Pairaka (Pairi) shapeshifting female demons (daeva) who appear as beautiful women to seduce and corrupt men in the night. Shahriyar adopts a policy of marrying a virgin, spending a night with her, and executing her the next morning. Persian mythology, ancient Beliefs of the ancient Persian (Iranian) people. Mithra is depicted riding in a great chariot drawn by white horses, armed with a silver spear, bow, and arrows of gold. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. Iraj's portion was thought the best and so his brothers killed him for it. Upon the earth, Ahura Mazda spread all different kinds of vegetation and imbued it with its own life and then created Gavaevodta, the Primordial Bull (also given as the uniquely created bull, Primordial Bovine, and Primordial Ox) who would give life to all other animals which would feed on, and fertilize, the vegetation. Also known as Sepandarmaz who inspires the day of devotion to women celebrated annually in Iran as Sepandarmazgan (also given as espandegan). A freelance writer and former part-time Professor of Philosophy at Marist College, New York, Joshua J. Geus-Tasan god of cattle and their creator. The other major sources for Persian mythology are the Shahnameh ("The Book of Kings") written by the Persian poet Abolqasem Ferdowsi (l. 940-1020 CE) . Cite This Work The biblical flood story is a composite of two flood stories spliced together (commonly called Yahwistic and Priestly), [1] and most biblical scholars agree that it is ultimately dependent on a Mesopotamian flood story. When a human encountered a jinn, the entity might grant the person's wishes or trick them at the last moment. The gods, creatures, & heroes who made up the early stories are scattered amongst the various works of Zoroastrianism & later collections of myth & fable. Like all other animals, the dog owed its existence to the life-giving energies of one of the first of Ahura Mazda's creations, the Primordial Bull. Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Our mission is to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. Souls sentenced to the House of Lies were those who had followed and worked for the forces of darkness but, even so, they would not remain there eternally and would eventually be reunited with Ahura Mazda. He was later recognized in the post-Zoroastrian movement of Zorvanism as god of limited space and time. Dogs in Antiquity: Anubis to Cerberus: The Origin of the Domestic Dog, Gods in the Desert: Religions of the Ancient Near East. They can also appear as rats, shooting stars, or in other forms. Dogs warded off evil spirits, comforted and guided, and watched over one's most valuable possessions. Kamak is so enormous that its spread wings blocked the rain, bringing drought to the land, and in the chaos which followed it easily plucked up human and animal prey to feed on. The couple cannot conceive for 50 years after their fall and, when Mashyanag finally does give birth, she and Mashya eat the children because they have lost any sense of balance and reason. Ahura Mazda was uncreated and eternal and, by his goodness . With your support millions of people learn about history entirely for free, every month. Daena the Holy Maiden who appears to the newly deceased on the Chinvat Bridge and comforts them as they cross. The central vision of ancient Persian religion was of a universal struggle between the forces of good and evil, order and chaos. Norse* mythology says that the first man and woman . The creatures which appear in Persian mythology almost all fall into one of these two camps except for the Jinn (also given as Djinn and better known as Genies) and the Peri (faeries) who defy easy definition as their roles seem more neutral and their actions dependent on circumstance rather than loyalty to a given cause. Roc the giant bird of prey best known from the stories concerning Sinbad the Sailor from One Thousand Nights and a Night. He took her up on this offer when his wife, Rudaabeh, was in labor and, by Simurgh's aid and instruction, the great hero Rustum was born. Most characters in Persian mythology are either good, or they are evil. Rustum and Sohrab meet in battle, neither knowing the other's identity, and Sohrab is killed. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology: An A-Z Guide to the Myths and Twelve Ancient Persian Mythological Creatures, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. We care about our planet! Another great threat to order and human happiness was the dragon (known as azhi) and the most fearsome of these was Azhi Dahaka who is described as three-mouthed, the three-headed, the six-eyed, who has a thousand sensesmost powerful, to destroy the world of the good principle (Yasht 9.14; Curtis, 23). This was a polytheistic faith with a pantheon led by the supreme god Ahura Mazda ("Lord of Wisdom"), champion of order, against the dark forces of Angra Mainyu ("Destructive Spirit") and his legions of chaos. Sam is the grandfather of the great champion Rustum. Nairyosangha an angel associated with fire and, therefore, purity; Ahura Mazda's messenger who also carries the prayers of people from earth to heaven. The Umm-Naush were a subset of the evil spirits known as Khrafstra. Humans were granted the gift of free will by Ahura Mazda, & the meaning of human existence comes down to choosing good over evil. There are, of course, many other famous stories from Persian mythology the Rustum tales alone are epic, and the Shahnameh weaves these with others in 50,000 rhymed couplets, making it longer and more thematically complex than other famous works like The Epic of Gilgamesh or Homer's Iliad which explore and expand upon the theme of good vs. evil and order triumphing over chaos. Apam-Napat a water god whose name means child of the waters. When Hushedar appeared, people would stop eating meat and the sun would stand still for ten days. The most feared among them were the Al (Hal) who preyed on newborns and their mothers. Tistar god of rain, possibly another form of Tishtyra but most likely a separate deity. Simurgh tells Zal to return to his father and the world of humans but gives him a feather (in some versions, three feathers) which he should use to summon her if he needs help. Spenta Mainyu Holy Spirit, one of the seven Amesha Spentas, the embodiment of the light and goodness of Ahura Mazda. She continues this pattern for one thousand and one nights and so saves herself. War in Europe fuels geopolitical tensions . Srosh an angel, possibly the same as Sraosa/Suroosh, who announces the time of death of the king. Between 1500 and 1000 B . Fravashis guardian angels, an aspect of one's higher self. He was considered the greatest protection against evil. The Persians: Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern Iran, Ancient Persian Gods, Heroes, and Creatures - The Complete List, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. The god Vouru-Kasa watches over, and embodies, the sea and his son, Apam-Natat, is responsible for dispersing the waters around the world. It originated in Persia but most followers today live in India and some still live in Iran. On the other side of the fence is Zahhak, a symbol of despotism who was, finally, defeated by Kve, who led a popular uprising against him. The dog features prominently in one of the most popular and enduring figures from Persian mythology, Simurgh, the so-called dog-bird. Thus, in the first three centuries, a number of ideas from the ancient Middle East, from Hellenistic and especially from Jewish and Christian traditions . This Persian marvel was lost for millennia Only one ancient account mentions the existence of Xerxes Canal, long thought to be a tall tale. Winged Figure, Rock-Cut Tombs of Qizqapan. The Kara fish swim constantly around these in order to drive away evil spirits who try to destroy them. Saena (Senmurv) the great falcon who sits in the top branches of the Tree of All Seeds. Neriosang an angel, messenger of the gods. Peris are tiny, beautiful, winged creatures usually female who can deliver important messages from the gods or, just as easily, steal and hide some important object or misdirect a person. There were four levels descending down from the Chinvat Bridge, each one increasing in darkness until the lowest which was completely absent of all light. Amesha Spentas also known as yazatas, the Amesha Spentas are seven immortal beings worthy of worship who personify the highest values and greatest goods. Duzhyairya demon of want, who causes bad harvests; archenemy of Tishtrya, god of rain. The khrafstra were invisible but manifested their intentions through observable nature in stinging ants, wasps, crop-destroying beetles, spiders, frogs, rodents, serpents, and beasts of prey. The trunk separated into a man and a woman, Mashya and Mashyane, and the fruit of the tree became the various races of humankind. He is eventually defeated and destroyed by Ahura Mazda at the end of the world. This so-called 'mythology', in fact, would go on to inform Zoroastrianism which, in turn, would influence the development of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Haurvatat goddess of wholeness, completeness, perfection and so associated with prosperity, wealth, and health. Drvaspa goddess of cattle, children, and friendship, who promotes harmony. Historically, these were regions long ruled by dynasties of various Iranian empires,[note 1][1][2][3] that incorporated considerable aspects of Persian culture through extensive contact with them,[note 2] or where sufficient Iranian peoples settled to still maintain communities who patronize their respective cultures. The stars worked for good on the side of Ahura Mazda; the