(Waternoose closes in on Sulley, rising up on his legs intimidatingly.). Mike runs after him. The 2012 3D re-release and 2013 DVD, Blu-Ray, and Blu-Ray 3D versions use the 2006 Walt Disney Pictures logo.). They look up to see a giant monster! GO! Mike: You're the boss, you're the boss, you're the big hairy boss. I'm thinking about getting it cut. , (Luxo Jr.'s light turns off on the last note), Scene 1: Monsters in the Closet/Mr. (Ms. Flint rewinds the tape, then plays it. Oh, come on. (Claws' assistant slaps him across the face.). Mike: Yeah, it's, ah, "Bring An Obscure Relative to Work Day". Monsters, Inc. (2001) - Quotes - IMDb Great news, pal. It's okay, it's all right. ), (Randall straps Boo into the scream extractor chair. Great. ), Sulley: Ooh, ah, the happy bear, he has no , (Boo reaches for the bear, accidentally touching Sulley's hand. Sulley: I went back to get your paperwork and there was a door. (Then, Sulley angrily closes the wooden door, and tries to prove that it's not "Boo"'s door.). Boo! ), (The same image of the restaurant becomes part of a news report, with the word, "KID-TASTROPHE!" are heard emerging from the set. (Mike swings the broom, Sulley lunges after it.). ), (Boo gives Mike a big hug. ), (Celia gasps. I know you can do this. This has gone too far.). You haven't seen anything, have you? Waternoose: (to CDA) Gentlemen, safety is our number one concern. Up! Sulley turns to see Waternoose standing in the room, closing the door behind him.). In a moment all the apartment windows are glowing brightly. Ple- stop, stop, stop. Speed: Marker. Mr. Waternoose: (to camera) Of course. Mike: Think romantical thoughts. ), (The Scarers stop opposite their doors. I love you." Okay, on three. (Sulley and Mike exchange a confused look. ), (Randall quickly changes back. Sulley: (on TV) We're working for a better tomorrow today! There is nothing Sulley can say. Without scream, we have no power! See the bear? Mr. Waternoose: (on TV) the best refineries, and research into new energy techniques. Mike: Psst. (As George gets to the door, Sulley bursts through, trampling George.). Celia: (o.s., over P.A. I went and got her card key, and now I have her card key. Needleman: Hey! Schmoopsie, I thought you liked sushi.. Celia: Sushi? Roz: Well, isn't that nice? I never should have trusted you with this. Randall steps on Sulley's other hand. Boo waves goodbye, taunting.). Mike smiles in recognition. (Meanwhile, Boo plays with some tools hanging on a work panel. A Bug's Life/Transcript | Moviepedia | Fandom Sulley: Mikey, there's a scream shortage. Needleman: You're messing up the scene! "), (Sulley stands waiting in front of a bathroom stall. Is he hearing this?). You both have. (Mike leaps onto Sulley's back, sending both of them tumbling down the side of the snowy mountain. Sulley: Now, look, what if we just put her back in her door? Anybody scaring in here? (Sulley has an idea. Mike, Sulley and Ted cross.). A Bug's Life Bloopers | Scratchpad | Fandom Fungus: (flustered) Oh! Here we go. Mike: I don't like big, moving things that are moving towards me. ), (Mike gasps. Do I get the part? George Sanderson, please remain motionless. Go fetch. (Randall grabs Fungus' mouth, shutting him up. ), (Back in the bathroom, Sulley crawls playfully along the row of stalls. (Mike prepares himself and walks towards Roz's station.). (Charlie, Waxford and Frank gather around Randall, congratulating him.). CDA Agents: (all shouting) 23-19! Heh. We're walking. (Sulley opens the closet, but with Roz inside it. Mr. Waternoose: Now, give us a big, loud roar. What are you doing? He frantically removes the door that's currently in the station.). (Mr. Waternoose, CEO of Monsters, Inc., steps from the shadows.). A cleaver chops through a piece of raw monster fish. We see the toys on the shelf. Sulley: Just keep it together. Because of you, I am now stuck in this frozen wasteland! Inside, Mary sings. FATHER: Sleep tight, kiddo. The door turns, suddenly going into a ninety degree drop.). ), (Randall uncamoflages in front of the door, and opens it. Mike: Could