This is is in agreement that there were only , 1,713,823 Other still claim to be combat vets as an explanation for emotional problems. Some records burned; those that survived give no hint that he ever left the United States. They werent. 'I'm not going to get into that. As for phony Vietnam veterans, I still meet them all the time. Fake Vietnam combat vets UPI NewsFeature - UPI Archives Some individuals who do this also wear privately obtained uniforms or medals which were never officially . The same vet websites Kevin links to also give a ~9.1 million figure for "military personnel served on active duty during the Vietnam Era." to 14 million had claimed to be Vietnam Veterans and subtracted the true number More than 8 million people served in uniform during Vietnam and those who are alive are typically in their 60s and 70s. does not seem to be accurate and my review of the census doesnt bear this out. Additionally, the American War Library approximated that around 164,000 Americans who served at . At the same time, she said, I think it is possible that in some cases, theyve told the lie for so long, and its so integrated into their perceptions of their life experiences, that, psychologically, its almost like a truth, because if theyve been telling the lie for a long time, then they dont have the challenge of someone whos making it up for the first time.. Like the nonexistent Census data of 10 million fakers, this seems to be all totally made up by Shipley to push his own agenda. Are there people involved in the Roswell case who lied? In fact, he had been assigned as a supply clerk in a Marine brigade on Okinawa, Japan. REALITY: Yandle did serve in the Marine Corps but never received combat medals and was never in Vietnam. That same web site published an article, Who Are the Real Viet aircraft into Vietnam had a financial incentive.) I called my alleged Ranger back, said I wanted to clear up the unit name and asked him twice to repeat it. Steph Curry killed off the Kings with a smile, On an island of resorts, this Hawaii hotel is the budget option, Des Linden unveils new book, shares race day must-haves, Why every Californian needs an air quality monitor, Things to do in Napa Valley during Bottlerock, plus hotels, Your Privacy Choices (Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads). He said that 90% of the Vietnam Veterans never saw combat but that is probably based on the idea that for every service member in combat there were nine supporting him. It was Saturday night as the newspaper prepared my D-Day story for the Sunday edition. (At other sites, the claim is the 1990 or 2000 CENSUS) I just posted a link with results to the 1995 Census Statistical Abstract of the United States, upon which Beaton claims the statistics resides, and as proven by the Census document itself, there is NO SUCH NUMBER, only the number of living active duty vets during Vietnam. It takes the heart of a Warrior to find deception and take it down. I asked the spokesman if he had a unit roster of some sort. He had served time in Georgia for auto theft. But experts say the figure, whatever it might be, is small compared to the tens of thousands of ex-warriors who still suffer emotional wounds from Vietnam and who would rather not even talk about the war. The United States Vietnam War Commemoration is hosting a "welcome home" event in Washington DC. I have been unable to find that precise survey, but this seems to be the place where the 13,853,027 number of impostors comes from. I have searched in vain for this alleged FBI study. organizations., I think The Vietnam War was the nation's longest and costliest conflict of the Cold War. Report comments that violate these rules. David, David, David I tried to end this diplomatically but you just cant let it go. I know that there are many Point prevalence of PTSD for Vietnam veterans was 9% in the 1980s and for OIF/OEF veterans was 8% (Richardson, Acierno, Frueh, 2010). Local community celebrities appear no less prone to telling such tales. "I said no such thing. Members of chapter 239 of the Vietnam Veterans of America rushed to his aid. But, the former Ranger said, call this other former Ranger down in Pennsylvania; he was in that unit. I found out quickly IF I listed military service, early on for jobs, I did not get the job!Its only since 9/11, that I did start seeing 'Nam unit hats!When I see one or a bumper sticker & the vast majority seem to be genuine. 569).No. 8 people who lied about their military service - WPTV ElbertAlfie 8 mo. None were real. As it turned out, my guy wasnt on the list. His story was detailed, yet he under played his role. But as I soon learned, this fellow was hardly the only person who has fabricated or exaggerated wartime exploits. He was a stateside Marine. They said, All credit and research to: Capt. Richard Blumenthal Not the First Public Official to Misstate Military Here are some notable tales, along with the less glamorous versions found by Burkett: REALITY: He spent the war behind a desk as an intelligence officer, was "wounded" when he got drunk at a party, fell down a ladder and broke his leg. 'It was out of the high esteem that I hold for you that I took your honor as my own and in doing so did you a grave injustice.'