Quickly ending each play keeps the game moving along quicker. The first and third base defenders should be approximately 3 feet (9 m) in front of their base and 3 feet from the foul line. In most cases the Catcher doesnt have to move far from the plate to get the ball. At the youth level of play the positioning of the player in relationship to the base, when receiving a throw, is different than at higher levels of play. The kids need to be taught how to execute an underhand toss and it needs to be practiced a lot. Moving outfielders back or in based on the power of the batter. In this example we have a ball hit to the Second Baseman. Now that interpretation of glenohumeral joint ROM has been discussed, this section outlines specific techniques to increase IR ROM in the patient with shoulder dysfunction. Do You Have the Courage & Attention Span for Great Defensive Coverage This defender should continue moving to the ball unless the first-base defender yells that she has it (meaning that the first-base defender will field the ball). (This will be covered in detail later in this section.). The ball goes to cf, the ss goes out to get the ball; the second baseman covers the base. Less congested . As a parent, what would you do if you heard this? NOTE: This does not mean the Center Fielder is not attempting to back up on these throws. * The Catcher is the only player that can see all the action on the field. Stop them when they pick-up the ball! Defensive Coverage For Pickoffs By: Coach McCreary Originally Published in: Coaching Softball Technical and Tactical Skills - Human Kinetics Now let's look at a few coverage options for running the pickoff at different bases. This final section is probably more than what is needed for kids 9 and under. The pitcher (and sometimes one of the infielders) backs up the corner base on the side of the infield the ball is hit. When the ball is hit to a spot where the Catcher is going to field the ball, the Pitcher moves towards the ball. Coach stands a few feet from where the pitching rubber would be, on the home plate side. On the infield side of the base (away from the path of the runner), Heel of throwing hand foot, next to center of the base (a few inches away, but not touching), Squared up and facing the ball, in a Ready Position (not a stretch^ position). Georgia Tech Defensive Tackle Akelo Stone Enters Transfer Portal I encourage leagues to consider taking this a step further and instruct their umpires to call Time, get the next batter in the box, and keep games moving along. Teach them that in order to catch off-line throws, they are going to have to move away from the base (Move Feet to Catch). However, they are now inmotion. early in the teaching process, we want to eliminate the Wandering Third Baseman from membership on our team. The buildings, which evolved between the 10th and 18th centuries, were one of Lithuania's major defensive . While making that initial movement, it becomes clear the third baseman is not going to get the Ball. You may be shocked by the number of kids who don't know that toss the ball underhand is even an option. The odds of making a throw, in this situation, and recording an out, are slim. This reduction in distance greatly increases the chances of executing a successful throw and catch play. That doesnt matter, the CF gets going and does their best to get into position to back up the base. My reasoning is that a softball infield is so truncated as compared to a baseball field, that 3 players should be able to cover almost any bunt. Simple as this may seem, this is what the game is about. If a runner is attempting to advance to a base, the outfielder throws the ball directly to that base. A few examples of the differences between the two games: The pitcher breaks for third base on balls hit to the left side of the infield - at this level we have runners on first and second a lot. Ball tossed to a teammate after carrying/running with the ball, many kids are unaware of, or do not think about, the Underhand Toss option. Side of the Base the Ball is Coming From - To avoid throws crossing the path of the Base Runner. This drill provides many repetitions of players fielding a bunt and throwing to a specific base. If a play needs to be made at second base or first base, the play for the Third Baseman, with their momentum going to their left, is easier than for the Shortstop or the Pitcher. Center Fielder: 30 beyond the second base bag. Also, in most drills, when we are working on other skills and game situations, by simply adding an extra player, we can incorporate the development of this important habit without eating up additional practice time. When the ball is near the pitching rubber, the player with the ball is an equal, and significant, threat to all base runners. Most coaching books start with a discussion of the importance of creating a coaching philosophy and follow