we get a little more wax on the floor, please? The camera loves me. Sulley: Mike? (A monster photographer is about to take a picture of a happy monster couple.). Mike: Sulley, what are you doing? Mr. Waternoose: Well done! Mike: 1, 2, 3, 4! (Sulley swings at Randall and misses. Yeti: Oh, I just assumed you were buddies, you know, when I saw you out there in the snow hugging and all that Mike: Look at that big jerk. ), (Now Boo approaches Sulley. The Irelanders Goes to Monsters Inc/Transcript It's a work in progress. Sulley: What, you mean You mean, I can't see her again? ), (Befuddled, Mikes looks to the window. Mike: Schmoopsie-Poo, I really can't talk. Ms. Flint: Uh-huh. I know! The door slams in his face. ), (Mike and Sulley pass Blobby who suddenly oozes through a grate and into the sewer below, leaving only eyes and teeth a top the grate. The curtain flies open. Roz: That's the way it has to be. Ow! 1.8 Scene 8: End of the Day 1.9 Scene 9: Meet Boo 1.10 Scene 10: Harryhausen's Chaos (Fungus struggles and grows pale as the machine does its work. (Peterson inserts chattering teeth into his mouth as he walks into a closet door. Sulley continues. They see Randall, Fungus and the scream cart.). Take your hands off me. ), (Sulley holds Boo as he and Mike run down the hallway.). You just get the machine up and running, I'll take care of the kid. Mike and Sulley's TV smashes to the floor. (Randall swings down from the rafters, kicks Sulley and sends him tumbling backward out of the open door. Oh, no! It's a new haircut, isn't it? ), (They place the sock on the floor. Laughter emanates from all the doors. gym bag, scoops her up, and zips it closed. ), (Nothing from Boo, who is not in the mood to laugh now.). Amplified stomach gurgles are heard while he waits. His nerdy assistant Fungus alternates the patterns. Yeti: Oh, no, no, no. Just like Randall said! Multiple day-care kids: (o.s.) It's active. It's still leaning to the left! He comes to a stop in front of a portrait of Waternoose, and breathes a sigh of relief. Sulley's nervous face is hit with light as he scans the room. All the doors are being returned to the vault. Step Brothers (2008) Bloopers, Gag Reel & Outtakes. Celia: Oh, Michael! Roz: (calling after Mike) I'm watching you, Wazowski. ), (Boo laughs hysterically at Mike's pain. You see that clock? If we send her back, it's like it never happened. Mike gasps as a blinding flash emerges from under the metal device. A piece of paper slips off a nearby desk and flutters to the ground. Sulley: (to himself) So the pink copies goes to accounting, the fuchsia ones go to Roz. Mike: Hey, is this thing on? Roz magicially appears in a sparkly dress from inside the tub.). Waternoose: (Shouting) DON'T GO IN THAT ROOM!!! Sulley and Boo watch Randall exit. He's about to jam his arm into the bowl when), (Sulley spins around to find Mary standing behind him. Mike: The company? ), (Boo is distracted, playing with a hardhat. (Sulley runs down the hallway, carrying both Boo and Mike.). ), (Mike frees his hand. film editor Casting By Matthew Jon Beck Mary Hidalgo Ruth Lambert Production Design by Harley Jessup Bob Pauley Art Direction by Tia W. Kratter Dominique Louis Makeup Department LeighAnna Frostad . You're safe now. Of course, I did learn from the best. We know the challenge. The door is white, and it has five flowers on it.). He falls sideways onto the floor.). Here's the kid. Agents unbolt the dome and vacuum up the charred remains of the sock.). Sulley gasps in horror. Sulley picks Boo up out of the chair. Sulley and Mike land face down in the snow. Randall emerges to watch his tally go up, but only slightly. Mike sits in the evaluator's chair.). Children's screams are heard everywhere, filling the cans. What about Celia? Mike stares in disbelief. The detector beeps.). The red light above the door glows. Mike: Well, I don't think that date could have gone any worse! OhNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Situation is niner-niner-zero. Sulley: Hey, fellas! You know, there's more to life than scaring. Nothing is more