Alt Propulsion. I have information to the effect that a certain Mrs. Frances Swan from Eliot , Maine contacted Mr. Wilbur Smith concerning communication with an alien source I bet where hes going, he doesnt need roads. The Alt Propulsion community is highly intersectional, and were sandwiched between the aerospace, defense, electrical engineering, physics, UFOs, and frontier science cultures, said the conferences moderator and organizerTim Venturain an email toThe Debrief. [26] A test of this claim a year later yielded null results. The Foundation nearly disappeared after Babson's death in 1967. Therefore, the correct way to state absolute zero is zero Kelvins. Other temperatures using this scale are read in the same manner, e.g., 350 Kelvins, 19 Kelvins, etc. Look through his site & forum & youll see what Im talking about. Are the U.S. and Canadian Militaries Building Flying Saucers? One may think of this as a repulsive gravity or anti-gravity, but do not read too much into it. The possibility of creating anti-gravity depends upon a complete understanding and description of gravity and its interactions with other physical theories, such as general relativity and quantum mechanics; as of 2023 physicists have yet to discover a quantum theory of gravity. LiveScience - YouTube Yup it does sound like bogus to me. Background In astronomical terms, gravity dominates nuclear and . :), mrbiotech said: In the linked WMV demonstration video of the levitating thing with the blinkey-red light PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE UPPER-LEFT HAND CORNER. Is it still possible post 9/11? Given that Hutchisons claims are outlandish and his credibility damaged by admitted fakery, it is likely that the effect named for him is complete claptrap. an 89 per cent reduction in gravity s hold on airframes in such vehicles as the B-2 Stealth Bomber and the TR3-B Triangle craft. This man has come up with a proven and repeatable way of saving energy by utilizing a type of energy that is not really understood by the general public. This may have been true in the dawn of science where a lot of discoveries did not need advanced equipment or manpower, but its not true now. Smith claimed that in 1952, a time of the great UFO wave, the U.S.A.F. It goes against what we know about the physical Universe and is therefore impossible, they say. Although the equations cannot normally produce a "negative geometry", it is possible to do so by using "negative mass". Military support for anti-gravity projects was terminated by the Mansfield Amendment of 1973, which restricted Department of Defense spending to only the areas of scientific research with explicit military applications. I heard about a reaction that someone discovered and it could only be replicated in some labs this was because the glass test tube that the person used had trace elements of carbon that acted as a catalyst in the reaction whereas other labs used different glass so the experiment didnt work. In the 20th century, Newton's model was replaced by general relativity where gravity is not a force but the result of the geometry of spacetime. Physicists from the Max Planck Institute and the Perimeter Institute in Canada have developed a new approach to the unification of the general theory of relativity and quantum theory. Under general relativity any form of energy couples with spacetime to create the geometries that cause gravity. ROFL I usually dont get the jokes in here as you have to understand too many basic scientific STUFF. Many scientists strongly believe that antigravity isn't possible, given what we know about the universe and the laws that govern it. My BS detector goes crazy when somebody claims to be able to do things that are silly, like make irons stick to their hands or mix wood and metal. However, most scientists believe that such anti-gravity research is fundamentally flawed. Most of the documentation regarding Project Magnet remains classified. Covering items like the Hutchison Effect that are probably false detracts from the rest of the site. Well then, there you have it. Hence, if you have mass or energy (the equivalent of matter, according to the formula E=mc 2 ), then you have the . And it is a pretty amazing conpect. The radio wave interferences involved in producing these effects are produced from as many as four and five different radio sources, all operating at low power. Since you enjoyed our work enough to print it out, and read it clear to the end, would you consider donating a few dollars at ? His research equipment included a magnetometer, a gamma-ray detector, a powerful radio receiver, and a gravimeter to measure gravity fields in the atmosphere. It is also called vacuum energy because it is descriptive of the energy in a perfect vacuum, where no light or matter is present. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered. Is Anti-Gravity Real? Science Is About To Find Out - Forbes Hahaha. Some temporary changes in the crystalline structure and physical properties of metals are somewhat reminiscent of the spoon bending of Uri Geller, except that there is no one near the metal samples when the changes take place. The guy is just a salesman with crap to sell. I would imagine that an object, suddenly released from the bonds of gravity, would start moving in a straight line relative to the spin of the Earth, yes?. Railway employee from Opole, Joachim Ibrom; Dr Otto Cerny (whilst working at NASA, recounted Nazi Bell to Greg Rowe) . Keepers. Thanks for studying this important information if you do, Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez He became further convinced of the existence of UFOs, and that they used magnetic forces to operate. That ufo video was absolutely hilarious. A Canadian fisherman was down south fly fishing with an American fisherman that happen to be a . To me, this guy looks like a shaved wedding-dress guy than a scientist. The cause of this bizarre physics discovery? Electrogravitics: Antigravity, Tesla, and a Military Cover-Up. However, it continues to run an essay award, offering prizes of up to $4,000. [citation