They help to identify potential problems with how a government authority is operating, and can prompt the Ombudsman to make systemic enquiries to deal with underlying problems. And you won't get an exemption for "undue hardship" if you buy the car now, as there are plenty of other cars available for purchase that are legal. After Sally got back into the car, the device sounded again and she provided a clean sample. The officers told Derek his vehicle appeared on a list of unregistered vehicles provided to Victoria Police. VicRoads told us that because Jake had not paid the difference between the fees it had suspended his registration and had not re registered the vehicle when he made the full fee payment in October. VicRoads has a core function to keep our roads safe, and managing the Alcohol Interlock Program which applies to people convicted of drink driving offences is an important part of that. Although we consider each complaint on its merits, looking at the patterns tells us about underlying problems that may need to be fixed to make the system better. VicRoads recommend regulations relating to the Alcohol Interlock Program allow for a concession rate to be applied to the vehicle of a spouse or domestic partner involved in the program. I am tabling this report not only because of the significant public interest in VicRoads services, but to draw attention both to the issues and solutions I will continue to monitor. During the suspension period, he received another 12-month suspension period as a result of a court hearing. Some of the issues identified related to laws under review at the time of our enquiries. VicRoads website outlines the information that needs to be included to transfer registration to a former spouse or domestic partner (see below). - had his concession card reactivated shortly after he was released from prison. The Ombudsman recommended VicRoads only accept completed registration transfer requests. The driver of an enforcement vehicle has the same exemption from the road rules as a police officer or the driver of an ambulance ( Road Safety Road Rules 2009 (Vic) r 306A), that is A provision of these Rules does not apply to the driver of an enforcement vehicle if - (a) in the circumstances (i) the driver is taking reasonable care; and Edit your vicroads transfer form online Type text, add images, blackout confidential details, add comments, highlights and more. a copy of the signed contract of sale for the purchase of the vehicle. Mario contacted the Ombudsman complaining that VicRoads transferred the registration for his vehicle to his ex-partner, Jessica. VicRoads, GPO Box 1644, Melbourne Victoria 3001 Telephone: 13 11 71 TTY (for hearing impaired): 1300 652 321 Website: Application for transfer of registration. VicRoads could legally issue the violations but under the regulations it was not required to issue them. It is an offence to use an unregistered vehicle on a Victorian road. develop a policy and guidelines for registration payment hardship by (a) reviewing existing regulations and (b) consulting the Department of Treasury and Finance and appropriate non-government organisations. The program operates on a cost recovery basis. when an application to transfer registration has already been processed and the purchaser did not pay for the vehicle (this is a civil dispute), when a vehicle was driven away or removed from a property because of a domestic argument. Road management authorities in other states offer assistance or alternatives when severe hardship can be demonstrated or if a person does not own a car.13. We highlight the plight of Tess, who was mistakenly charged three times (over $1,300) for her registration renewal, and still waiting for repayment when she contacted my office three months later. Alcohol interlock exemption on medical grounds. When the suspension period ended, Brad contacted VicRoads for advice on how he could start driving again. Some of these issues will not be fixed properly without major investment in systems, which will take time and money. Other people have incurred fines and demerit points as a result of driving unregistered vehicles, not having received a renewal notice through no fault of their own. Joes and Mays lawyers told the Ombudsman that before Michael sold the vehicle to Sam, Joe telephoned Victoria Police from overseas to report the car as stolen. VicRoads acknowledged that by processing the incomplete application and not acting on Joes and Mays objections, it facilitated the fraudulent transfer and sale of the vehicle. Seatbelt exemptions. Kutcha Edwards is a proud Mutti Mutti man, singer songwriter and a survivor of the Stolen Generation. Sally asked VicRoads to remove the recorded violations because she was not in the car at the time. We heard from VicRoads that a key limitation to achieving a more robust solution was its limited technological capacity to support changes to its practices and a lack of funding to drive improvements. Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2009 (Vic), regs 114, 117. His drive lasted for about 15 minutes and, at the end of it, the device requested another sample. The exemption letter will be valid for 1 year from the date of issue. Over the six month review period, the Ombudsman received 30 complaints about VicRoads processing of refunds and payments. In particular there is a need to review transfer forms for greater clarity and promote their availability. the predominant use of a motor vehicle changes. VicRoads has also said it would develop business rules for reviewing violations so individual circumstances are considered when applying the 10-minute rule, particularly when participants generally comply with the program or they produce a satisfactory breath sample shortly after the recorded violation. If you are an LMCT carrying on the business of: Temporary changes that affect these exemptions have been introduced due to the impact of coronavirus. Full-fee participants pay a monthly fee of $36.10 and concession participants pay $18.10 each month. We strongly urge you to register your myki so that the Department of Transport and Planning can contact you if you have been exposed to coronavirus (COVID-19) on a public transport service. Report inappropriate content . Valerie purchased an unregistered vehicle and in September paid VicRoads to register it for six months. Over the review period, the Ombudsman received 38 complaints about VicRoads not notifying members of the public of proposed decisions to suspend a drivers licence, or of upcoming renewal of registration. Road Safety (Vehicle) Regulations 2009 (Vic), ch 2. These cases are resolved when the authority offers an appropriate solution or accepts our proposals. In his report, Own motion investigation into VicRoads registration practices, the Ombudsman said: "VicRoads will transfer registration from a disposer to an acquirer even if it has only part of the information needed to properly identify both parties to the transfer. Three weeks later I called VicRoads and a gentleman said it will be processed in a couple of weeks. Adam said the officer told him that VicRoads does not send out further correspondence to a person after undelivered mail is returned from their address until that person updates their address with VicRoads. A violation was automatically recorded after Jeffrey did not provide a satisfactory sample 10 minutes after the request. Book a registration appointment with VicRoads either online, by calling 13 11 71 or by visiting a VicRoads Customer Service Centre. The person must show that they have complied with the conditions of the interlock program. "The introduction of the myVicRoads customer portal has been a considerable success in providing customers with a better way of engaging with VicRoads. an offence that was on or after 1 October 2014. the participant was not in possession of the vehicle at the time a test request was made. When the Ombudsman receives a complaint, we might: Most of the time, we can informally resolve complaints without the need for a formal investigation. In such cases, you should contact us via email to arrange authorisation of a refund from VicRoads, which you can then pass on to the purchaser. As a result, the violation was withdrawn. Participants must provide five months of clean data data recorded by the device that detects no alcohol on the participants breath. If at that moment I was advised the vehicle didnt belong to (the seller), I may have had a better chance at getting my money back that I paid for the vehicle to both the seller and mechanic. The person needs to lodge the dispute in writing and support it with certain documents before VicRoads has transferred the registration. be required to participate in a behaviour change program. Commercial Passenger Vehicle Service Levy, Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC), Consumer Affairs Victoria motor car traders, a motor vehicle is first registered with VicRoads, registration is transferred into someone elses name. So, the interlock device must remain in their vehicle for longer, at extra cost. Verification of applicant entitlements to the duty exemptions they have received for individual vehicles is also carried out. The violation meant he would have the device on his vehicle for longer and incur additional fees. You can lodge your application for an exemption, reduction or refund (along with supporting documents) using one of the methods below. Although VicRoads does send renewal notices to the registered operators address, VicRoads is not required to do so.16 Complaints are particularly likely to arise when, for whatever reason, a registered operator does not receive a renewal notice, and is subsequently fined for driving an unregistered vehicle or driving without a licence. Investigate the feasibility of a change in the process for tracking of refunds. This applies to Commonwealth departments and agencies. Some drivers are confused when two different suspension periods overlap. - The information VicRoads received should have prompted it to enquire about whether the transfer should be processed. registered in the name of St Johns Ambulance Australia (Victoria) Inc, or. Stakeholders interviewed during this investigation referred to this practice as one of the main causes of inaccuracies on the vehicles Register. In January 2018, Victoria Police officers pulled Derek over and issued him with an infringement notice for operating an unregistered vehicle. "The concerns raised about the processing of refunds highlights a number of potential deficiencies with VicRoads management of refund requests and complaints. While these complaints told us a fraction of the story about the publics interaction with VicRoads, we identified five emerging themes: We wrote to VicRoads about what the public was telling us about its processes. The letter detailed his mental health condition that was contributing to his alcoholism and said he would not have knowingly ignored the interlock device. You can request a duty refund in certain circumstances, such as overpayment, sale cancellation, incorrect registration or double payments. Complaints such as these prompted the Ombudsman to make broad enquiries into how VicRoads issues notices of suspensions and renewals of registration. These changes mean that all drink drivers