important than our friendship. She pulls Sulley into her room and hands him various toys, each one with a new sense of excitement.). (Ahead, a switched reroutes the doors onto multiple tracks, Boo's door on one, their door on another. Huh? Mike appears behind it. I think there might be a way to save her, if we can just get down to that--. Mike: No, don't touch those, you little--! He turns towards Mike.). Wouldn't it be easier if it all just blew away? Sulley peers out from under the desk. (Mike crumples up the piece of paper, and tosses it onto a large existing pile of crumpled plans.). Sulley: (panicked) Where is she? Workers happily move giant scream cans tell each other jokes, juggle and enjoy themselves. Look out! A monster reading a newspaper sneezes, and fires shoots from his mouth and nose, incinerating his newspaper. ), George: Oh, dear. (Waternoose smacks Sulley, sending him flying to the floor. This is the script for The Irelanders goes to Monsters Inc [The camera fades in to the little boy's bedroom, at night] Mother: (o.s.) Mike: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Mike: Hey, you hear that? Wait, wait, wait, wait. Monster Kid: Morning, Mike! Read chapters two and three in your manuals. Where did everybody come from? ), Sulley: Haha! Mike runs headlong into a pile of take-away boxes. Come here, you! ), (Randall hears the commotion and turns around. His glaring eyes and snarling teeth are genuinely horrifying. (Mr. Waternoose pats Sulley on the shoulder. Simulation terminated. Huh-?! Why can't they call me the "Adorable Snowman", or or the "Agreeable Snowman", for crying out loud? Sulley climbs up and balances on its metal railing.). Red alert! Especially you, James. You! He addresses a group of CDA agents.). Mike: Oh, and, uh, thanks for hooking me up with those reservations. Celia isn't about to be left behind again. Oh, she touched me!! He happily tosses the contents into his mouth. You're going to get your germs all over it. Sulley stands over the bed, tucking in the sheets.). Fungus: I don't know. I know it sounds crazy, but trust me. That's Mike Wazowski, care of 22 Mike-Wazowski-You-Got-Your-Life-Back Lane. (CLANG! As she does, one of her eye stalks pops off and lands in the trash. It's all about PRESENCE! ), (Smitty has a hard time pulling the lever, which appears to be jammed. (fakes a cough). Fungus waits impatiently, pointing to the newspaper as Randall kicks open each stall door. Yeah, you know-- (another toy) Oh, that's cute. Little Boy: (o.s.) You can't arrest me! She grabs Mike's leg, and so is dragged after him.). Mike: (calling back) I love you, Schmoopsie-Poo! They land on a platform. Sulley: Uh, hello? Hmm-hmm. For those who are new and are wondering about why this was necessary, read the shift in editing starting March 1st blog. The cube travels down a conveyor belt towards Sulley. Nice to see you. Mr. Waternoose: (to Flint) Reset the simulator. ), (Boo comes skipping around a corner and run into a group of monster kids. You know, only somebody with perfect comedic timing could produce this much energy in one shot. (Ms. Flint addresses a panel of pathetic looking recruits, seated behind her. You're doing great! You're making him lose his focus. A large crowd of MI employees murmur with concern about what will happen now.). The 2012 3D re-release and 2013 DVD, Blu-Ray, and Blu-Ray 3D versions use the 2009 3D version of the Pixar logo. Okay? Mr. Waternoose corks the can.). Sulley: (stage whisper) Hello? Good. (chuckles) Can you believe that? George relaxes, whistling happily as he walks away. (The bedroom light CLICKS off. In silence, he slowly pushes it past Mike.). (Sulley growls at the paper kid while dodging it. image/svg+xml The Magnus Archives (and, thus, these transcripts) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Randall rushes off to his cart as monsters return from lunch. Mike hangs precariously over the vault, thousands of feet in the air.). I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. Sulley scoops up Boo and her door and heads for the Simulation