May your soul rest in peace, now you're enjoying our Father's presence and there is no pain nor suffering. Les envo desde lo profundo de mi corazn todo mi amor, espero que unidos puedan de a poco superar esta enorme prdida. Thanks for sharing your story with us To make aware that bulling is serious and can damage our children's and families . Spread your wings and fly you kinder soul. Desde el seno de nuestras familias, debemos hacer el cambio ensearles a nuestros hijos el respeto, la empata y el amor al prjimo. DEP. Go, and Rest In Peace little angel, no more hurt and suffering for your beautiful and pure spirit. All I can say is it gets easier and the memories you have will never leave. I am so sorry for your loss. No words from strangers can assuage the grief that envelopes you now! Such a heartbreaking end to a beautiful life. Know that you are all loved and needed. He will be remember always. His sweet heart was full of kindness and love. Echovita Inc is a registered trademark. To send flowers to Doby Funeral Home please visit our I can't think about the bad times you had to go through. Se que ya ests en los cielos junto al Padre..que la paz del Seor est en los corazones de tus padres y hermanas t ya descansas en paz.. Que descanses en paz hermoso Drake, que tus maravillosos ojos azules vean al SEOR dndote la bienvenida a tu nuevo hogar, all estars en paz y nadie podr volver a hacerte dao. They both experience bullying daily. Un fuerte abrazo para cada persona que tuvo la suerte de conocer y compartir su vida con Drayke. Forever You've changed something in my heart. It is so hard to see any child be bullied to the point that they cannot overcome it. Fly high sweet baby boy !! May his legacy create change to stop bullying! Funeral service will be held on Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at Cape Fear Conference B Headquarters at 1:00 PM. Visitation will be held on Read Vernon Mcdougald's complete obituary here: mis oraciones para ustedes y todas esas familias que han perdido una alma joven por el bulling. schools need to be more aware and take a stronger response to this behavior! His soul has moved on but he will always be with you. Loving with the heart of Drayke. Drayke, precioso angel, dejaste al mundo enamorado de tu ternura, rezo mucho por vos!! "What are the 5,000 Most Common Last Names in the U.S.?". Que Deus vos conforte e receba o anjinho Drayke. The whole world is with you and together we are going to make justice for you. He did not deserve this. Aqu estoy para lo que necesites. Sending prayers of love and peace. May The Most High God send the Comforter to comfort, heal and guide you and your family. Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, April 8, 2023 at 1:00 PM at JW Turlington School Auditorium. Y respecto a los cobardes que tienen la culpa de esto me refiero al mocoso que lo golpe y los tontos que solo insitaron la situacin o no hicieron nada, les pese bastante lo ocurrido y al golpeador que recuerde que pronto le llegar la hora de rendir cuentas, por ser un maldito cobarde. Your son had a loving family and I am sure that he felt that. Maybe peace is an utopia, but I'm sure we can do it better, let's do it for Drayke. Hoy brillas en el cielo, igual como brillaste en la tierra, ganaremos esto por t, Drayke y por todos quienes fueron callados. I am so sorry. Perdn por tantos das de dolor y sufrimiento nio hermoso de ojos azules, tu misin en este mundo se cumpli espero que esto marque un antes y despus en la sociedad, en todos los padres para que criemos nios empaticos. I am so very sorry to hear of dear Drayke. My heart is bleeding because of people who create lot od pain to your son. Estoy en la sonrisa de tu recuerdo. My deepest condolences for the loss of your beautiful boy, my heart breaks for your family I have a son a year older than Drayke and I can't imagine your pain but know you and your family are in our prayers. Hola les doy mi sincero pesa a su padres y Hermana nunca van estar solos el vas estar siempre con ustedes en el corazn, I have never once meet this boy but from what I have heard we have lost a beautiful soul but heaven has gained another angel. Se que el amor trasciende y crece con todos los das, as estar l estar al otro lado del camino! My son lost his friend bc of the same thing again I know y'all don't know me personally but if you need anything and I do mean anything at all please don't hesitate to ever contact me! You had beautiful eyes. Cmo es posible que haya tanta crueldad en otro nio? My deepest and sincerest condolences. My deepest condolences, love, hugs, and prayers continuos! May you one day see him again, just in another life. I hope you all are doing ok and I'm sure Drayke is shooting hoops with the angels and basketball stars up there. Yo entiendo su gran angustia, pues mi hija fue golpeada severamente por un compaero