent mockumentary, in the alleged voice of George Harrison (available at Netflix), covers the territory in an over-the-top manner, focuses on MI5s investment in protecting the British national interest, . I saw a photo where Faul was clearly wearing a prosthetic ear piece and I got to tell you, that was the smoking gun that started my research and in other photos you can clearly see that Paul 66 and prior had nice, smooth rounded ears with connected ear lobes and Faul (after 67) does not. In fact, the crash never happened. So a man named Billy Shears (or William Campbell), a Scottish lad, was made to fill in, after the requisite plastic surgeries. I dont understand what its all about., A reporter from New Yorks WMCA, Alex Bennett, arrived in London on 22 October. Did Paul McCartney Die in 1966? | The British MI5 also announced an investigation to determine if an imposter could have indeed posed for 48 years astheMember of the Order of the British Empire,Sir JamesPaul McCartney,during official ceremonies involvingQueen Elizabeth II. Why? These pictures from 1966 show the great resemblance between Paul McCartney on the left, and William Shears Campbell on the right, at the time of McCartney's alleged death. The Beatles are said to have covered up the death, despite inserting a series of clues into their songs and artwork. Neil Armstrong alluded to it in this interview he gave upon returning to earth (insert some link to an obscure site that no one has ever been to, trust me though, its legitimate). You can listen to some of the back-masking and other clues here, here, hereand here. But its also true that some who see differences in things are patently wrong. And there are many reasons to have or to fake or to misrepresent a crash if ALSO Paul died, possibly in a crash. On 24 October McCartney agreed to speak to the BBCs Chris Drake. Just as literary (deconstructive) textual analysis takes us to conflicts that resonate with us -- sub-rosa clashes of morality enacted by the critic in alliance with the reader (with the artistic creator standing at a distance) -- conspiracy theory, with its proliferation of endless clues, allows us an alternative route of access to the deeper meaning of history. '", "A History of the Cat in Nine Chapters or Less". The Beatles were no longer propagating nave love anthems, giving voice to teenage female angst, deriving inspiration from early '60s girl groups like the Shirelles and the Ronettes and making it more musically sophisticated. Heres a theory: The Paul Is Dead myth, was a hoax, actually thought up by Paul, Hey Lads, lets make up Im dead! and the rest went along not realizing how big the gag would get all of this fueled Pauls overbearing ego eventually they were too dug in to get out of it and I it became a major element in leading to disharmony and the eventual break-up and the other 3 becoming fed up with being sidemen for Paul thats Johns quote. I believe the truth will come out before he dies. And we're talking merely on a biological level. The images are from different eras and part of the general record. The magazines cover featured Paul and Linda with their children, in a picture taken on their Scottish farm. Wait, this is a hoax? William Campbell allegedly became Billy Shears on Sgt Pepper, while William Sheppard was supposedly the inspiration behind The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill (actually an American named Richard Cooke III). In September 1969, American college students published a series of articles in which they claimed that clues to McCartneys death could be found among the lyrics and artwork of the Beatles recordings. The following excerpt comes from a post under the titlePaul is Dead:New evidence based on computer enhanced forensic technique. I posted a link above, for part of that info, with more links given inside that page, as well. (1994), wanted to make a major artistic statement with the cover, and recruited designer Peter Blake for the job. Ok I am revealing a big secret here but Billy Shears is the name of the actor/musician who portrayed Paul in The Beatles following his tragic fatal/and or disfiguring 1966 auto accident. We felt guilty about the deception added Ringo Starr. Therefore, it is alleged that Lennon was assassinated in 1980 because he was about to go public with the Paul conspiracy, and the same is alleged about George Harrisons attempted murder in 1999 and his subsequent premature death in 2001. In a droll lecture, Nick Kollerstrom focuses on MI5s investment in protecting the British national interest. wait, you CANT just go into cemeteries and start digging bodies up? Regardless of who he really is, the new Paul (some call him Faul) was certainly coerced (or simply assigned by MI5) to play a roll that only preordained destiny could have fatefully brought to him in 1966. Learn about the ears, the height, the teeth. James Paul mccartney vs. Bill Campbell | Mr. Conspiracy Theory The mana Canadian named William Shears Campbell, or Billy Shearsseems to have disappeared from the earth after November 1966. They could never split up as a normal group, have normal afterlives in their solo careers, or die naturally. Looks like Paul with glasses, mustache, and combed back hair. Ok