Room.). Scaring isn't enough anymore! Sulley chuckles as he walks toward her.). Oh, he's a happy bear. The silhouette of a large horned creature rises up over he bed. If you're gonna threaten me, do it properly. (Sulley jumps up, runs across the cave, and grabs the Yeti.). Randall opens the door he's riding on and slithers into the room. ), (Sulley looks around frantically for the bag. Waternoose: Sullivan was TWICE the scarer you'll ever be! Mike sees something that make his eye go wide. Boo totters towards them, babbling. (The kid turns on a light, revealing Mike, sitting on a stool, microphone in hand.). You're in kindergarten, right? The new commercial's on. ), (Sulley stops, scarcely able to believe what he's seeing.). Where are you going? You had a lift? (Mike freaks, accidentally spraying disinfectant squarely into his own eye! Good, Sulley! Featuring the voices of John Goodman, Billy Crystal, Steve Buscemi, James Coburn, and Jennifer Tilly, the film was directed by Pete Docter in his directorial debut, and executive produced by John Lasseter and Andrew Stanton. But it would be really great if it didn't do it again. Are there kids in it? (Boo is riding Randall, pulling his fronds! Of course I was the ball (The kid looks on, skeptically. ), ("If I Didn't Have You" starts playing and the screen flashes, revealing two tentacles holding a clapperboard. One second later:), (Sulley runs back past the lockers, panic-stricken. ), (He falls, trips over a laundry basket, slips on a rug, and is ejected out of Boo's room. Sulley: (with hand outstretched) Hey, may the best monster win. He puts some of the pieces on a newspaper as a little area for Mary to sleep, but she sticks with sleeping in Sulley's bed.). (jumping up) Oh. (Several monsters gasp. Sulley turns to the door after hearing the toilet flush. Spikes pop out of his skin. As if dinner wasn't enough, I'm taking her to a monster truck rally afterwards. ), (Boo's eyestalk and trash go tumbling down the garbage chute. ), Mike: Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me! One without the other don't mean nothing to me, nothing to me! the doors surrounding them activate too. ), Mike: (Gasps) There's a child! Mike: Never mind. He's thinking of a place to hide. 2 GmingScout5572 3 yr. ago The bloopers are in the extras tab 2 Ajs1004 3 yr. ago I have no memory of that. Sulley disappears through the door.). Mike: I-I don't! (As Mike was amazed to see himself on TV, the phone rings, and Mike grabs the receiver.). Things just got worse. UGH!!!! Photographer: (o.s.) The VHS also had the bloopers during the credits, and VUDU's digital . Roz: Two and a half years of undercover work were almost wasted when you intercepted that child, Mr. Sullivan. Come on, you could use the exercise. You can't just-, (As George staggers to his feet, Charlie spots a sock stuck to his chest. Jerry: (o.s.) Day care worker: (sweetly) My, what an affectionate father. Sulley: I still don't understand. ), (A circular shower curtain flies up around George. An oxygen-like mask inches towards Mike's face.). ), (Boo screams at the top of her lungs. Celia: Michael, if you don't tell me what's going on right now, we are through! ), (The sun sets over Monsters, Inc. A bell rings as the factory winds down. Mr. Waternoose: How many times do I have to tell you? You wanna sleep? Sulley: (nervous) Uh, well uh er, uh Mike: No! Always. (Boo screams happily. Uh-oh. (Celia turns with a big, bright smile. Snakes flowing wildly, she leaps through the air and tackles him to the ground.). (Sulley turns to see the geeks dump the garbage into the chute. Mike: Sulley, I'd like to think that given the circumstances, I have been extremely forgiving up 'til now, but that is a horrible idea! Mr. Waternoose: You're going in there because we need this! Then we cut to Needleman and Smitty posing as Randall and Fungus. CDA Agent: This is the CDA. Mike throws another snowball.) You got us. Jerry: Okay, people, take a break! I believe Toy Story 2's bloopers are in the credits on the Disney+ version. Sulley: Oh, just doing my job, Mr. Waternoose. Mike