It continues to be a ripper spring fish season across the South-East of the state, with good fishing available just about everywhere when the weather permits. 2009, Hughes 2020]. The biggest fish have come from the Saunders Bank area, which is currently where most of the commercial fishing effort is taking place. CPUE for the two main fishing methods, estuary mesh netting and ocean line fishing since 2009 [Hughes 2020]. Now is a great time to stock up on salmon to use as bait for the far west mulloway missions! Grange, Semaphore and Largs Bay Jetties are all worth a try for blue swimmer crabs. @*/false; if (!IE) { return; } if (document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'BackCompat') { if (document.getElementById("af-form-427237631")) { document.getElementById("af-form-427237631").className = 'af-form af-quirksMode'; } if (document.getElementById("af-body-427237631")) { document.getElementById("af-body-427237631").className = "af-body inline af-quirksMode"; } if (document.getElementById("af-header-427237631")) { document.getElementById("af-header-427237631").className = "af-header af-quirksMode"; } if (document.getElementById("af-footer-427237631")) { document.getElementById("af-footer-427237631").className = "af-footer af-quirksMode"; } } })(); -->, Copyright 2018 & Dr Greg Vinall |. They dont have to look pretty, just be solidly made and work well at very slow retrieve speeds. There has been a good spring run of king george whiting, bream, and salmon trout in West lakes, but many fish are undersize, so please adhere to size and bag limits if you plan on keeping any fish for the table. Yellowfin whiting of good size have also been mixed in with the mullet, particularly around the afternoon run in tide. Fish over the metre mark have been landed by anglers fishing through the night, particularly by those using live bait. No license required. Brayden and a nice sized rainbow trout caught in the Adelaide Hills using a shallow diving hard body lure. King George whiting have been consistent for crews working out of Whyalla, Farm Beach, Arno and Tumby Bays. Snook, tommies and squid have been in good numbers at both Brighton and Glenelg jetties, particularly at night. Exotic species are: European carp Redfin MSC certification for South Australian Pipi Fishery Watch on Licensing Bream, estuary perch and mulloway have all been firing in the Glenelg River, always a handy option when its blowing hard offshore! A swimbait rod, similar to what would be used for cod fishing, Calcutta 300D reel and 30lb braid with 30lb fluorocarbon leader is great for casting larger lures and wakebaits. Just across the border in Portland fish in excess of 100kg are hitting the deck, and it wont be long before they turn up closer to home in good numbers. Great news for freshwater fishos is that SA Water has announced their stocking plans for the upcoming year, with a total of 205,000 more fish to be stocked across all of the reservoirs currently open to fishing. Archangi, B 2008, Levels and patterns of genetic diversity in wild and cultured populations of mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus) using mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites, PhD thesis, School of Natural Resource Sciences, Queensland University of Technology. The Lakes and Coorong Fishery management unit has traditionally been the most important of the South Australian fisheries for Mulloway, accounting for an average of around 91 per cent of the state's total catch since 2000. Drifting for squid has been very effective recently, especially between Hallett Cove and Brighton when the wind is down. Deep diving lures in the 75 to 140mm size range are your ticket to cod success, come in and have a chat to the team about the sort of gear you need to tackle these aggressive green machines. STATUS OF AUSTRALIAN FISH STOCKS REPORT Mulloway (2016) 1 Mulloway (2016) . Team Member, Steve caught a nice haul of garfish and blue swimmer crabs this month! The Croaker Lures Jewie Jewell or the K-Ten Blue Ocean are great options when very big jewfish are about and youre not getting results with a wakebait. Yellowfin whiting have improved at Thompsons Beach, with fish to 40cm caught recently. Wallaroo Jetty and surrounds have been firing for blue swimmer crabs, garfish, snook and squid. dominated by juveniles) and are consistent with those for Mulloway from other estuaries around Australia [Silberschneider et al. Big estuary perch are biting well in the Glenelg River for lure casters flicking