up with a section on creating goals. The mindset of the LF/RF: when THE ball is hit on your side of the infield, YOU will be fielding the ball. Movement is critical. When a Catcher participates in this drill, they also have a responsibility to move. The defenses below are standard bunt defenses, nothing revolutionary. The rule for the players in the middle of the field is to Move Towards the Ball. Eyes In!. We can establish this habit during the Scrimmage (see Practice Structure) portion of practice. Softball Bunt Defense Drill - Softball Tutor In this case getting to the initial backing-up position is not a concern because the Pitcher is backing up third base. balls requiring the fielder to move quickly from their starting spot. The drill has the corner outfielders only backing up first or third. It's also acceptable to drop to one knee if the outfield is rough. We need to practice this often. The Catcher hollers, Defense! GO GET implies motion. How Much Moderate-Intensity Physical Activity Is Enough. We want them to turn their gaze away from the ball, put their eyes on the base and get to the base as fast as possible. Throughout each play the Catcher is at their Position in front of Home Plate instructing the defense what to do with the ball*. Four infielders and catcher (the catcher is not necessary if you only have a group of four kids). In this case the Pitcher does not field the ball so they continue running in a straight line towards third base. Once the defense (most specifically the Catcher) sees the runners are not attempting to advance, our rule is our defensive players do not make overhand throws. If we instill a sense of urgency in our players to fulfill their defensive responsibilities, in this situation the Third Baseman will often get to the ball quickly enough that the Base Runner does not attempt to advance to home plate. The Knights claimed game one 6-4 (8 inn.) Instruct the pitcher to run BEHIND the base runner. Use the magnet principle for defensive coverage in softball, More Excerpts From Survival Guide for Coaching Youth Softball, Foundations of Kinesiology/Exercise and Sport Science, Research Methods, Measurements, and Evaluation, Survival Guide for Coaching Youth Softball. The rule for infielders is Play the Ball, or Cover a Base. Beginning with Coordinated Team Defense (Part 2), move through the rest of the section piece by piece at a pace your group can grasp the content. It is perfectly acceptable to carry the ball. Solution: constant reminding that baseball is a printing game. The 2nd baseman has the responsibility to cover 1st base and receive the throw. victory in game two. Set-up: Mini-diamond, 20'-25' square. These two athletes have their feet wider than their hips, knees are bent, hands and elbows are in front of the body with hands wpread a bit wider than the torso. Players are able to get many reps in a short period of time on the Mini Diamond. Person covering base needs to communicate to cut-off as the ball is in the air about halfway from person throwing and the cut-off. --> The rule for the CF and LF is that because they are not playing the ball they are backing up a base. Positioning for play involving kids ages 9 and under. Players at each outfield position, approximately 30 beyond the infield diamond (mark those spots with cones). The catcher's position in front of home plate. Adjust a couple feet to their right or left so to have a clear line of sight to the batter. Regardless of level of play or the situation, each player on defense has one of three responsibilities: handle the BALL, cover a BASE, or BACK-Up a throw. In this case the second baseman then takes over the responsibility of covering second base. This action of the coach represents a ground ball. The Defensive Responsibilities section of the website lays out a step-by-step system for teaching kids how to fulfill their roll as a member of a nine player unit, regardless of the situation or where the ball is hit on the field. Player fielding the ball does not* throw the ball. When straddling the base, young players rarely leave the base to make a sure play on offline throws.). Getting an out, any out is a big deal. With only 3 downs to make 10 yards, the quarterback really has to be a playmaker. Wherever the ball is hit, the defenders need to start moving to it, not to see who can get to it first, but to provide backup and assume supportive roles once the ball is picked up. Eventually a player on the field should be making the call, preferably . Then point out to them that they are NOW in line with the direction of the throw to the base. This is the mindset of all nine players on the field as the ball is put into play. Adjusting infielders a few feet to their left or right based on the tendency of a batter to pull the ball or hit the ball to the opposite field. We want to educate our players on these facts during our first practices, The