and Sulley retreat in fear. Flat-liningflat-lining Sulley: Uh, Mike, I think she's getting tired. Well done, James. Hoo-hoo! CDA Agents: Halt! On the other side of the desk, Randall silently uncamouflages. Tell me you're joking. ), (A CDA Agent steps in front of Celia and herds her away.). Mike: Not bad, huh? Randall writhes and wiggles, but Sulley is able to subdue him. (Roz and the CDA Agents exit. Fungus puts on a pair of three-eyed grouch glasses. (Mike runs to the TV, Sulley slips and falls. ), (Sulley and Mike wear colanders, snorkel masks, and oven mitts for protection. JackFrostandfriend's movie-spoof of "Monsters, Inc." Cast: James P. Sullivan ("Sulley") - Sky (Winx Club) Mike Wazowski - Hiro Hamada (Big Hero 6) Boo - Vanellope Von Schweetz (Wreck-it Ralph) Randall Boggs - Vector (Despicable Me) Mr. Henry J. Waternoose III - Mephisto (Lolirock) Celia Mae - GoGo Tomago (Big Hero 6) Look at those numbers! What about us?! Too Greek! Boo struggles to get away. Mr. Waternoose and the workers cover their eyes. Or a limb? The door! Come on. Neither one sees the other, but Randall is moving closer to Sulley by the second. Sulley emerges from the door and cracks his knuckles. Could be contaminated. (Mike halts abruptly. In the simulator room, Boo's door is shredded.). So wait here, while I get its card key. George: (to CDA agents) Hey, thanks, guys, that was a close one. ), (The door pitches and twists dangerously as it is switched from track to track, Boo enjoys the ride. Boo chases him. It powers up. His buddy looks pretty sad.). Sulley: It's just a closet. It's Celia! ), (Later at the Monstropolis storefront, a garbage monster sweeps garbage off the sidewalk into a dustpan. It swings shut again.). You did it! Each painful jerk of his fronds makes Randall change colors. Randall grabs Mike's arms, using them as a visual aid to drive home his point.). (Multiple screams draw the attention of the admirers. Atop the cube, still visible, is Boo's eyestalk. Crazed with pain, Bile runs around the room, squealing and holding his backside.). We have a toxic projectile! Monsters, Inc. is the fourth animated film produced by Pixar.It is directed by Pete Docter, with the screenplay by Andrew Stanton and Daniel Gerson, and the story by Docter, Jill Culton, Jeff Pidgeon and Ralph Eggleston.It was released on November 2, 2001. A-E-I-O that means you! ), Mike: (v.o.) Waternoose: Hmmm, must have missed the memo. QUEEN: Now, Dot, be nice to your sister. ), (George leans on his crutch, nervously trembling as he stands in front of his door with Charlie.). There's no "we" this time, pal. Come on, pal, cheer up, we did it. Boo looks up at Sulley and smiles. All doors must be returned. ("Irasshaimase!" Mike and Sulley walk down a crowded hallway.). ), (Screen flashes to Sulley and Mike walking up to a pair of familiar green dinosaur legs.). Randall: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. Don't you think I'm aware of the situation? The animatronic screams. ), Mike: Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. (Mike trips on a lamp and flies across the floor. Do I look abominable to you? Aah! But guess what? Mike: I'm on the cover of a magazine! Yeti: Abominable. You know, I hadn't even noticed. A huge metal door lowers into the station with a bang. Mike: Yes, well, uh, I'll try to be less careless. Suddenly a large box covers Mike and snatches him away. Celia's snakes begin kissing Mike, too, and it tickles him.). 