Okay then. He's always been little. ], [The Eds are walking through a field of sunflowers. "[Eddy uses the device on Ed's face. Give it up! "Kevin: [spotting Nazz] "You okay? ", [Ed's head slams into the door to the factory before finally breaking through. "Kevin: "It's the dorks! What on earth did they do? [She turns the camera to Jimmy, who is dressed like a pirate.] He looks over to Ed, who is trying to get the camel to run. Probably getting back at me. ]Marie: "Get back to work, snoutface. ]Sarah: "Pigs are so gross. "Edd: "That's it, Eddy! Edd puts the glass to the door and his ear to the glass while Eddy stashes himself in Ed's pocket. [Eddy chuckles. "Aah!" ]Eddy: "What happened? "Ed: [joyful] "He's got moo-moos, Double D! [to his friends] "LOOKING KEEP LOOKING! ]Eddy: "Double D! ]Kevin: "How do you like your faces? It was produced by a.k.a. [He gallops around, looking for it.] Stream Ed, Edd n Eddy on HBO Max. Sleepytime guys." The cause of it was an unseen scam, which went horribly wrong and caused destruction and serious injuries to the kids. "Aaaandaction! [Wilfred does not appear.] The picture is only marred by a despondent boy wheeling his bike across the grass. Something big! Eddy finds something and hides it behind his back. "[At this point, Eddy is clinging to the trailer door while his brother is trying to yank him back to be punished. ]Sarah: "You idiot! Online. The door breaks loose from this one, and is quickly followed with the other hinge giving way. "Eddy: [trying not to laugh and is sure Edd's putting on an act] "And? Leave our friends alone!" It says so on my comic book!" It then backs up and goes through a fence. By this time, each shot is thrown so hard that it nearly knocks the trailer over. Do you see him?" About the ending of Big Picture Show. "[The Eds stop in the middle of the factory. Nazz and Jonny rejoin the chase. "Eddy: "I'll autograph your head with my foot! Whoa. ]Edd: "Yes, well, where could one groom this tendency to pranks and puerile practical jokes? "Eddy: "Quit talking in your sleep, Ed. "Hang on, man! [He joins in the attack. Are you okay?" "Marie: "Pinocchio head. NOOOO!!!" [He selects his usual tie. ]Eddy's Brother: "All for nothin, huh?" Eddy leaps up, terrified. ", [The Eds trundle down the road. ]Ed: "Can your brother send me brain waves too, Eddy? [He hugs his friend. Ed dives into the grass and leaps out of it. "Where ya goin? ", [The sun dawns brightly, beaming down on a picturesque field. [Wilfred squeals.] 11.5k. "Lee: "Taking care of our boyfriends. "Edd: [sweating profusely] "Yes. [He heaves it upright and begins to work on it. [He bursts into tears. "Eddy: "What doesn't? Writers: Jono Howard Mike Kubat Rachel Connor Stacy Warnick Danny Antonucci A sprinkler is watering Kevin's lawn. I'm pretty sure they won't be going back to the cul-de-sac. "Marie: "Yeah!" "[Ed burrows into the ground and wiggles around until he finds a big rock. Splinter steers the bus downtown as Captain Melonhead joyfully rejoices in finding his friend again. In the lane, a familiar red hedge rises. ]Lee: "What a deadbeat this guy turned out to be. "Kevin: "Aw, don't sweat it, doll. [Eddy pulls himself out. Wilfred!" . ]Ed: "Ollie ollie oxen free!" Bad! "[Suddenly, the screaming stops. The second he sees it, he loses his composure. "My bro's always prepared!" The lights come on and a bell rings. "Marie: "It's one of them! If I might partake in this chat? [unwrapping the caramel apple] "See? Goodness, Ed, that's filthy. ]Eddy: [imitating his mother] "Um, my little Eddy's not home right now! Wilfred wriggles out and runs away, squealing. Rolf seems to have been mowing the lawn before suddenly stopping for some unknown reason. "Kevin: "No foolin. GO HOME! He pushes Edd to the door, and a piece of toast falls off Edd's back. "Jimmy: "Think of what they'll do to them, Sarah! ", [A familiar pair of legs tramples down the sidewalk. "Edd: "And a boat it is, Eddy." Ed hungry! Lee screams in pain. Jimmy cowers while everyone else