registering a blood alcohol content of 0.05 per cent and over will: Exemptions to the Alcohol Interlock Program only apply to a person who can provide medical evidence that they have a medical condition that prevents them from using an alcohol interlock device. This is problematic. Motor vehicle duty is payable under the Duties Act 2000 (the Act) when: It is calculated on the dutiable value of the vehicle. Some complaints about the program indicated VicRoads did not withdraw violations where: VicRoads can choose to record a violation where it is unclear who is in possession of the vehicle. The following are examples of complaints where the Ombudsman encouraged individuals to make a complaint to VicRoads first. The amount of duty will only be reduced by the reasonable costs of the modification. Why does life have to be so unfair for hard working families who strive to do the right thing as citizens? I then realised a week or two later that I had been charged three consecutive times for the same payment total of $2,067 of which $1,378 was over charged on the same day I called and spoke with a lady who was kind enough to say she would try and process it as quickly as possible. It is an offence to drive an unregistered vehicle on a Victorian road. In accordance with Road Safety (Vehicle) Regulations 2009 (Vic), reg 81(2). Learn what licence and other exemptions are available for driving or riding on Tasmanian roads. These complaints relate to VicRoads being unable to apply concession rates to registration renewal fees for all concession card holders, and its approach to applying concession in the Victorian Alcohol Interlock Program. Complaints to the Ombudsman: resolving them early. *All exemption applications need to pay a fee of $63.60 (VISA or MasterCard) plus a card payment fee (0.54%) when submitted. People have had cars, caravans and motorbikes transferred out of their name without their knowledge or consent. Andrew said the original notice did not say the suspension period would be put on hold until after the courts decision. Where appropriate, names of people referenced have been changed. I am pleased that you have noted the collaborative and responsive relationship between your office and VicRoads that has resulted in many complaints being resolved quickly and has allowed VicRoads to discuss improvements in policy, practices and procedures that are being considered and/or undertaken with your senior staff. Drivers must also pay a removal fee for these devices. (2) Provisional Licence Application (Tenure Rule). Brads driver licence was suspended after he accrued too many demerit points. VicRoads also confirmed it has recommended changes to the Road Safety Act 1986 (Vic) so demerit point suspensions will run concurrently with any other suspension or cancellation. . His appeal was delayed; and before the court heard the matter, he had already served 19 days of the suspension. VicRoads advice to Naomi was right it is not legally required to send reminder notices and the vehicles owner is responsible for renewing their registration. Rural (low risk area): $ 726.00. A driver may want to apply for an interlock exemption from VicRoads. documentary evidence confirming amalgamation of the organisations. Last year we piloted a data sharing program with Barwon Prison and Corrections Victoria, and this year we worked with VicRoads to understand what information would be most useful for it to analyse complaints and drive systemic improvement. In 2005, the previous Ombudsman investigated VicRoads transfer of registration process. what does juror status ended mean in california. documentary evidence confirming security interest in the vehicle (i.e. This meant she could receive a refund for the period from February to October 2018. In such cases, an informal resolution can involve asking VicRoads to provide information to the driver to help them in a request to cancel the infringement notice. Jake was told he would need to pay the difference between the concession and the full fee rate, but he did not do this. You need to apply for a special licence 20 working days before your event if you want to Policies & Rules; Volume 2: Design How are special licences. VicRoads proposes to adopt this pilot for all its customer service centres state-wide and work has started to coordinate system changes to bring the waiting time for certain refunds down from 14 to three days. Given these developments, the Ombudsman did not make any proposals to VicRoads about its current practices, and will continue to monitor this issue. VicRoads consequently offered May a contribution towards the costs incurred, on an ex-gratia basis. your Gold Card stamped with eitherTPI, TTIor EDA. VicRoads agreed to our proposals and invited Jessica to demonstrate she had the vehicle in her possession by taking it to a VicRoads Customer Service Centre. GPO Box 1641 Please contact VicRoads on 13 11 71 for more information. Road Safety Act 1986 (Vic), s 5AA; Functions. q"WX+GQu@?0>;*yEN+ra#+jqIHzei>=^!HF\[^BPfAs!N}8g4+QJ.7-Nq:(&c*sJ=~N5)t9-;9Q/R@N])Q*"'IY}V)-`c:Y)E3~B-E1 iEuSNc2[/0|^j[gi8Z;-X?