needed] Over time the Foundation turned its attention away from trying to control gravity, to simply better understanding it. On August 7, 2014, American scientist Boyd Bushman died. [43], The Institute for Gravity Research of the Gde Scientific Foundation has tried to reproduce many of the different experiments which claim any "anti-gravity" effects. I just thought this was kinda funny: dont people conventionally put their names at the end of their comment? Unlike the "normal" scenario in which gravity was the primary force controlling the movement of fluids in the chamber, in the vibration scenario, the levitating layers feel both downward pressure from gravity as well as an upward force from the pressured air they've created below them. The anti-gravity research conducted at Wright Patterson concluded in the early 1970s with the passage of the Mansfield Amendments. It holds you to the planet and keeps the planet orbiting around the sun. How did they do it This kind of inverse buoyancy isn't something you're likely to observe in the wild, so instead the researchers created a highly tuned research environment using a glass chamber, glycerol and silicon oil, and a vibrating plate. BTW, the Kelvin temperature scale is not measured in degrees. He also claims to work for the US Military while living in Vancouver, Canada . Edwards, Deputy Minister of Transport for Air Services, accepted the proposal. In 1921, while still in high school, Thomas Townsend Brown found that a high-voltage Coolidge tube seemed to change mass depending on its orientation on a balance scale. It was over 2,000 years ago that Archimedes allegedly ran naked and dripping wet through the streets of Syracuse, Italy exclaiming "Eureka!" The Nazi Bell (Die Glocke) - The Philadelphia Experiment From A-Z Smiths reply was, Im sorry, gentlemen, but I dont care to go beyond that point. The US Navy has been granted a patent for an advanced aircraft which resembles a flying saucer UFO. That by the new findings,have been turned up side down. In the real world of peer-reviewed studies, corporate-funded labs and general relativity, however, "antigravity" is a dirty word. I do not think name calling is exactly the kind of forum in which most of the Damn Interested care to participate. . Gyroscopes produce a force when twisted that operates "out of plane" and can appear to lift themselves against gravity. Aug. 6, 2007. And perform calculations at speeds even faster than the most super of all supercomputers today. No further information about this university research project or the "Gravity Generator" device was ever made public. In this state, random electromagnetic oscillations can still be observed, meaning that there is still some amount of energy present. :). Famously, Russian Nobel laureate and physicist, Pyotr Kapitza, discovered in 1951 that applying vibrations to a pendulum could create a secondary stable equilibrium point. At the present time, the phenomena are difficult to reproduce with any regularity. "What is antigravity?" By amplifying that gravitational strong force, and using antimatter reactor high . Required fields are marked *. But, actually, many great scientists are/were. In a sense, they proposed that gravity has its own dark side: something, now known as dark energy, which overpowers gravity's attraction. It should be noted that the entirety of thermodynamics is represented by the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is insignificant in a context of 0 Hz to infinite Hz. He noted that two identical masses, one positive and one negative, placed near each other will therefore self-accelerate in the direction of the line between them, with the negative mass chasing after the positive mass. This program studied a number of "far out" designs for space propulsion that were not receiving funding through normal university or commercial channels. (June 21, 2010), Millis, Marc G. "Responding to Mechanical Antigravity." Oh, and I kinda have to believe the Canadians are a race.extraterestrial race, but a race none the less. Even inside NASA. Also, there is no evidence of displacement, such as would occur if, for example, one were to sink a stone into a bowl of water. For example, take those novelty clocks you can power with a potato. The information here may be out of date, incomplete, and/or incorrect. In the article, a scholar named Jonathan Campbell said: The first thing to understand is that Li Ning The doctor's device is neither an anti-gravity machine nor a gravitational field shield. Apergy is a fictitious form of anti-gravitational energy first described by Percy Greg in his 1880 sword and planet novel Across the Zodiac. rawr. In 1996, Russian migr scientist . The foundation has offered a reward of one million euros for a reproducible anti-gravity experiment.[44]. I understand the term scalar in reference to geometry, and wave is obvious, but put them together and it doesnt appear so obvious to me. [16][17] Major newspapers announced the contract that had been made between theoretical physicist Burkhard Heim and the Glenn L. Martin Company. Follow-up studies on Brown's work and other claims have been conducted by R. L. Talley in a 1990 US Air Force study, NASA scientist Jonathan Campbell in a 2003 experiment,[29] and Martin Tajmar in a 2004 paper. John Hutchison's life changed drastically in 1979 when, upon starting up an array of high-voltage equipment, he felt something hit his shoulder. Essentially, the concept of tapping zero-point energy assumes that the universe is saturated in a constant background energy which we cannot observe because it is present everywhere, even within ourselves and our measuring devices.. Learn how your comment data is processed. Note that this does not count conceptual discoveries such as relativity or math theories. But, while this discovery may be ancient, a team of French physicists has now discovered a new kind of buoyancy that they call "anti-gravity." The Hutchison Effect occurs as the result of radio wave interferences in a zone of spatial volume encompassed by high voltage sources, usually a Van