. Burkett -- his parents nicknamed him Jug, in honor of a favorite golf pro -- has spent the past 13 years unmasking hundreds of men around the country who have claimed to be Vietnam veterans, Vietnam heroes, Vietnam- post-traumatic-stress-psychos, the guys you read about in the papers ("Viet Vet Kills 14 in Post Office Rampage") and see on the median strip of Van Ness Avenue, wearing signs over their tattered fatigues that proclaim, "Vietnam Vet -- Will Work for Food. Vietnam Veterans Against the War: Commentary: Fake Vets Chasing Fame - VVAW "But, you know, maybe I'll do a book on all the heroes of Vietnam. Burkett, but flights of fancy can also be shot down. The census count in 1995 apparently The difference here, I believe, is that I find myself talking to these people because of location while others, given there locations, simply don't run into the fakers.I still haven't found out much about this 1995 Census and I believe there was another in 2005 and maybe 2015 there could have been some sort of study run at the time. Since you are so death on fraudulent Roswell witnesses, as you should be, I think you would be equally outraged by phony, clearly fabricated statistics, fraudulent references given in support (U.S. Census), and fraudulent veterans charities taking advantage of veterans. VA experts says others fabricate stories to grab attention, or in an effort to get disability benefits for bogus combat injuries or fake post-war stress. This alone falsifies the claim that the Census data shows 10 million fake Vietnam vets.The ONLY possible evidence in Census data I have found of POSSIBLE fakery was the 2000 Census, which found 8.4 million saying they were Vietnam ERA vets out of the actual 8.7 million figure of the Pentagon. I doubt there are 10 million of them, but it appears to me there are a lot of fakes. Prompted by the support of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Weld recommended Yandle's release, and in October 1995, after 23 years behind bars, Yandle walked free. Atty General: This Organization Took Advantage Of The Good Will Of MILLIONS Yet Failed To Fulfill Nearly All Of Its Promises To Help Those Who Have Sacrificed For Our Nation.If Beaton and the VVF are the original source of the Census claim, they are hardly a good source. How many Vietnam era veterans are there? I dont know what stopped me, but I heard myself saying the words, Too good to be true, and decided to call the Ranger headquarters at Fort Benning, Georgia. claiming Vietnam service who were not there and that there are many claiming I have run into many of them and I don't get out all that much. I never saw it, but returning friends told me about it.All this to say, for me, its weird. You have extrapolated meaning into somewhat innocuous sentences. few:,,15240,84591,00.html, He was driven out of the group. He brought out a shadow box filled with decorations and a folded flag; his kids had made it for him, he said. The work led to 48 arrests, the VA recovered $562,888, and authorities levied $1.23 million in fines. You can read about this here: this does demonstrate is that a minority of men and women who were in the military during the Vietnam era were actually deployed into the combat arena. In this country, fakers did proliferate following the Vietnam War, according to Burkett. There are literally millions of them.You can reject, out of hand, the 13 million figure and the military web sites that use it, but I have traced it to its point of origin which was a survey conducted by The Vietnam Veterans Fund and by Captain Scott Beaton so that we have a good source on it. The efforts of latter-day watch-dogs such as Sterner, Burkett, the Schantags, fake Navy SEALcatcher Steve Robinson and others have given military fakery the appearance of being a modern phenomenon, particularly during the Vietnam era. Tag Archives: Fake Vietnam Veteran - (I wondered about this because it made no sense to me I explained that given the way some of this was explained on the various sites was somewhat misleading and I was mislead, but you have nothing to prove that it is wrong other than your own beliefs. The There they can find independent confirmation of my service as a helicopter pilot and aircraft commander.The other thing is that if you ask the impostor for names of places, unit designations, or other information, they are often hard pressed to come up with any sort of intelligent answer. a note about sources. He has a weekly caseload of about two dozen real vets. PDF Sobering Statistics Concerning Vietnam Vets As of April 2016 Dennehy did play football for a Corps team on Okinawa, Burkett reported. U.S. veterans [ edit] According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 ( VEVRAA) states, "A Vietnam era veteran" is a person who: served on active duty anywhere in the world for a period of 180+ days, any part of which occurred between August 5, 1964, and May 7, 1975, and was discharged or . Along the way, Burkett has picked up a few enemies: "There had been some threats, and the brokers and secretaries were afraid of being killed, so they moved me way down the hall to this office." How many fake Vietnam veterans are there? (I will note that this is also a politically driven The only number coming out of the census was 8.5 million Vietnam era veterans of which according to other sources, about 2.7 actually served in Vietnam. The project, it would turn out, had a profound effect on her. In 2003, he addressed a rally in Bridgeport, where about 100 military. Heres Maybe creating phony statistics on nonexistent vet imposters was designed to get vets understandably angry so they would send their hard-earned money to scam vet charities like the VVF. A Parade of Fake War Heroes - Los Angeles Times In 2007 the effort snagged eight people who were receiving VA compensation for combat injuries, although none had served in combat and two had never served in the military. copies of the VFW magazine or the ROA magazine so that we can see if they As for Burkett, he still gets calls from cops seeking advice on how to run records, or even from skeptical wives and girlfriends who suspect their men may be playing a bit loose with the truth about their exploits in "the 'Nam." I've run into a half dozen in the last few years, that were to quick to tell stories of their heroics & actions.Too me IF one says they were a Seal, or a Green Beret, I push a bit. The story was essentially done at that point, but I said, Sure. 'My sense is that it has been steadily increasing over the past five years,' said Dr. Greg Andersen, assistant director of the VA hospital in Menlo, Park, Calif. 'They generally fall into two categories: Those who want to enhance the image of themselves, and those trying to prey off the public.'.

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