de escuela y los maestros evitaron que yo pusiera una denuncia. Thoughts and prayers pour out for you!. My condolences for this beautiful family, bullying is a silent killer and this must stop. Dios brinde consuelo a sus corazones y para Drayke descanso eterno. I deeply sorry for your lost. You will all forever be in my heart. I can barely see to type through the tears. It is very sad to know that a little boy has taken his own life, I do not want to imagine the pain that you must be going through, you were there for him, you gave him your support and unconditional love and he will be grateful for that, now he is in a better place. We love you Drayke. rayke en este momemto de tanto dolor espero que el este en cielo haciendo lo que el mas gustaba de esta vida que era dar amor y cario un gran abrazo para ustedes y que DIOS les de el consuelo que nesecitan.desde CURICO, CHILE. No se ha ido del todoSiempre vivir con ustedes, el recuerdo vivo, en su corazn. We welcome you to provide your thoughts and memories on our Memory Wall. ESE LUGAR AL QUE LLEGASTE POR QUE DIOS TE ENVO DIRECTO AL LUGAR MS LINDO QUE CUALQUIER PERSONA PUEDE LLEGAR AL PARTIR DE LA TIERRA . Y un gran beso al cielo! I will keep Drayke in my mind and heart, and your family in my prayers. Obituary Mr. James Cagle departed this life on June 16, 2021. I have a 8 year Old boy, and belive me! I currently work with kids and I am very open and honest with them about bullying and how it affects others. Lo siento muchsimo, I was so sad to read about your beautiful boy, of the horrendous bullying he had to put up with that led to such a tragic outcome. You can remember him and only that hes goneor you can cherish his memory and let it live on. I am so sorry for your loss, no mother, father, sister, brother, cousin or friend should ever have to go through this. I'm so sorry for your lost . Your little man was beyond special. DRAYKE tu hermoso nombre jams ser olvidado, ser usado para pelear esta batalla. This has broke my heart. I'm am so beyond sorry to hear about your loss. I am so so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. The excitement on his face and in his body language is something I will always remember. Lamento mucho que sucediera eso, estaba muy pequeo para lo que le toc vivir, en ocasiones los otros nios son muy crueles y "no se dan cuenta" y los padres no prestan atencin, es dufucil ver qu tan pequeo tomo esa decisin. Were so deeply sorry for your loss. I hope that making the painful decision to share your story will save lives and prevent another family from experiencing the immeasurable pain you are feeling. Sending love and healing to your family. Rest In Peace Drayke . Rest in peace Buddy, Sending your family so much love and strength. Siendo lejana de este caso. Estar en el cielo , disfrutando de la felicidad que le arrebataron en la tierra . El CIELO BRILLA, DRAYKE VIVE!! <3. Too big for this world!! Y todos los padres, cuiden a sus hijos, escuchenlos, amnlos, jams los dejen solos, no permitan que nadie los lastime. La vida es tan hermosa y bella para que seamos felices y viviamos momentos hermosos. Dear Drayke, your pain has crossed borders and has moved everyone who has heard the news. He seemed like a powerful little boy that could conquer the world. Vuela alto angelito, este mundo lleno de monstruos no te merecia eres ms de lo que imaginabas mi pequeo , se Libre, se feliz papis siempre te van a amar , le pido a Dios por tu alma , descansa en paz mi pequeo. And God himself will be with them.+ 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes,+ and death will be no more,+ neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.+ The former things have passed away., My heart aches for you and your beautiful boy!!! What a sweet wonderful boy. Debemos aprender los adultos a ensear a ser amables a nuestros hijos! Rest in peace little boy. The big difference is that my Sean was 31, not 12! I am very sorry for your loss sending all the love you're way RIP Lil man a true king. With deepest sympathy Lori & Siarrah Honetor. Big hugs from London Ontario Canada, My deepest condolences to your family from mine , no one deserves to lose a child like this ! Familia Dios los bendiga, tienen un ngel hermoso en el cielo y cuidar de ustedes. Cuanto dolor nos genera tu pronta e injusta partida Drayke, deseo que le des fuerza a tu familia para poder aceptar su enorme prdida.Rezaremos por tu alma, yendo al encuentro de Dios. God give strength to the whole family and allow them in memory of this beautiful angel to carry the message to all the hearts of the world. It brought me peace. May Drayke have eternal peace and happiness in heaven, where they have the best basketball courts and new balls every day. one beautiful Boy , Thank Heaven for His time on this Earth , Go in Peace The Hardman family. I am 82 years old and mother of 