looks at it, confused. "Lee: "Yeah! "[Edd goes over to the jar of fireflies and opens it. "[Captain Melonhead zooms off again. He finds Edd sticking leaves to a spiderweb. It's doors open and we see our heroes, ready to venture into the world so they may find and defeat the villainous scumbags Ed, Edd, and Eddy. "Kevin: "That little twerp wouldn't have the" [realizing something] "That's it! ]Ed: "Gotcha, Eddy!" The magnet pulls the bear trap from his head. ]Jimmy: "Second verse, same as the first! [He starts the climb. A classic. The car flies into the air and over the wood. ]Ed: [drenched and shivering] "Cold! "Pain! If this is some kind of foolish joke you're playing, it's not funny. Suddenly, he spots something, and his eyes bulge. The rock tips over, and the car explodes. They come to the front door and skid to a halt; something outside is hammering on it, trying to get in. [He approaches some stairs.] ]Rolf: "Who goes there? "[Edd is still in his seat, there only because of his seat belt. "[Kevin turns around. "[Ed and Eddy are sinking in quicksand. ]Edd: "Wait! Unfortunately, it runs out of momentum just short of the side and hangs there, swinging. They pass by a mountain of trash. The machinery begins moving for perhaps the first time in 10 years. On top is Rolf, directing it; on bottom, Wilfred, tugging it. What's it called? Fried or scrambled? [He realizes who it is.] Nazz follows, shutting the door behind her. Duh! [He labels the rock. Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show (2009 TV Movie) : Cartoon Network/Warner Bros. Television/a.k.a. Ed Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show Post Credits Ending We coulda stopped there." The Eds scream as they go through the woods and fly over a ravine into the junkyard. "Ed: "Me too! ]Eddy: "That's stupid. ]Ed: "Say it ain't so! This is the transcript for the scene where Jonny and Plank take the bus and the heroes are in the swamp in Tino Tonitini, Ed, Edd, n Eddy's Big Picture Show. [running after his friends] "Wait for me, fellows! Finally she smacks the sticks on the kindling. "Sarah: "Aaaandaction! "Kevin: "Get a grip, Nazz! ]Edd: [following him in] "Eddy, do you think this is wise? "[As he looks for them, a long hedge rolls out. Like up, up, but no away! ]Rolf: "No." Nazz is also missing her red bandana and is gagged with a blue one]Rolf: "Double D Ed-boy? "May: "No it's not. "Jimmy: "Wilfred can't help his oily complexion, Sarah!" ]Edd: [gasping] "Private property? [Eddy walks past. "[Rolf crashes through the door, and Nazz, Kevin, Jonny, and Plank follow him in. ]Edd: "A whale?" ]Rolf: "Run like my worn stockings, Wilfred! "Sarah: "What the heck? Cai! ]Eddy: "Our problems are over, boys!" [He rubs Ed's tongue on the door, coating it in saliva then tapes the wallpaper to it.] ]Kevin: [shoving her aside and examining the rat] "What is this, a joke? Bad!" [He sticks it to the web.] ]Edd: "EDDY! ]Marie: "Pinocchio head." "Ed: "Oh boy, oh boy, I forget what we're doing! IT'S ME! Jonny peeks out of it. "The Ed-boys shall riddle Rolf's rind no more! Wait for them to come back?" Among the destroyed items are a record and a bowling ball. "Edd: "You mean England, Eddy. [He runs past her.] "Guard the provisions. "[The credits roll as the kids sing. ]Sarah: "Jimmy! [He smiles sadistically. ]Edd: "Eddy? "Edd: [looking through his ties] "Opinion please, Ed. At this moment, they reach the end of the fence and fly out over a dumpster. "[A piece of the door breaks loose. ]Captain Melonhead: "PLAAAAAANK!!!! ]Eddy: [tapping the jar] "So these things know where my bro lives?" "Good lord! ]May: [whining] "Lee, Marie swore!" "[Splinter pulls him forward. And some bacon! "Edd: "I think you mean naive, Eddy. A voice speaks from it, and the Eds start in fear. ]Kevin: [ranting] "I can't believe it! ]Kevin: "Time's up, Dorko! Sorry! "[Ed puts some bread in a toaster and sets it to go off before grabbing a bag and stuffing it full. We are so alike! "Kevin: "Good one, Nazz. The door starts to buckle as something pounds on it. Among those, his shuddersome stink bomb recipes, his heinous hot sauces, oh and my favorite, malicious misleading treasure maps, together with other contentious callous cons, lead me to suspect your brother's quite the jokester. "Jimmy: "That's Rolf's piggie, Sarah!" ]Ed: "Land ho!" The rope tightens and the melon begins to move, coming forward until it hits a mailbox. 