base is for the runners, the ball is for the defense. (The center fielder is still there to back-up the throw to second base.). There will be the odd instances when the roles of the two players will be reversed. They are not missing out. If the throw is a bit to one side of the base or the other, they slide their foot near the corner of the base on the side the ball is headed, then stretch with their glove foot towards the ball. Base. It is important that our players understand that their base coverage and backing-up responsibilities continue throughout the play (regardless of their perception that nothing of importance is going on in their area of the field) and do not end until the ball is in the Pitchers hands and the Pitcher is standing next to the pitching rubber. A common mistake made by youth teams is mishandling the ball while getting it back to the middle of the infield after a play has ended. Get the latest insights with regular newsletters, plus periodic product information and special insider offers. The positioning of kids at the lower levels is such, so they learn: The bases belong to the runners; fielders spread out between the bases because their #1 priority is to get the ball. Click here to proceed to the HK Canada website. Balls hit to the 2B/1B side of the infield are the responsibility of the Right Fielder. This movement requirement applies toallplayers, regardless of where the ball is hit Example, third baseman on a ball hit to right field: The third baseman takes an aggressive step towards right field. They Do Not predict how the next play might work out ie Infield go one, outfield go two; how do we know in advance where the ball might need to go? Defensive Situations No one on Runner at 1 Runners at 1st & 2nd Bases loaded Runner at 2nd Runner at 3rd Bunt coverage 1st & 3rd Pick offs Rundowns Baserunning Situations Running from 1st (less than 2 outs) pop up ground ball to left side ground ball right side line drive deep fly ball Running from 2nd (no one on 1st, less than 2 outs) pop up Get the ball to the middle of the infield. These two players, positioned in the middle of the field, follow this simple rule: If the ball is hit to your Left and you arent fielding the ball, SPRINT to the base on your Left; If the ball is hit to your Right and you arent fielding the ball, SPRINT to the base on your Right. [More importantly, this baiting game wastes time and takes away from the other players (also parents and coaches) waiting for the game to continue. Witherspoon was a stalwart of the Illini secondary ever since he arrived in Champaign back in 2019. This habit keeps them busy between batters, reducing the opportunities for a player in the field to get distracted. Note: These diagrams are old and will be replaced at some point. In some cases, in a situation where the ball is hit past the outfielders there is a relay to third base. ^ remain in a Ready Position until the ball is in the air and the First Baseman gauges the path of the throw. The Buckeyes got the victory by a dominating 9-0 margin, and despite having a lot of offense, it was the pitching that was the story of the game. Calls out ground ball to . Often at the youth level of baseball and softball, kids are so consumed by the play they just made that they forget that there might another runner trying to get to the next base. FIRST - Take a day or two to consume and digest: Foundations, The Base, and the first block of topics in Coordinated Team Defense (Part 1). ***we know the runner is going to the side of the base facing the previous base. The left fielder is positioned in the outfield on the left side of the field, closest to third base. Pickoff attempts require a specific defender to cover the base to try to catch the runner off base. Use the magnet principle for defensive coverage in softball This is an excerpt from Survival Guide for Coaching Youth Softball by Robert Benson & Tammy Benson. Softball Defensive Ready Position - YouTube Center Fielder: 60 beyond the second base bag. This Drill should be one of first defensive drills of the year for our team. After a couple of days of running the drill we want to expand the teaching of the backing up situation. . PDF It's critical for the right fielder - SportsEngine I am going to GO GET the ball - React towards the ball. Most kids just dont grasp this concept. 1. You can position the shortstop more up the middle closer to the base. There is no rule to determine when the second baseman takes over this responsibility. 