paddle tailed soft plastics, particularly in the estuary. Its a very effective technique and loads of fun! The southern bluefin tuna run continues, with launchers from Cape Jervis and Wirrina and the north coast of Kangaroo Island all getting in on the action. Kayak anglers have been cleaning up on some monster redfin at Myponga and South Para reservoirs, jigging soft plastics and vibes in deeper water is a deadly technique once you have located a school. Boaties and waders continue to get into the garfish at Cape Douglas, Livingstons Bay, Hutt Bay and the Petrified Forrest. On really windy days the bait will often congregate in the shelter of a point, and jewfish will be found patrolling further out where the water starts to get rippled by the wind. The Lakes and Coorong fishery is a multi-species and multi-method fishery. As the upper 95 per cent CL of this performance indicator is below the estimated level of FMSY (0.15 year-1), the stock is unlikely to deplete to a level at which recruitment could be impaired if the current level of catch is maintained. 2020]. Team Member, Simon caught a beauty of a Callop from SAFWAA dam! Tuna are fairly wide spread now, with fish up to 20kg on offer, especially around Liguanea Island, Cabbage Patch and Low Rocks. Speaking of Daiwa check out the new release of the Battler range of spin rods which is sure to impress finesse fishos. Have a photo of your favourite catch in South Australia from April and want it featured in next month's Tackle World Adelaide Metro Fishing Report? The total state-wide catch of 117 t in 201819 was the third highest on record. Jason Smith with a nice feed of Yorkes yellowfin! State-wide commercial catch of Mulloway from 1984/85 to 2013/14, by fishing sector. Bream up to 40cm are also taking baits and hitting soft plastics, with the ever-reliable Daiwa Bait Junkie 2.5 inch grubs leading the way. Myponga reservoir has been producing some good-sized redfin on soft plastics as well as the odd murray cod, check out the JD Eddy Python range if you want to target the Myponga cod from a kayak in the deep water. The mullet run is in full swing on metro beaches, with good numbers and sizes available for both jetty and beach anglers. Cover up or use mosquito repellent while you are outdoors (also for sand flies). Valued customer, Con caught a beauty of salmon at Rapid Bay this month! We have good stock of the Majorcraft Jigpara Vertical Long jigs for those who need to replenish their lure box with a proven kingfish jig. Further afield off the shelf hapuka, blue eye and gemfish are about in good numbers. Smaller whiting have also come from Hallett Cove through to Brighton. Surf casters along the limestone coast have been experiencing a good run of snapper recently, with fish over 60cm being caught by anglers targeting mulloway. Email it in to: and we'll include one in next month's report! This Video is our first major Mulloway fish (Silver Ghost) fishing. if (!browserSupportsNewWindows(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera)) { Much of the Coorong is very shallow and weedy. Plenty of Gummy Sharks are also coming from the surf at most beaches West of Ceduna, along with quite a few Bronze Whaler Sharks. Try not to bomb in lots of casts, its better to watch the schools of bait and listen for a boofing jewfish, then cast past and to the side of the bait. Assessment of the South Australian Lakes and Coorong Fishery in 2018/19. Barnes, TC, Junge, C, Myers, SA, Taylor, MD, Rogers, PJ, Ferguson, GJ, Lieschke, JA, Donnellan, SC and Gillanders, BM 2015, Population structure in a wide-ranging coastal teleost (Argyrosomus japonicus, Sciaenidae) reflects marine biogeography across southern Australia, Marine and Freshwater Research, 67: 11031113. Mullet and salmon trout have been caught regularly from Henley and Grange in the shallows around the high tide. The recent high catches have been associated with historically high gillnet CPUE in the LCF and likely reflect high abundance of Mulloway in the Coorong estuary. Garfish have turned up for boaties and land based fishos at Point Riley, Wallaroo, Moonta Bay, Stansbury, and Cape Elizabeth. A 9 to 10ft rod rated 15 -30lb armed with a 5000 6000 sized reel are the weapons of choice out here for lure casters. Sugars Beach on Hindmarsh Island has plenty of salmon trout and the odd mullet on the larger tides. 