4 Being Shipped To Ireland. Red alert! After the MPAA screen, and the Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios logo, we zoom in on a bedroom door. Take my buddy, Bigfoot. (Sulley desperately scans the doors ahead. You like cars? Sulley: You think he's gonna come through the closet and scare you. (offering) Snowcone? CDA agent #2: Please clear the contaminated area. Monsters, Inc. (2001) Bloopers Outtakes Gag Reel - Archive It travels away on an overhead track.). You're making him lose his focus. The day care monsters scream. Where are you from? Charlie: Hey, Wazowski, nice job. (Mike opens the door, but sees only other doors stacked behind it.). Coming through! Mike: What's that thing? (Sulley isn't listening. Did you see me? Randall was working late last night out on the scare floor. The lights flare to a white hot brightness, and then POP! I'll see you all in the morning. (As the commotion clears, Sulley peeks out from behind Boo's door. A child screams in the distance. With each hit, he changes colors and patterns.) Monsters, Inc., I'll connect you. Little Boy: (o.s.) It almost looks like you gotta--, (Mary lifts the hood of her costume. Let's move, let's move! Sulley: Uh, actually, she's my, uhhh, my cousin's sister's--. Well, in that case, let's keep it. Yeti: Kids? You're trying to scare the kid, not lull it to sleep. Mi-- (bitterly) Men! Mike: Sir, she isn't toxic. CDA Agent #2: Cover the area! Randall peeks out of Boo's room and emerges with the box. Monsters, Inc./Transcript | The Movies Wiki | Fandom (putting it together) That cheater! ), (Sulley realizes it's up to him to say goodbye. Sulley: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, don't be scared. Mike: Funny, right? (A monster with dozens of eyes steps forward to corroborate). That is, if these gentlemen hadn't shut us down. Around a three-day hike. With the top scarers (On the screen, Sulley stands next to a door standing on a factory work floor, known as the Scare Floor. CDA Agent: We can neither confirm nor deny the presence of a human child here tonight. The idea for Monsters, Inc. started with a lunch in 1994. ), (She giggles for a moment, then passes out. ), (Boo giggles wildly as Sulley deposits her in bed. He picks her up and carries her deep inside the room. Right? Scientist: It is my professional opinion that now is the time to PANIC!!! ), (They nearly bump into a group of CDA agents, inspecting a trash can.). Look out, you idiot! See? (Sulley bursts through the door of the Simulator Room, Waternoose close behind. Mike: Are you out of your (screams) miiiiiiiiiiind?!!!!! Mike: All right, I got a move here. (The CDA agents tackle the suspecting monster. Let's take it home, big guy! Sulley makes a run for the door, but it's slammed in his face. In terror, she lets go of Mike as he and Sulley round the corner towards the Scare Floor.). Monsters, Inc./Transcript Atlantis: The Lost Empire/Transcript Alice in Wonderland (1951 film)/Transcript Pocahontas (1995 film)/Transcript Jungle Junction: The Movie Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show (DVD) Low (Foo Fighters song) Living people Steven Spielberg Tobey Maguire Danny Elfman Bridget Fonda Randy Newman Tom Hanks Colin Hanks Mike: Whoo! Sulley is gone. ), Sulley: Oh, no problem. (hitting the door) Ooof! The kid inside screams. DO SOMETHING!!! I'm out of ideas. The traffic sign changes from "DON'T STALK" to "STALK", replacing the red hand and the green monster walking. (Celia calls to Mike from a nearby desk. Sulley runs past various monsters in the hallway. hallway, a slug monster named Chalooby mops up a puddle of green slime. Sulley and Mike cover their ears. Fungus adjusts the machine. Ms. Flint: And leaving a door open is the worst mistake any employee can make because? ), (He follows the cords along the floor around the corner), (Randall sees that the machine has been unplugged. The end credits contained the bloopers only on the Fullscreen version, while the Widescreen version contained the original credits with no bloopers (the original DVD had both the Widescreen and Fullscreen versions on it). You have until then to put the kid back. LITTLE BOY'S BEDROOM, NIGHT) MOTHER: Good night, sweetheart. Other assistants do the same. Fungus: Aah! (On the TV, there are beautiful shots of monsters happily living their lives.). ), (It lands on an agent in the middle of the pack! Heh, heh it's a musical! In the background of the photo, blurred but unmistakable, is Mike! Machine gun fire, explosions, etc. Mr. Waternoose: Well, James, that was an impressive display. Mr. Waternoose: (to recruits) Pay attention, everyone. Ooh, the love boat is about to set sail! Called himself "King Itchy". ), (Sulley slides the door open and they run through the room. The first stall door in the row suddenly slams open. Let's go, everybody. Do you hear me? (yelling at Sulley) A STUPID KID!!! Ready for decon. Attaboy. Whimpering, he protects himself with a garbage can lid. ), (Sulley pulls the door open and sees only more snow. (A scream can gurgles as it registers empty. This is what Boo saw. (Mike and Sulley have a good chuckle about this and the screen flashes to Sulley talking to Boo, who can't sleep because of Randall.). Oh, sure no problem. Sounds like fun in there. TMA transcripts in slightly-more-readable format. Waternoose clambers after them, closing in.). Monster Kids: (chanting) How many tentacles can jump the rope? Waternoose 1.2 Scene 2: Morning Workout 1.3 Scene 3: Monstropolis 1.4 Scene 4: Monsters, Inc. 1.5 Scene 5: Randall Boggs 1.6 Scene 6: The Scare Floor 1.7 Scene 7: 23-19! Mike: (forging on) Of my life. Temperature's a balmy 65 degrees, which is good news for you reptiles, and it looks like it's gonna be a perfect day to maybe, hey, just lie in bed, sleep in, or simply (gets annoyed) WORK OUT THAT FLAB THAT'S HANGING OVER THE BED!!! Needleman: Is not! Will you go to sleep? Sure. Not now, not now, I'm-- (seeing Mary) Oh, hello, little one. On the monitor, Bile sneaks into the bedroom, leaving the door open. I'm sorry we're stuck out here. He's about to eject it when he notices that the light above the station is illuminated. (Mike opens his eye and spots Boo's door in a station.). Randall: (laughs) What do you know? Tongue Monster Kid: (turning her head) Bye, Mike! We need to get there NOW!!! (Mike puts the giant bowl -- his contact lens -- into his eye. Yo. I just have no idea. He says he could lather up a bunch of spit and asks for another take. She was only six! It's fine. You know, maybe I should re-align the scream intake valve? Let me through! Psst. And cut! Sulley: I'm sorry, Mike. (he storms toward Boo's door.) Sulley: (relieved) Boo! GYAH!!!!! (She blinks sleepily. Boo sees Randall and whimpers, Sulley gently shushes her. Come on, it's time to move. Suddenly, Sulley is knocked back into the room, as if punched by nothing. Sulley deposits Boo on top of her bed. (Sulley has finished building a makeshift toboggan. Looks like you're out of a job. Randall: Cheating?! (Waternoose grabs Boo from Sulley and hands her to Mike.). You hear the winds of cha--?" (Boo roars again.) What'd you do, forget to check if her stupid hood was up, you big dope?! ), (Randall is beginning to come, too. I mean, how 'bout all this fabulous snow, huh? Uh, it's empty. (Celia's snakes hiss. Sulley: (points to the screen) Hey, look! Sulley slides out of the room, covered in toys and junk from Boo's room. (Mike opens the door. Mike: Really? Announcer: Since the very first bedtime, all around the world, children have known that once their mothers and fathers tucked them in, and shut off the light, (The lights go out) that there are monsters hiding in their closets, waiting to emerge. BOY: Good night, Mom. So help me! Help!!! (Mike stares at Sulley as if he is insane.). Smitty and Needleman, the two geeky teenage janitors stand in awe on the sidelines. It slams shut again. I'll be here all week. Frank, a newspaper delivery monster tosses a paper on the stoop of Mike and Sulley's apartment building. We would've had it made! Ted's walking to work. ), (Sulley and Mike walk through the door into Monsters Inc.), (CDA Agents are everywhere, combing the place.). (Boo scampers up to Sulley. She runs to her closet and opens it. There was a lot of wood to go through. Every time you turn something on, Monsters Incorporated is there. Sulley looks down on Boo, who is crying. (Mike backs into the room, leading Sulley along.). He tenses, then relaxes and hugs her back. Screams are heard from Sulley's inside door. But I love sports. Mike tosses the microphone and runs to her. (Sulley and Mike turn at the sound of Randall's voice.). Bloopers and play gone from Monsters Inc End Credits

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