38. "Eddy! [moving Edd aside] "Look out!" ]Jimmy: "Oh, please! "Marie: "Yes it is. [Edd turns around and walks off. "Jimmy: [following Sarah] "Did we miss the Eds beating? [turning to go in the other direction] "Ssh! ]Eddy: "It wasn't my fault, I swear!" And? "[Wilfred suddenly charges forward, pushing Rolf backwards. "Ed: [going under] "To all the girls I loved before. ]Kevin: "I just don't get her, man. Sarah and Jimmy watch. ], [The Eds are walking through another wooded area. ]Ed: "Pardon me, miss, but I think you dropped your lunch!" Like the little shrinking eggplant Jimmy boy, Rolf cries and cries and cries! "Edd: [considering] "I suppose one could get used to the confining nature of tights. ]Eddy: "My eyes! We are three no more, Eddy! No sudden movements now. "Lee: "Get in line, girls. Edd makes a label reading "Caution", slaps it on a puddle, and continues walking. Psst! ]Lee: [hugging him] "Your queens in shining armor have arrived! I like you, girlfriend." Ed stands up and steps out of the hole. "Eddy: [tugging on the doors] "HEY BIG BRO! "[Sarah brings the bucket up into Lee's chin. "Ed: "Help! The snakes fall all over in a rain, landing on a roadway. "[Splinter the Wonderwood has commandeered the bus. This." The door won't hold for much longer! "Timber, the Dark Shard:The Gourd: "It's the end of the movie? "Kevin: "Those thieves couldn'tve got far. "Rolf: "Rolf will assist you with the Ed-boy flogging, Kevin!" [She stomps off. [He picks up the note, folds it, and puts it in the trash along with many other failed attempts before starting again.] Cheese and macaroni! He reaches over and pulls the pin from one of the hinges. Nazz warms her hands by the fire. "Eddy: "And away we go! Skip to main content [She attacks him. Rolf is knocked backwards by the blow, but some good comes of this; the helmet breaks, allowing Rolf to see again. ]Eddy: "What's that stupid thing? "[A memory hits Ed. Um, fellows! ]May: "You bet, Lee! [Eddy kicks the door open. "Can we please get down to the business at hand?" [wrestling with it] "This thing must come" [It snaps back onto his head. ]Edd: "Um, excuse me. [He grins insanely.] What are you doing here? "If we're goin anywhere, I know a place so out of the way, it's practically invisible. [The bucket hits the wagon and boomerangs back to hit May in the back of her head.] [to his sponges] Be free, dear friends! As the older sibling, don't you think you should rather be setting an example for Eddy, and notum" [Eddy's Brother smiles sinisterly.] "Lee: "Quit your squawkin and keep it movin!" [Ed bursts into his room, knocking the door off its hinges and into the back wall. ", [Edd stands at the office door. Gimme that! [He rubs Eddy's armpit. "[The Eds look up with a start. [after a few moments] "WHERE'S MY FLOWERS DUTCH?!?!?" "Ed: "I think he flew over here, Eddy! "[Edd and Eddy each grab an arm and pull. [Ed crawls from the swamp.] "[Eddy looks out the window and spots Kevin. ]Lee: "So none of our beeswax, huh? A forest substrate. "[Kevin has come back with his bike. A half-finished bottle of soda and a can of wood varnish occupy each end of the board. "This bed's killing me! Ed, drumroll, please? SHAKLAHAM! He approaches Eddy. ]Ed: "Ed pooped. Can we go now? The only rock for miles, and you had to hit it! "[Edd swings the bottle forward. What scares Rolf is not the cow, but the cow's udder. "Eddy: "Looks real, don't it? ]Timber, the Dark Shard:The Gourd: "What? Help! ]Ed: "Double D's dark side makes my armpits sweat, Eddy. "[They crawl through the field. All I know is we're stuck in a swamp off the middle