planets were controlled by Angra Mainyu and attempted to corrupt or block the good influence of the stars. Zal becomes a great prince and marries the princess Rudabeh who has a difficult time giving birth to their son. Tang (Public Domain). A freelance writer and former part-time Professor of Philosophy at Marist College, New York, Joshua J. Asha Vahishta god of Truth/Righteousness, one of the seven Amesha Spentas. In both Persian and Arabic sources it is said that by eating the flesh of a black cat one is protected against magic (Je, II, p. 207; IV, p. 42; V, p. 341; Damr, II, p. 37; Qazvn, p. 417). Saena Tree (Tree of All Remedies, Tree of All Seeds) the great tree and mother of all trees, mother of all plants which grows in the middle of the Vourukasha Sea and sends the seeds of all vegetation out into the world when the Saena Bird, who lives in its branches, flaps its wings. Even so, for his virtuous service, he was made Lord of the Dead, and the afterlife was initially known as Yima's Realm. Kamak plays precisely the opposite role, feeding on Persians and their livestock and bringing destruction. Her name means evil eye. Those who settled in Iran became the Persians. The resultant discord mirrors the nationalistic ideals of the early Islamic era as well as the moral and ethical perceptions of the Zoroastrian period, in which the world was perceived to be locked in a battle between the destructive Ahriman and his hordes of demonic Divs and their Aneran supporters, versus the Creator Ormuzd, who although not participating in the day-to-day affairs of mankind, was represented in the world by the izads and the righteous ahlav Iranians. These systems only became designated as mythological after they had been replaced by others which, even so, continued to express the same values emphasizing the forces of good and order over those of evil and chaos. 30 Apr 2023. The mythology of ancient Persia originally developed in the region known as Greater Iran (the Caucasus, Central Asia, South Asia, and West Asia). They were thought to be spirits imprisoned in the fairy-form to atone for a past sin or sins but were not considered immortal and were certainly not human souls. The gods, creatures, and heroes who made up these early stories of ancient Persian mythology are therefore scattered amongst the various works of Zoroastrianism and later collections of myth and fable. The early Iranian deities were almost completely reimagined by Zoroaster but many retained their original function to greater or lesser degrees. The copyright holder has published this content under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Web. Aka Manah daeva (evil spirit) of sensuality and desire; tempter of the prophet Zoroaster who tried to seduce him away from devotion to Ahura Mazda. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. World History Encyclopedia. Haug's answer seems to fit with Zoroaster's original vision but whether it would apply to pre-Zoroastrian understanding is unknown. In early myths, she is known as Saena, the Great Falcon, who sits in the upper branches of the Tree of All Seeds and, by fluttering her wings, sends seeds flying to the ground and across the world to find their way into the earth. He is the son of the water god Vouru-Kasa, keeper of the waters, who gives water to humans. The Vendidad text provides insight on how one should practice Zoroastrianism and mentions various entities and rituals which predate the founding of the religion. Gaymart's spirit, with that of the primeval ox, lived for 3,000 years during the period in which creation was only spiritual. We already have a better picture of how 2023 might unfold. Sohrab is born while Rustum is away at war and, when he is grown and has become a great warrior, goes to find him. This story was a Roman adaptation of a widespread ancient Mediterranean folktale told of many national leaders, such as the Akkadian king Sargon (c. 2300 bc), the biblical Moses, the Persian king Cyrus the Great, the Theban king Oedipus, and the twins Neleus and Pelias of Greek mythology. Mashya and Mashyanag live in complete harmony with the animals of the world, each other, and Ahura Mazda until Angra Mainyu comes into their paradise and seduces them by claiming that he is their creator and master of the world and that Ahura Mazda has been deceiving them. Similar to the Jinn were the Peri (fairies) who could be mischievous or helpful. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. His mere existence immobilized Ahriman, the evil spirit who wanted to invade creation. Cultural Trends. The term 'mythology' comes from the Greek mythos (story-of-the-people) and logos (word or speech), meaning the spoken story of a people. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. A freelance writer and former part-time Professor of Philosophy at Marist College, New York, Joshua J. This is also true for many creatures of ancient Persian mythology, the forces for good as well as evil, in that they touch upon universal concerns of the human condition through the specific details of their characters symbolizing various apprehensions and possibilities. Dog imagery also appears in depictions of the great birds Simurgh (known as the dog-bird) and Chamrosh. Although the claim that the ancient Persians recognized these stars has been challenged, the Zoroastrian cosmological text Bundahisn, attests to such. Eranvej the Pahlavi name for Airyaneum Vaejah, the center of the world. The greatest Persian hero is Rustum (also given as Rostom and Rustam) who is the grandson of the hero Sam and son of the equally heroic Zal. Bahram god of victory in life and after death, associated with the warrior god Verethragna. There is little notice of the Persian god in the Roman world until the beginning of the 2nd century, but, from the year 136 ce onward, there are hundreds of dedicatory inscriptions to Mithra. He is, like Tishtrya, depicted as a white horse battling the demon Apaosha (shown as a black horse). Most famous of these is the Simurgh, a large, beautiful, and powerful bird; and the Huma bird, a royal bird of victory whose plume adorned Persian crowns. The Al (Hal) is the most feared of these demons as it preyed upon newborns and sleeping mothers and their children. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. Rustum is the greatest and best-known Persian champion, invincible in battle, who fights to maintain order and justice against the Kingdom of Turan. World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit organization. This page was last edited on 25 March 2023, at 20:33. They are Armaiti (Devotion), Asha Vahishta (Truth/Righteousness), Haurvatat (Wholeness), Khshathra Vairya (Desirable Dominion), Vohu Manah (Good Purpose), Spenta Mainyu (Holy Spirit), Ameretat (Immortality). Ahura Mazd was worshipped by the Persian king Darius I (reigned 522-486 bce) and his successors as the greatest of all gods and protector of the just king. Mark, J. J. The general khrafstra manifested themselves frequently in the natural world, taking on the form of wasps, stinging ants, beasts of prey, rodents, spiders, and similar creatures. After Zoroastrianism's development, he became the only god of the new faith; later known as Ormuzd and Hormuzd. Kara Fish fish that protect the Tree of Seeds and the plant Gaokerena in the middle of the Vourukasha Sea. Sassanian-style Plate with Simurghakhenatenator (Public Domain). World History Encyclopedia. Myth and history represent alternative ways of looking at the past. Please donate to our server cost fundraiser 2023, so that we can produce more history articles, videos and translations. Dragon-serpents ( azhi) frequently appear in Persian mythology as the embodiment of evil and disorder, and Azhi Dahaka was the most fearsome of them all. Tascheter one of the Four Royal Stars (modern designation Aldebaran) who worked for the good forces of Ahura Mazda. Rakhsh the great stallion of the hero Rustum, mightier and more intelligent than any other horse, and of amazing strength and speed. Our publication has been reviewed for educational use by Common Sense Education, Internet Scout (University of Wisconsin), Merlot (California State University), OER Commons and the School Library Journal. Vayu (Vayu-Vatu, Vata) god of the wind who lived between worlds, in the interface between the good of Ahura Mazda and the evil of Angra Mainyu and so could be a powerful force for either side. Zorvan (Zurvan) the god of time. Even if one never actually saw a Koresk, one could still have hope one would someday and all one's problems would be solved in a sudden streak of supernatural good fortune. Ahura Mazd, (Avestan: "Wise Lord") also spelled Ormizd or Ormazd, supreme god in ancient Iranian religion, especially Zoroastrianism, the religious system of the Iranian prophet Zarathustra (c. 6th century bce; Greek name Zoroaster). Anahita (Ardvi Sura Anahita) goddess of health, healing, water, and wisdom. Other information on pre-Zoroastrian religion comes from later works known as the Bundahisn and the Denkard and, to a lesser extent, the Vendidad. One of the central values of ancient Persian culture was storytelling, and through their rich mythology, they created some of the most memorable characters and tales in world history which have fascinated audiences ever since. Bibliography Persian MythologyPersian Mythology in ContextPersian mythology developed in what is now Iran around 1500 bce. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. He was also associated with the haoma plant, as its protector, linking him with enlightenment and guided the faithful toward Truth (Asha) while defending them against the wiles of the forces of darkness. Angra Mainyu the chief of the dark spirits of evil and chaos. In time, the Huma would come to symbolize the concept of elevation and enlightenment. Ancient Persian Mythology. Two dogs guard the Chinvat Bridge and welcome justified souls while rebuking those who lived according to lies. The first person and the founder of the Pishdadian Dynasty was Keyumars, according to Persian creation myth, and his offspring Mashya and Mashyana carried on the human species by their procreation. To prove his innocence, he rode his great horse Shabrang Behzed through a towering fire and emerged unscathed. Help us and translate this definition into another language! Ariana possibly a mother goddess, personification of the ancient land of Iran, though poorly attested. Aesma was thought to be responsible for attacks on livestock, especially cows. Simurgh was thought to possess great wisdom and features prominently in the story of the hero Zal whom she raised and the birth of his son Rustum (also given as Rostom and Rustam), the greatest Persian hero. They were thought to inhabit lonely places outside of towns such as caves or hills and had power to influence human thought and action. The soul then approached the Chinvat Bridge which was guarded by two dogs who would welcome the justified soul and rebuff those who were evil. When someone in the community went missing, and there was no clue as to what happened to them, it was judged to be the work of a manticore. The stories which had once made up the religious understanding of the people now became fables myths which entertained while also encouraging the same cultural values they always had, only now in a monotheistic context. The Avesta (Zoroastrian scriptures) is the primary source in the section known as the Yasht which deals with pre-Zoroastrian deities, spirits, and other entities. Thraetaona then installed Iraj's grandson Manuchehr in the throne of Iran. Many of the other gods of the original Early Iranian Religion were forgotten, however, and are only known through brief reference in Zoroastrian scripture, religious literature, and the tales collected and written down in works such as the Shahnameh and One Thousand Nights and a Night. They were later elevated to benevolent spirits by the Muslim Arabs and served the same purpose as angels in bringing messages from the divine. It is associated with the great bird Simurgh, although they may not be the same, and is most likely the bird depicted in sculpture at Persepolis. Robert Alter in the Art of Biblical Narrative, recognizes that the Persian creation story of Genesis is utterly dualist. Mark, Joshua J.. "Ancient Persian Mythology." The strict monotheism of Islam does not allow for much mythological embellishment, and only reluctantly were the scriptural revelations of the Qurn elaborated and enlarged by commentators and popular preachers. A Jinn might grant one wishes but could twist and betray the outcome in doing so or, conversely, could simply be helpful outright. License. Then Ahura Mazd created Gaymart . She is scared off by a dog, especially the four-eyed dog (one with a spot above each eye), who is led into the room between three and nine times for this purpose. Aesma (Aesma-Daeva) demon of lust and rage whose name means 'Fury'. President Joe Biden spoke about the creation of new manufacturing jobs Tuesday at the . The stories which form the basis of Persian mythology come from early Persian religious belief. He is associated with Simurgh, the dog-bird, whose feathers could be used to invoke her in times of need. It restored health when eaten and its juice granted vision and immortality to the resurrected dead. He was a god of courage and enlightenment, and led the chariot of the sun across the sky on its daily journey. Mark, Joshua J.. "Ancient Persian Mythology." Once animals were created, Ahura Mazda then created human beings and then fire, but Gavaevodata was the first unique entity on earth and establishes the high value the Persians placed on animals. Barmayeh the great cow of the Alburz Mountains who nurses the hero Fereydun and cares for him. Atar the god of fire who is also the personification of fire and physically present when fires are lighted. Agas demon of illness, especially of the eyes. They were invisible unless they wanted to be seen. The mythology of any civilization reflects its core values, greatest fears, and highest hopes and so it is with the mythology of ancient Persia. The Huma Bird is a later version of Simurgh, who was said to fly eternally over the earth, never landing, and if its shadow should fall upon an individual, that person would be blessed and happy all the days of their lives. She was later replaced by Daena who welcomed or rebuked souls arriving at the Chinvat Bridge. Islamic legends is the body of legends associated with Islam and the Quran.Islam is a religion that