6, grandmother of. My heart hurts so much. -Andy. Ese ngel los iluminar desde donde est! MUCHAS VECES NUESTRO PADRE MADRE CREADOR ENVIA A SUS ANGELES AL PLANETA PARA QUE ENTREGUEN AMOR Y REMUEVAN CONSCIENCIA. I will pray for you and your family Nuestro ms sincero pesar lamentamos y condenamos lo ocurrido a pequeoes un angel q estar siempre a vuestro lado y con seguridad ser feliz cada da .. Hermoso nio hoy tenemos que regresarte al lado de Dios quien te protejera hasta que mam y pap lleguen a tu lado ac en este plano trataremos de luchar para ser mejores personas,dulce angelito descansa.. my heart goes out to you Samie and Andrew and your beautiful girls, your son is your protector and powerful little angel, I just don't understand this at all this bullying is all over the world in our schools can't the government do anything to protect the kids or maybe start a class on why bullying is not tolerated, Those big blue eyes of his such a handsome young little guy RIP now angel , My heart goes out to all of you. Y an as, me duele el alma y el corazn. Can't stop cryinug for your boy. Los chicos se burlaban de l y se aprovechaban. Querido Drayke descansa en paz y disfruta de la felicidad al lado de Dios y la Virgen. Decid sacar de esa escuela llena de gente que solo iba a cobrar un salario pero sin compromiso de velar por la seguridad de los nios. May your blue eyed baby Rest In Peace, may God guide you and be with you every step of the way. May you be the guidance of your family in the mission of spreading love and kindness all around the world. Gob less your family l your family, Dear family of Drayke, I am very sorry for your loss, from a distance I accompany you in your pain I did not have the fortune to meet Drayke but looking at his photos I can see a beautiful boy, tender, blue eyes full of kindness and love as big as the immensity of the seaI was a victim of bullying for many months I know the devastation that this can cause in a person for this reason I accompany you in a very special way, thinking and feeling so many things from the depths of my heart I wish that God fill you with light, love and family union to take the momentI'm so sorry a big hug full of love and light for each of you. My condolences to your family . Padres cremos buenos hijos, hijos pidan ayuda siempre a sus padres. S que donde estas tienes paz, amor y existe mucha bondad. Les envio mis condolencias y un abrazo a la distancia, no hay palabras para reconfrontar esta enorme perdida, pero este pequeo nos deja una enorma lucha que hay que seguir en su nombre, que dios y la virgen los acompae mas en ahora en adelante. Visitation will be held on Saturday October 8 2022 from 100 PM until 500 PM at DobyFuneral Home. Drayke ya est en paz en manos de Dios, ojal se tome conciencia y se haga justicia, ac hay culpables y deben pagar por esto! As an early years teacher, I am committed and aligned with this purpose. Seeing this truly breaks my heart. He looks like such a sweet little kid and he never ever deserved to go through what he did. My heart aches for you and I am so very sorry for your loss. Cuando sientan la corriente del aire, solo sienta que es una caricia de Drayke, que dice que los AMA, Deepest condolences for your loss. El es un ngel que los cuida desde ahora. Kindness is the most important thing in life, I'm sure Drayke was, is and forever will be the kindest angel. Work here? Doby Funeral Home will continue to provide professional, dignified and compassionate service throughout this pandemic. May you rest in peace, beautiful little angel, I would like to turn back time and have a way of having talked to you through some means of communication so that you could tell the pain you felt inside. I am praying for comfort for your family, you will never be the same but your son will send you signs that he is happy in Heaven. Internment will be held at the McAllister Family Cemetery in Raeford NC. Angel hermoso, ojal encuentres paz y tranquilidad all alado de Dios . Que brille para l la luz que no tiene fin,que descanse en paz. Tengo el corazn roto en mil pedazos este caso me ha llegado a lo ms profundo del corazn y he llorado como si conociera a drayke de siempre deseo de todo corazn que Dios ayude a calamar este dolor tan fro y triste que nos dejo su partida muy seguramente drayke est en un mejor lugar un lugar donde estar feliz y nunca ms nadie le har dao era un ser tan especial que a este mundo terrenal le qued grande no conozco a drayke pero me he conectado tanto con su caso que lo siento como mi familia me ha dolido muchsimo lo sucedido y dara lo que fuera por haberlo ayudado y evitar que tomara esa decisin tan dolorosa a su hermosa familia les deceso que Dios los protega y que se reencuentren con su hijo y hermanito cuando sea el momento llevaremos a drayke en nuestros corazones con todo el amor del mundo, God bless you all. Hopefully