of nowhere!" "YEAH, YOU HEARD ME! [He grabs Wilfred and they roll forward like a wheel. [He pulls his friend out.] Eddy could be the world's"Eddy: [being twisted into a strange shape by Ed] "Hey, ow, stop! Wilfred? "You're awesome. ]Rolf: "Rolf will have the Ed-boys on a spit by nightfall! I gotcha! ]Sarah: "Okay, Jimmy. Eddy, belly sad!" ]Rolf: "Wilfred! "Lee: "Nobody's askin, Marie!" ], [Wilfred is following the trail. [He begins to search for his sidekick.] Cartoon : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive When a scam goes horribly wrong and leaves the neighborhood kids furious, the Eds embark on a journey to find Eddy's brother in the Ed, Edd, n Eddy series. Your brother is a whaler? The car turns left, and Kevin follows. [despondent] "I've never taken a bus before. ]Edd: [staring at Ed] "Oh, umcute. [He races around the park, looking for his brother.] ]Ed: [looking under a bush] "Double D? High in the tree, Jonny reaches up and finds a bird's nest. ]Jimmy: "My hero. The wagon tips over, spilling its load behind May. [Edd reaches into Eddy's pocket and searches through it. When they come out, they are blanketed in dead flies. ]Kevin: "Back off, melon dude!" Rolf opens the canteen and pours oil out of it, onto the seat. "Kevin: "AAAAAAHHH! ]Eddy: "More bricks, Double D! "[They toss the basket over the fence into Peach Creek Estates. So why didn't I follow my instincts? "Jimmy: "Ow, ah! [He plops a gourd on his head. "Nazz: "What about his brother? "Eddy: [pushing his hands away unhappily and reveals his true nature to everyone] "I made it all up, Double D. Everything about my brother was a lie. "[Rolf punches straight through the tree. "[Eddy's Brother turns his tinted sunglasses towards the kids. ]Ed: "Wiggle my toes, wiggle my toes. "[He waits for his friends to come back. Suddenly, Rolf leaps out and brandishes his pitchfork. "[Splinter the Wonderwood is nowhere to be found. "Gimme my man. "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "Huh? ], [Wilfred has come to rest under a tree and is chewing on some sausages. [He runs off. "Ed: "It wasn't me! The scam, my brotherthiswhen am I gonna learn, Double D?" ]Eddy's Brother: "Park don't open till noon. Edd joins them. Bugs are hitting Kevin as well, but he doesn't seem to care. "[The Eds run to the front doors of the factory. They are but a few blocks from Mondo A-Go Go.]. "Eddy's Brother: "Pipsqueak? [sinister] "I bet he wants a date." Can I join you? [Nobody replies.] ]Edd: "Eddy, look! "[Eddy chases Ed off a cliff. "Kevin: "You are so on fire today, Nazz. Well excuse my sincerity for thinking I had lost the only two people I have left in this world!!!! "We'll never find my brother, Double D."Edd: "Never say never, Eddy. [He pulls the land the boat is onout from under them so the boat lands in the water.] I gotcha! We're trespassing! "[Suddenly, a bus honks as it pulls in. "Eddy, didn't you say your brother was once a whaler? "Ed: [leaping out] "Down for Ed, Double D!" "The Eds did something really bad! It will appear on Pandora.TV in the near future. "[Edd leans out the window and grabs onto the merry-go-round. [from a telephone pole] "BRO! Where are the Duke of Deli Meat's hearty edibles? [He stumbles backwards into Ed, who has a fork through his head. He puts Plank on a melon-shaped chair and spins it before going to another one, sitting on it, and spinning it as well. He fell for it like a ton of canned hams. Oh, man! "Plank:Jonny: [whispering] "You're reading my mind, Plank! "Ed: [panicking] "What do we do, Eddy? "[Suddenly, the floor beneath her crumbles, and she falls. Fireflies start to gather. Eddy looks in, and an arm reaches out from inside the jacket and grabs him. Spying the candy store, he decides to check the gumball machine. "Eddy: [panicked] "Don't just stand there! "Eddy: [getting it] "It does? "Kevin: "I gotta admit, pal, that was so choice. ]Eddy: [whispering] "This is all your fault, Sockhead!

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