de Graff generator, and two or more Tesla coils. Alan Bellows is the founder/designer/head writer/managing editor of Damn Interesting. The online videos indeed feature close-up shots of objects which appear to be levitating and moving in strange ways, but many suspect that his levitation tricks are fakery. esoteric said: Btw, can anybody actually satisfactorily explain what the heck a scalar wave is?. Along the equator the earth spins at 1,670 kph I dont think you want play with anti-gravity. gravity, also called gravitation, in mechanics, the universal force of attraction acting between all matter. Rocks are the most intelligent beings on this good earth and in all the universe. In the linked WMV demonstration video of the levitating thing with the blinkey-red light PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE UPPER-LEFT HAND CORNER. Quantum theory and the theory of relativity fail in this almost infinitely dense and hot primal . Since she worked for NASA, I doubted . Introducing Anti-gravity & Quantum Energy technologies with a new Up side down. Second, thank you kenfo for injecting some airtight logic into this comment section. Soviet Weather Engineering Over North America / Scalar Energy Weapons [Documentary | 62mins]:, CBS 60 Minutes Cold Fusion, More Than Junk Science:, Heavy Watergate: The War on Cold Fusion [Documentary | 45m]:, Action 6 News Segment on Stanley Meyers Water Powered Car [2m]:, Stanley Meyers 1992 Water Powered Car Interview [37m]:, Lightworks AV Free Energy the Race to Zero Point [Documentary | 110m]:, Letter from the U.S. Army reminding Mr. Hutchison that the information regarding The Hutchison Effect is Classified:, Letter from Electric Spacecraft Journal of Research containing information that was submitted to NASA for use in improving anti-gravity spacecraft propulsion technologies:, Document from The Planetary Association for Clean Energy, discussing possible theories behind how The Hutchison Effect is generated, and all sorts of other relevant information, including a time line of relevant events concerning John Hutchison and The Hutchison Effect:, Document from Nuclear Physicist, Dr. Robert Koontz Ph.D, testifying to the validity of The Hutchison Effect:, Document from the Canadian Department of National Defense, discussing some of their equipment that Mr. Hutchison has used to generate the anomalies of The Hutchison Effect:, Document showing that some of Mr. Hutchisons research has been submitted to NASA:, Letter to NASA briefly discussing The Hutchison Effect and its potential application for space exploration, and it also mentions that Mr. Hutchisons experiments have been successfully replicated by Toronto researcher George Hathaway:, The Hutchison Effect An Explanation Military inventors filed plans for a highly unusual flying machine which uses an 'inertial . Using an experimental protocol involving dense liquids, vibrating plates, and toy sailboats, these scientists demonstrated a kind of " anti-gravity " allowing boats to sail upside down with ease . "Anti-gravity" is often used to refer to devices that look as if they reverse gravity even though they operate through other means, such as lifters, which fly in the air by moving air with electromagnetic fields.[1][2]. This might not seem impressive at first, but it is if you consider that the concept, for now, remains completely hypothetical. By Tom Fish 06:25, Fri, Sep 4, 2020 | UPDATED: 07: . Ill get back to you when I better understand this phenomenon better. Lastly, Canadians and midgets cannot be trusted. John Hutchison (born October 19, 1945) is a Canadian inventor known for The Hutchison Effect Alternative Energy Devices ,Life Exstention Projects with Vitamins, Navy ship dismantling Restoration of Machine Tools His sense of humor mostly and acting abilities as seen as his character Karla Kniption and others who are featured in films and radio You should be a door-to-door door and doorbell salesman. Electrogravitics Propulsion Thought to Power UFOs, Military Craft | Gaia "This counter-intuitive upside-down buoyancy phenomenon suggests that the stabilization of RayleighTaylor instability through vibrations can be considered not only in itself but also as offering opportunities for new experiments in unexplored conditions," write the authors, referencing a phenomenon that occurs between liquid surfaces of different densities, as their experiment used. Hutchison is a bit of an eccentric, conducting his experiments in his apartment using surplus Navy and Army electronic equipment. in exaltation over the discovery of a fundamental physical phenomena: buoyancy. It does not refer to the lack of weight under gravity experienced in free fall or orbit, or to balancing the force of gravity with some other force, such as electromagnetism or aerodynamic lift. the Montauk Project, Anti-gravity or Nazi experiments: Be always sure that you extensively check out the . . In a series of papers co-authored with fellow university physicist Douglas Torr and published between 1991 and 1993, she claimed a practical way to produce anti-gravity effects. But hey, Im not a scientist.. The focus for the future, then, is first to increase the frequency of occurence of the effects, then to achieve some degree of precision in their control. The link to see what is new these days is right here, That just goes to show that we know very little about magnetism. But hey, Im not a scientist. 1c3d0g said: White_Matter: shut your stupid little trap before someone does it for you. its just that the greedy bankers,could not figure how to meter it out for $$$. Crackpot alert! With . The issue was considered solved in 1960 with the development of CPT symmetry, which demonstrated that antimatter follows the same laws of physics as "normal" matter, and therefore has positive energy content and also causes (and reacts to) gravity like normal matter (see gravitational interaction of antimatter). 1997. There's been no shortage of hoaxes, conspiracy theories and credibility-straining reports regarding its research.

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