your unfortunate departure serves to make everyone and everything aware that bullying is not a game, bullying doesn't make you cool, bullying is a CRIME. As an aunt of a 12 years old sweet girl, I cannot imagine, not even for a second the pain you all are going through. You shouldn't have to bury your son. I wish I'm able to put you guys at ease with this. Love all the way from Canada Newfoundland, Que Dios fortalezca sus vidas, la vida de Drayke impact mi vida porque tambin viv el bullying cuando era Nio, fueron das oscuros y mucho miedo a ser yo mismo, a hablar pero hoy Tengo a Drayke conmigo desde el cielo cuidndome y recordndome que ayude a otros a alzar la voz! I feel very angry with his aggressor. Heartbreaking. Lo siento mucho mucha fortaleza para su familia que Dios te tenga en un lugar muy especial esperando que hayas encontrado La Paz que estabas buscando Dios te bendiga Nio hermoso que seas muy feliz. I was bullied throughout my school life, something you never forget. Yo creo que siempre has sido un ngel, antes en la tierra donde hicistes tan dichosos a tus paps y familia de tenerte . En sus ojos azules como el cielo se puede observar un alma tan pura y buena como la de Drayke, a veces la vida es muy injusta e inentendible. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope he is now at peace and can watch over his family from above. Mottoes seldom form part of the grant of arms: Under most heraldic authorities, a motto is an optional component of the coat of arms, and can be added to or changed at will; many families have chosen not to display a motto. A wide selection of funeral flowers are available to help you honor and remember your loved one. Praying for you and your 'ohana. And that your story helps change the system, This breaks my heart, I am so sorry for the loss of your handsome son. His story is reaching across the country and even the borders. I've seen first hand how much it can affect any person especially a child that is already going through so much while dealing with the changes of becoming a young adult. I do not know you nor did I know your son, but, as a mother who read his story on social media I could not imagine the pain you and your family must be feeling. Es lamentable todo lo que le ha ocurrido. I send a hug and love to the family. I feel certain that his message of love will continue to spread. I will talk to my 3 youngest boys about be kind and no more bullying from other kids. Much love. View Vernon McDougald Sending so much love your way. The earth and the world is saddened by his passing. This story moved me and my heart and I think about it all the time. Hola.. Que Dios le de la fortaleza que necesitan!! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Although I don't know Drayka personally, I have noticed how beautiful and happy the boy is. May he Rest In Peace, Lamento con el alma lo sucedido. Todo mi amor por sus padres y familiares. Como mam no puedo imaginar el dolor por el que estn pasando y quiero decirles que su nio es hermoso y lo siento mucho de veras. no hay palabras.solo lo siento mucho.fuerza y amor . Your story and legacy has spread so far and wide. Espero que tue alma sea recibida y acogida por Dios y desde all protejas a tu familia, a tus padres a los que les enseaste a amarte profundamente. Lamento que esos papas no hayan educado a ese agresor. May God bless his family and gives them peace and love. He was a light in this world. Rest In Peace dear angel. Sembraste en m una semillita de reflexin y de cambio - eso te lo quiero agradecer, porque por t y por los que hoy tambin sufren, quiero que mi hijo sea una buena persona y quiero contribuir a que esto termine. I wish that I could've met you Drayke, I truly do. Because of you, I have more of a prompting to let others know that they do not have to grieve alone. Ever since I heard about Drayke I cant stop crying. Abrazos. Dolby Funeral Chapel 434 River Road Windham, ME 04062 Claim this funeral home Dolby Funeral Chapel The funeral service is an important point of closure for those who have suffered a. Perdnanos como sociedad porque somos malos. From Bolivia South America, I send you all my love. Schools need to stand upto bullying more!! Hoy siendo mam, teniendo un pequeo hijo, no puedo ni siquiera imaginar el dolor por el cual estn pasando. LEE DOBY OBITUARY. Cario, me tienes el corazn roto, mis lagrimas salen y salen acompaadas de un gran dolor en mi pecho viendo tu carita de ngel, t inocencia, llegaste con un propsito y lo cumpliste y es dejar huella en los corazones de miles de personas, tu partida no ser en vano, acabaremos con el acoso, gua nuestros pasos ngel, pues eres nuestro guerrero ms fuerte, dejaste mucho dolor pero tambin muchos propsitos de vida. Siento tanto que la maldad de este mundo te halla hecho tanto dao al punto de haberte suicidado. Lo siento mucho se que no