is more concerned with social order and law than with religious ritual or myths. It was said to be so large it could easily stride the seven regions of the earth and people could climb on its back to travel from one place to another. Ameretat goddess of immortality whose name means life or living. Thank you! If one chose to follow Ahura Mazda, one would live a good and productive life in harmony with others and one's environment; if one chose Angra Mainyu, one lived in opposition to the truth and became a source of confusion and strife. Shahrazad preserves her life by telling the king a story their first night together but not finishing it. Cite This Work Vouru-Kasa a water god who is the keeper and protector of the waters of the Vourukasha Sea, the source of all waters, and is the embodiment of that sea. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. Although there are many different mythological creatures in the Persian tales, twelve are representative of the thematic whole: All of these entities influenced human daily life to one degree or another. Help us and translate this article into another language! Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Our mission is to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. The four-eyed dog a dog with a spot above each eye was considered especially potent protection against evil spirits. It took 800 years to grow and was the source of light and water in the world; light was thought to be reflected from it and water to come from its snow-caps before gathering in the primordial Vourukasha Sea from which all other waters then flowed. On the side of good was a pantheon of gods and spirits presided over by the supreme deity Ahura Mazda, the creator of all things seen and unseen, and, opposing these, was Angra Mainyu (also given as Ahriman), the spirit of evil, chaos, and confusion with his legion of demons and assorted supernatural (and natural) creatures and animals. Manticore man-eater, a monster with the head of a man, body of a lion, and tail of a scorpion who devoured people whole, leaving no trace of them except sometimes spatters of blood. Thanks to the efforts of our very creative Grade 8 students who are behind this incredible wor. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. Faravahar at PersepolisNapishtim (CC BY-SA). getty. Some, like the Peri or the Al, were considered a constant in one's life while others such as Simurgh or Azhi Dahaka represented a universal paradigm which informed one's present. Alternately, entities like Suroosh and Daena or creatures like Simurgh gave people confidence that they were cared for, that there was someone looking out for them and protecting their interests. Please support World History Encyclopedia. On earth, he assists the righteous in their war against the forces of darkness; after death, he helps protect the justified soul on its journey to paradise. The gods tell Yima that a hard winter is coming and he should gather a man, woman, the seeds of all kinds of vegetation, and two of each kind of animal in a large three-tiered barn. Simurgh known as the dog-bird was an enormous winged creature with the head of a dog, body of a peacock, and claws of a lion, sometimes also imagined with a human face. It held on to many of the earlier beliefs but added new themes, gods, and myths. The sun purifies Gayomartan's seed in the ground, and 40 years later, a rhubarb plant comes from it and grows into the first mortal couple Mashya and Mashyanag into whom Ahura Mazda breathes the spirit of life which becomes their souls. Iran's army said two Iranian crew members were missing and several others injured after a collision Thursday in the Gulf involving an oil tanker which was later seized by its forces. After the soul has left the body, it was thought to linger on earth for three days while the gods came to a decision regarding one's life and final fate. Chamrosh is also a protective entity, who swoops down upon non-Iranian invaders, pecking at them and driving them away. Even so, the oral tradition of the Persians is thought to have influenced the religious systems of other cultures many centuries earlier. Haoma god of the harvest, health, strength, and vitality; personification of the haoma plant whose juices brought enlightenment and of which Gaokerena was the greatest and largest. Author's Note: Grateful acknowledgement to Dr. Ezat Heydari for suggestions on this article. Mark has lived in Greece and Germany and traveled through Egypt. She was prayed to for protection and survival by soldiers prior to battle and so is also considered a goddess of war. Hadhayans - the celestial bull. Owing to the first couple's acceptance of the lie, however, paradise has been lost and humans will now live in strife with the natural world and each other.

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