so in one of the forums on this topic I said a few months back that I thought the Paul is Dead Rumor began in 66 or 67 and if they didnt start it, the Beatles jumped on it. Billy Shears replaced Paul and the rest, as they say, is history PAUL'S REPLACEMENT - BILLY SHEARS. *The Security Service, commonly known as MI5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5), is the United Kingdoms domestic counter-intelligence and security agency and is part of its intelligence machinery alongside the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS; also known as MI6) focused on foreign threats, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and Defence Intelligence (DI). The Wondrous Light of Truth - Dilara Esengil document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You can unsubscribe any time. Who is Billy Shears? - Encyclopedia of Opinion - Parlia For it was Paul who was the premier singer for the first and most famous of all the British Invasion Bands to invade North America. EMI would not have allowed him to die either. There was a winner though, from Edinburgh, named William Campbell. It replaces unbearable randomness (which is to say our own incremental, almost undetectable, death) with pure intentionality. Heres another take on the fans out-of-body excitement and uncontrollable urges: Clearly, MI5, MI6, together with the British Monarchy and Parliament had to make a very swift command decision to hide the death of Paul McCartney. Ringo Starr Claims The "Real" Paul McCartney Died In 1966 PLUS Forensic A generation realizes maturity is at hand, but refuses to grow up, and PID becomes one attempt to stall its maturity toward an unwanted realism. You may be well aware of that, but it does need to be pointed out in general. I have one foot firmly planted in the PID camp. Why Paul, though? In his revealing Rolling Stone interview in 1970, John Lennon was asked about the death story. ), to think that PID is interesting-but-ludicrous (where on earth would you be able to find a left-handed bass guitarist/acoustic guitarist/pianist/singer in time for Hello/Goodbye and Let It Be filming? William Shears Campbell, better known as Billy Shears, does indeed "disappear " from records in 1966 and no traces of him can be found after Paul's alleged death. Whether to trust their affairs to rapacious but effective agent Allen Klein or Pauls well-heeled father-in-law Lee Eastman (both New Yorkers) was a big reason for the groups unraveling. has the best of the Memoirs' "Paul is Dead" material (excluding those . For PID theorists, the question remains as to how a musician as talented as Paul could ever be replaced, with the alleged impostor perhaps even more successful than the original. Sometimes known as theRock and Roll Revolution, this global movement respected no boundaries and utilized the universal language of music (and English) to transform the entire planetary civilization. . But anyway: We are not debating a single clue here; we are pointing out that THE ITEMS ARE NOT MADE UP (largely). Steven D. Stark explains this well in "Meet the Beatles: A Cultural History of the Band that Shook Youth, Gender, and the World" (2005). Did Ringo Starr Admit Paul McCartney Died In 1966, Replaced With Look Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. The license plate of the Volkswagen Beetle reads 28IF (meaning Paul would be 28 if alive). LaBour later admitted it was all made up (at the mock television trial attorney F. Lee Bailey conducted on RKO TV, questioning protagonists such as a petulant Peter Asher, Pauls ex-girlfriend Janes brother). He is even playing Glastonbury in 2020. That's because William Campbell is McCartney. Billy Shears was an alias for Ringo Starr and was used as the announcement/segue for Ringos song "With a Little Help from my Friends on the Sergeant Pepper Album. It is mere emotion which drives your comment. in particular yields a rich overlay of meaning, and everywhere the apparent gibberish becomes illuminating, a piercing cry of grief that is the perfect antidote to the earlier Beatlemania. This site is not associated with The Beatles, Apple Corps Ltd, related organisations, or any members of The Beatles or their representatives. But, of course, there was absolutely no truth in it at all, as the Beatles Press Officer found out when he telephoned Pauls St Johns Wood home and was answered by Paul himself who had been at home all day with his black Mini Cooper safely locked up in the garage. (Source:MI5). In 1966, James Paul McCartney was killed in a car crash and replaced with a double; a session musician by the name William Shears Campbell. It works this way. A little over 50 years ago, on Nov. 9, 1966 (9/11 in British usage), Paul McCartney was decapitated in a, In the annals of college newspaper writing, surely Fred LaBours, ranks among the very top. His face changed in the space of a couple of years when he was in his twenties. I dont know, you know as much about it as me No, that was bullshit, the whole thing was made up. I can only say its not true.. Conspiracy theory in the political realm is often more true than false, if one thinks of it as a symbolic code deciphering power relations. The Beatles, I would argue, had reached the