hay palabras que te consuele, Debemos nosotras como madre aprender a educar nuestros hijos. I feel so hurt by what happened, my deepest condolences, when I found out I started to cry, may you rest in peace little angel . Un nio tan hermoso!! May your family find the strength to get through it. Drayke is forever an Angel and watching/protecting your family! Rest in peace and send strength to tour family to get ahead of this pain. Tristeza infinita al leer sobre esta noticia, cmo mam de un adolescente de 14 aos, me aterra pensar que algo as podra sucederle! I want to protect all of these sweet souls from any ill will. What a truly beautiful boy. I hope and trust that God will help you with your grief. She is survived by : her children, Mike Frick (Pat) of Salisbury, NC and Susie Hardister (Brad) of Salisbury, NC; her grandchildren, Heather Jones (Keith), L. Nicole Hardister (Alex Williams) and Nathan Hardister; her great grandchildren, Justin Jones (Sarah), Brandon Jones (Celine), Connor Oddon and Avery Hardister; and her great great grandchildren, Hunter Jones, Easton Jones, Eli Jones and Ryder Jones. Espero que tu familia encuentre consuelo de la mano de Dios y que tu ests en sus brazos. Perhaps this angel flew to his place of peace very soon, but he moved the world with his mission, and in America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania we met him and we will defend his purpose and that of his family. Sentimos mucho su prdida. My condolences to the family. May god be with you and your family. I am so sorry I just don't have any words . It's very heartbreaking to hear this news. Even though I didn't know you guys I'm so sorry for your loss and I'm praying for you guys this is something no person should ever go through stay strong. How can we help and support our teens who choose not to share their pain. Mis mas sinceras condolencias por su prdida. I am pretty sure you all might have find out by now, but I still wish you would have known in time that, in the end, it does not really matter, that they cannot break your essence and, ultimately, they simply fade away. Que diosito te tenga en su santa gloria eres solamente un angelito que apenas se estaba enseando volar abrazos asta al cielo papa , I'd like to personally pass my warmest aloha to you and your ohana. Es muy triste que un chiquitin con tanta vida por delante tomar esta decisin debio ser algo tragico lo que estaba viviendo para que hiciera esto solo Dios el y su agresor lo saben pero le pido al seor Jesucristo que les de la fortaleza que necesitan para superar esta tragedia que el el y solo el puede confortar esos corazones que wstan destrozados por el desgarrador dolor que deja la prdida de un ser querido y ms si es un nio de verdad lo siento y le ruego a Dios que los consuele. may God keep this little angel My heart is broken into a thousand pieces! Hope you all find the peace you need to continue loving and smiling despite this big pain. Continue to love your family, and give them the strength to continue life on earth, until they see you again. Make sure relatives of Bessie Doby Frick know they have sympathy messages here. Abrazos desde alma querida Flia. Lo lamento mucho realmente me duele cuando pasa algo as!! Estoy profundamente consternada por su partida tan temprana, que tristeza que este pequeo angelito lleno de amor y bondad haya partido tan pronto. que entregar a este mundo con toda una vida por delante. I watched the videos and read the articles. Nothing can turn back time and no words can comfort, but know how many people have been touched by the life and story of your sweet sweet baby. Cerca bien cercahasta el ltimo da de tu viaje Mucha fuerza Paps, mis oraciones por su pequeito. Your heart and soul was too beautiful for this world. Mi ms sentidas condolencias a toda la familia Hardman y amigos de Drayke Que triste noticia, como un nio tan pequeo tiene que sufrir en silencio por el hecho de que otra persona no supo entender que cada uno de nosotros venimos al mundo a ser y fluir como, , a ser libres con nuestras emociones , pensamientos y sentimientos. You are suffering and I hope I don't go through your situation but don't cry your son he would feel bad if he sees tears welling up in your eyes. I can't express how broken is my heart and my spirit since I read your post. My prayers surround you every night. Lamento profundamente esta perdida, es una noticia muy triste nos saco lagrimas a muchos, no hay palabras para el consuelo de este dificil momento, dar mis condolencias y y que tu luz brille por siempre en la eternidad. And one day, when you are called home, you will watch Drayke play, and he will be . #doitfordrayke, se me arrug el corazn al ver esta notica, soy madre y da miedo pensar q nuestros hijos estn a salvo en la escuela, que aveces la crueldad de un nio llega al punto de daar la vida de otro, que Dios