2020]. Only since 201516 has the average length of Mulloway in the commercial fishery increased to be greater than 700 mm and only since 201718 has the proportion of fish in the landed catch < 700 mm fallen below 10% [Hughes 2020]. Furthermore, the evidence indicates that the current level of fishing mortality is unlikely to cause the stock to become recruitment impaired. STATUS OF AUSTRALIAN FISH STOCKS REPORT Mulloway (2020) 1 Mulloway (2020) . Salmon trout are plentiful at Butlers and Browns beaches while Gleesons and Berry Bay will be worth a try for mulloway. Good bags of squid, snook and King George whiting have come from the waters around Thistle Island and also at the Sir Joseph Banks group. Nice day fishing as the bait bardge is back so they had some awesome sardine. 2015, Ferguson et al. Combined Fishing Report 27 April 2023 Autumn cool days are here, don't forget that our ever-popular long sleeve Tournament Tops are ideal for cool mornings, sunny days and chilly nights. Annual commercial catches have declined from around 60 t in 200102, but have remained relatively steady since 200708 at 1128 t. In 2019, the total State-wide commercial catch was 13 t. The recent lower catch levels are associated with reductions in fishing effort by the main demersal fisheries that catch Mulloway (the West Coast Demersal Scalefish (Interim) Managed Fishery (WCDSIMF) and Gascoyne Demersal Scalefish Managed Fishery (GDSMF) [Gaughan and Santoro, 2020]. Garfish are still on tap for land based fishos and boaties at Petrified Forrest, Hutt, and Livingstons Bay. Additionally, the following fishing regulations apply: Five fish limit. Fisheries Research Report No. Early morning tides at Henley Jetty have also produced a few yellowfin for those fishing with live worms. Kangaroo Island bream continue to fire in the rivers on small hard body lures and small soft plastics. Silberschneider, V, Gray, CA and Stewart, J 2009, Age, growth, maturity and the overfishing of the iconic sciaenid, Argyrosomus japonicus, in south-eastern Australia, Fisheries Research, 95(23): 220229. King George Whiting were a consistent catch for locals fishing at Arno Bay, Port Lincoln, Farm Beach, and Tumby Bay. Squid are consistent at Wirrina breakwater and Second Valley jetty. Callop have also been on the chew in South Para and the Warren ressies, with many fish taken early and late in the day by lure casters working the shallows around weed beds, timber and rocks. The Far West coast mulloway season is well underway, with good numbers of fish in the 100 120cm range being caught by crews at the dog fence and Yalata. We have had a sensational summer of fishing over in the south east region of South Australia with great fishing being had at all ports and beaches. On Kangaroo Island, king george whiting are biting for launchers from Kingscote and out from Emu Bay. Inshore the king george whiting have been good at Port MacDonnell, Hutt Bay, Cape Douglas and Nene Valley. Your email address will not be published. Have a photo of your favourite catch in South Australia from March and want it featured in next month's Tackle World Adelaide Metro Fishing Report? Plenty of school sized tuna are already being caught along with the odd bigger fish too. Yellowfin can also be found at Tiddy Widdy beach and Ardrossan. In 2019, the total State-wide commercial catch was 8.89 t. The legal minimum length for Mulloway in Queensland was raised from 450 to 750mm total length (TL) in 2009, which likely reduced fishing-related mortality, especially for juveniles. Wallaroo and Ardrossan are renowned for their big blue swimmer crabs. Just remember to loosen off the drag if you are going to walk away from your rod! Kingfish of up to 120cm in length have showed up in good numbers along the Fleurieu as well, being caught on deep diving lures such as the Rapala X Rap Magnum Xtreme and caught on jigs like the Nomad Streaker range. How long will this go on for is anyones guess, but it augers well for this school holiday period. Hughes, JM 2020, Status of Australian Fish Stocks 2020 NSW Stock status summary Mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus). Yellowfin whiting are in good numbers at Thompsons Beach, with fish being caught on bait, lure and even fly! Worms and sweet corn are the preferred baits. There is a lot of water to fish, but Scotty tends to focus on the northern end closer to the mouth or the Murray River, as theres more tidal movement in that areas, which is key for mulloway fishing. Garfish are being caught at Tiparra Lighthouse and Wallaroo, with good sized ones also coming from Stansbury and Edithburgh.

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