2. The Game Played on the Smaller Diamond is Different, Three Individual Responsibilities - Ball, Base, Back-up, Base is for the Runner, Ball is for the Defense, Getting the Ball in to The Pitcher (Middle of the Infield), Get the Ball to the Middle of the Infield, Middle Infielders Movement On Ball Hit To The Outfield, SS, 2b Are Not the Relay on Plays to Home, Pitcher Responsibilities - Ball Hit to The Infield, Corner Infielders - Ball Hit to Their Side of the Infield, Cut-Relay Player, on throws to home plate. Middle Infielders: 20-25 from the base. The LF & RF need to be aware of this possibility. The coach puts the bunt down into the mapped areas and the appropriate defender takes the bunt and throws it to first base. The Bastion of the Defensive wall is a military fortification.The attraction consists of the museum and a viewing platform.I enjoyed this tourist attraction.The bastion sits on top of a hill and offers you a fine vista of the surrounding area.Great opportunity for picture taking of the view and the medieval type backdrop of the Bastion.It feels . --> The rule for the LEFT FIELDER, because the ball is hit to an infielder in front of them, is to go for the ball. Ignore the 'key' at the top. Using proper Underhand Toss technique, the player fielding the ball throws the ball to the base. First action is always Towards the Ball. CF and the corner outfielder opposite the side of the field the ball is hit to, after first making an aggressive in the direction of the ball (coach), sprint to back up second base and the opposite corner base. The underhand toss is used a lot more often. The traditional way to cover second base on a steal is to have your shortstop take the throw at second from the catcher. We are teaching our players to always anticipate that another play needs to be made. Gophers defensive backs Jordan Howden, Terell Smith drafted in fifth Solution: at the conclusion of the drill (players have gotten to where they think they are supposed to be), for each player who is not lined up with the direction of a throw to a base, roll a ball firmly towards, and past the base. The second baseman covers first - when the first baseman in ranging to their right or coming in on a ground ball often the pitcher is also attempting to make a play on the ball, or is slow in getting off the rubber. 4. It is critical to establish a mindset in our players that their defensive responsibilities do not end until the ball has arrived to the middle of the infield. Three Individual Responsibilities - Ball, Base, Back-up Positioning Ready Position The Base Base is for the Runner, Ball is for the Defense Positioning at a Base to Receive a Throw Ball First, Base Second The Ball is the Key to the Base Cover the Base With Your Eyes Look for Other Runners Coordinated Team Defense - The System (Part 1) Unlike 90 baseball, the pitcher does not back up home plate. Physical Literacy on the Move was written to help educators of children and youths from grades K through 12 teach high-quality and fun games and activities that support the unique needs of their learners as they develop physical literacy. If the throw is off target, quickly move laterally, from the Ready Position, as fars as required to catch/stop the ball. It will be reiterated constantly throughout the season in most drills and activitiesbecause baseball/softball is a game of movement. And going through multiple repetitions of the drills. In this example we have a ball hit to the shortstop: --> The rule for the other three infielders is to cover a base. Point out to players that it only takes a second to cover the base. These adjustments are more important for All-Stars play and the Playoffs at the end of the season. However, the shortstop will hit second base before getting to the ball, so she needs to stop at second and take responsibility for that base. When players do this correctly, team defensive play as a whole runs much smoother. By adhearing to the rule: Ball, Base, Back-up and running the kids the drills, a coach will grasp the system. This is important because the kids are standing close together. All you need is to drag and drop objects to depict another play and then save with the different name. HyperOps | LinkedIn Kids take their cues from watching higher levels of baseball and softball. We breakdown the m Antonelli Softball SOFTBALL INFIELD INSTRUCTION, DRILLS, AND. The Shortstop moves towards the ball, which takes them to the second base bag. Many of us coaching kids baseball have been primarily exposed to the game played on the big diamond (90 base paths). Balls hit to the 3B/SS side of the infield are the responsibility of the Left Fielder. The second-base defender is now ready to receive the throw at first from the fielder (i.e., the first-base player). Written by Cindy Bristow with over 35 years of softball coaching experience, Softball Strategies, Coverages, Signals & Charts gives you all the factors you should consider when deciding on your offensive strategy, from a hit and run to a squeeze play, it's all here in detail. Stop the ball - this begins by establishing in the minds of our players (and constantly reinforcing) that they want to go get the ball and get it as quickly as possible.

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