les d La Paz para este duro momento. Drayke is in my families prayers. Para cambiar vidas,pensamientos,almas. El ahora es y ser parte del cambio de este mundo, su vida est marcando y ayudando hoy por hoy a muchas personas y quizs salvando a muchos nios. Marian Doby, aged 20, who settled in America, in 1892; Doby Settlers in United States in the 20th Century. As a father of triplet boys a little younger than your son, I feel your heartache. To the family, I want to say that I hope that you find strength and peace to cope with this difficult process. Mucho nimo desde Espaa, ojal este caso valga para que este mundo de mierda abra los ojos y que no sea en vano, que hay mucha maldad, pero almas inocentes como la de tu hijo, y otros muchos, no tendran porqu pagarlo. Mis condolencias a toda la familia. Hello Relatives of Drayke. Fuerza para tu familia. May he Rest In Peace. love and hugs to you all x, Hermoso Drayke que la virgencita te tenga entre sus brazos acariciandote!! Mi corazn se acongoja ante tan terrible prdida, tu historia no tuvo el mejor final lastimosamente, pero confiamos en que sirva de leccin para acabar con el acoso y violencia que sufren muchos nios, quienes por temor o preocupacin quizs no piden ayuda. I am sending so much love and strength your way. Condolences to you and your family. Effie Dockery departed this life on Monday, December 5, 2022. It has to. You built the foundation for your family and supporters to create an empire of kindness and you didn't even know it. You guys are all in my prayers. Angel hermoso el mundo te recordar siempre con muchsimo amor!! Muchas veces, en la vida, las circunstancias nos superan, se descontrolan y no podemos hacer nada para evitar que nos ocurran adversidades. Will it bring back your son? Fuerzas para toda la familia en este momento tan duro. We wish Drayke and his family comfort at this time and hope that they feel embraced with love by the world and those closest to them. Everyone has a package to carry, but you were just 12 years old to understand. Mucha fuerza y amor a su familia #StopBuyilling. </p> Raeford, North Carolina . I pray that your family find some comfort during this time and that you all find some peace with the memories created with your son during his time on earth. En este momento dejas un legado muy bonito para cada uno de los que en la forma ms dura tuvimos que conocerte. I send you all my love and all my strength. I send you hugs filled with love. You have amazing strength and Drayke will guide you the rest of the way. I hope that you find comfort in the memories that you shared together and peace in the prayers which surround you during this difficult time. It's so hard reading this emailIt has hurt me so much knowing to the world that real children are exposed with all my heart, I join you in this pain because despite not knowing them, that child deserved all the good things in this world and it hurts like everything else he now rests in peace and left a very big mark on this world , There are no words to calm your pain, I am very sorry for the loss of such a beautiful angel, we only have the consolation that God has received him in his kingdom and that from there he will take care of you as a family, you will always have that little angel that will accompany you and your family forever, rest in peace little Drayke, No Encuentro Las Palabras Para Describir El Aosmbro & Tristeza Que E Sentido Desde Que Conoc La Noticia , Soy Una Chica De 28 Aos Que Desde 4 Aos Padezco Depresin & Ansiedad , Se Que Es Vivirla, Sentirla & Tener Que Luchar Contra Ella No Me Imagino No alcanz A Dimensionar Como a Sus 12 Aos Tuvo Que Luchar Contra Esto & con Esta Sociedad Que Cada Da Es Ms Destructiva Que Dios Los Bendiga & Los Llene A Todos Ustedes De sabidura, Pasiencia & Mucha Fortaleza Para Afrontar Todo Esto & Que Esto Ojal Ayude A Que Porfin La Salud Mental Sea Tomada En Cuenta & Que Desde Casa Se Ensee El Valor Del Respeto & Que Por Ms Diferencias Que Existan Siempre Merecemos Esto , Un Abrazo Desde Aqu Estoy Segura Que El Mundo entero Esta Con Ustedes. Reading his story breaks my heart and fills me with such sorrow. I pray God wraps his loving arms around you all in the days ahead. Mi mas sentido pesame por su enorme perdida, el dolor que siento sin conocerlos y a miles de kilometros de distancia es un granito de arena, comparado con el que deben sentir ustedes que son su familia. Es muy triste ver esta situacin donde este pequeo no pudo ms. Drayke's story is out there and being heard by the world and I hope this can put a stop to bullying! Me duele el corazn, mi hijo Cristbal de 18 aos sufri acoso escolar todo su paso por la escuela, y pens muchas veces quitarse la viday de parte de las autoridades de las escuelas poco y nada de atencin, para que decir los padres de los nios agresores.

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