farthest possible point with their interpretation of music as a counter to political reality, and had exposed, with ". Thanks for all the work, keep it up on that website about something can be know or whatever. Rather, they had started constructing a social utopia ("Sgt. As the reigning cultural deities of that decade, the Beatles died for us and went to heaven (or archival immortality). They picked a panoply of historical figures (for example, Aleister Crowley, the influential occultist), whose choice only fed into the PID theory, and they are all at a funeral (or celebration, if we heed Martin), mourning Paul or the Beatles, the yellow hyacinth wreath spelling Paul? and laid out in the form of a left-handed guitar (McCartney is left-handed). Billy turned out to be a pretty good musician and he was able to perform almost better than Paul. J claimed on TV hed heard it first from the newspapers or uh & looks very nervous for a split second (you can see the clip on Youtube or in The Winged Beatle. Visit the Beatles history section. It is called Photoshop. It was supposed to last only a week or two, but time went by andnobody seemed to notice, so we kept playing along. Miss Him! You are wrong re. Fred LaBour says his review was satirical and admitted making up most of the details. We dont know on that one, but its not impossible that behind the scenes things were messy. Billy Shears Campbell is a musician, a singer and a man about townif not a man about the world, or even the universe. Conspiracy, to repeat, is the imagination of excess, the acknowledgment that imagination cannot contain everything, the refusal that the work of art can ever be contained and closed; it is liberating precisely for that reason, especially if we think of political performance or spectacle as works of art produced and engineered, behind the scenes in technocratic warrens, for the dormant masses, who refuse, however, to abide by the law and give up their creative agency. It all started as a joke that got out of hand. "Paul Is Dead" was a hoax story that begun with a rumour in January 1967, acknowledged and rebutted in the February issue of fanzine The Beatles Book. A British version of the rumour is believed to have existed prior to the American one, with fewer details. Game Over. No, he is not an imposter! The purported Mal Evans Living the Beatles Legend (supposedly lost book) page in TWB is at 1:01:00 (overall page shown but bottom blurred), and then 1:01:07 bottom of page shown only, but unblurred. PID consumers all but seem to desire Pauls death. That is the point of PID. The One-and-Only Billy Shears: An Interview with William Campbell on To spare the public from grief, the Beatles replaced him with a man named William Shears Campbell, who was the winner of a McCartney look-alike contest and who happened to have the same kind of. I do SO want to believe Paul is dead and Faul took his place. Also (as if there were more difference one needed as proof, but of course different ears will have many different features), it is further back than Pauls upper leg of antihelix, pre-1966. How could we do it? His picture is included on the poster that came with the White album in the lower right-hand corner. . How, in the end, is PID any different from Thomas Pynchons ". Although The Beatles and their press office at Apple were initially bewildered and somewhat annoyed by the storys refusal to die away, there is evidence that the group members themselves found it amusing. In an exclusive interview with the Hollywood Inquirer, Mr. Starr explained that the real Paul McCartney had died in a car crash on November 9 1966, after an argument during a Beatles recording session. It must be acknowledged that Paul McCartneys replacement was tasked with one of the toughest jobs in the world. cover, arguably the most famous in the history of records, allows much creative interpretation. I doubt we will ever be told in a straight forward way but it certainly makes you go, hmm. as the first concept album (and it remains the most successful one to date). It was because of the end of the 45 rpm record played up high with the end of strawberry fields song where John clearly says I buried Paul. When the rumor got to America the new pressed editions of that song said cranberry sauce. But rock stars were going down by the bucket if not by drugs then by accident. Also, if youre interested in going down the same rabbit hole I did, there is endless fascinating material on the internet. magazine reporters traced Paul to his primitive Scottish farm, once major American media started going wild with rumors), and the music that came out after the break was a radical departure from not just their own oeuvre but from the history of rock music to that point. I dont know where that started, that was barmy. The Truth About The Paul McCartney Car Crash Myth - Grunge It is wider, not narrower than the 1966 leg of the antihelix; foreshortening narrows, it doesnt widen. Pepper.. Billy went through plastic surgery and singing lessons to replace Paul MacCartney and take on the role of Paul (not just replace him). The band was founded on April 20, 1993 in Orlando, Florida, by Lou Pearlman.

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