#[epI6:cOW9.O%_juCsCJFP?6K&o/A*}/A6 m0L)d!PlTh Providing tailored data is very valuable for agencies and we have had positive responses to this project so far. Please contact VicRoads on 13 11 71 for more information. In this case, Michael was able to transfer the registration of a vehicle from May to himself, without Mays approval. This case was compared with a separate complaint to the Ombudsman made by Nicole. VicRoads: - conducted an investigation and found its system had failed to send out the incomplete transfer letters but had continued to record that the letters had been sent, - lifted the suspension of 8,512 vehicles and reversed the cancellation of 986 vehicle registrations that occurred as a direct result of this error, - attempted to contact 900 of the 1,432 people (where phone numbers were known) who did not receive renewal notices and issued new notices. The Ombudsman is likely to become involved if a driver receives an infringement notice for driving an unregistered vehicle and we find out that VicRoads sent a renewal notice to the wrong address despite the driver updating their address. We called VicRoads and spoke with the interlock team. James said the police requested his father contact VicRoads about transferring the vehicles back into his name and the company name so the police could accept the report. VicRoads considers it appropriate to register the transfer in the circumstances. The following cases highlight complaints about VicRoads reviews of violations issued under the Victorian Alcohol Interlock Program. Michael listed Joe as the disposer rather than May, who was the registered operator and owner of the vehicle. He also paid to install the alcohol interlock on his vehicle. VicRoads said it would not withdraw the violations because, under the regulations, if it is unclear who is in possession of the vehicle when the device sounds, it could record a violation against the licence. In the context of the regulations review, VicRoads recommend regulation 102 be amended to allow a concession rate to be made available to people who hold a valid concession card as at the date a renewal notice is issued or the date of payment, regardless of which is earlier. The Commissioner of State Revenue announced a temporary administrative change on 22 May 2020 to assist LMCTs impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. This allowed all parties to look into how VicRoads could strengthen its practices and improve outcomes for the Victorian community. VicRoads has a function to maintain a Register of motor vehicles.2 Anyone who sells or purchases a vehicle needs to apply to VicRoads to transfer the vehicles registration.3 If VicRoads approves, it records a transfer of vehicle registration in the Register. VicRoads has since confirmed the registration has been transferred back to Mario. ost: VicRoads, O o 1644 elbourne, Victoria 31 all: 13 11 71 TT 13 36 77, Speak and isten 13 555 727 Web: . d copy of the Articles of Association of the organisations. An exemption application for those transactions can be made within three years of the eligible transaction occurring. Sometime later, Valerie logged into her VicRoads account and saw a letter stating VicRoads had suspended her registration from October. Complaints to the Ombudsman tell a story about the publics interaction with government. VicRoads typically acts quickly to confirm data errors it identifies, but sometimes takes months to process refunds. VicRoads will be guided, in part, by the experience in Queensland where the regulatory framework is similar and processes have been designed to avoid the difficult scenarios that have been arising in Victoria and highlighted in your [enquiry]. We will continue to monitor these types of complaints. An alcohol interlock is an electronic breath testing device that prevents a vehicle from starting if it detects alcohol. The first violation was in the first month for not producing a sample. In these circumstances, it was unclear how VicRoads determined: The Ombudsman was concerned about VicRoads general practice of processing incomplete applications to transfer vehicle registration, particularly where details did not match the Register or where signatures were missing. chattel mortgage). Special purpose vehicles (type P) are either built or permanently modified primarily for off-road use, or used on a road related area, or used on an area of road that is under construction or repair. That's where you'd be subject to checks. After the 2005 investigation, VicRoads continued - as a general practice - to record a transfer of registration for all incomplete applications. Recording of a dispute prevents a transfer of registration or re-registration of a vehicle, until evidence is provided that the dispute is resolved. Adam received an infringement notice for operating an unregistered vehicle. You must write to usrequesting the exemption, or if duty has already been paid, requesting the refund. On 30 April 2018, the Victorian Government introduced new penalties for drink driving offences. Responding to the matters raised by the Ombudsman, VicRoads also: - set up a team to investigate additional cases of customers not receiving registration renewal notices six weeks prior to expiry, - posted more information on its website and established a dedicated customer enquiry line, - confirmed address details with more than 7,000 customers and sent more than 10,000 SMS messages to customers whose registration had expired in September 2015, - reviewed its processes and resolved to confirm address details when speaking with customers, - advised it was examining its registration system to identify trends in the non-payment of registration renewals. If the person does not pay the difference, VicRoads will suspend their vehicles registration. Complete the VicRoads Application for Exemption From Heavy Vehicle Driver Licence Requirements (Recognition of Driving Experience). It is my intention to brief you again on this topic, including the work undertaken by VicRoads and an assessment of potential remediation ". It was suggested that transfers should only be made when VicRoads has obtained all the information required on the application forms it uses for vehicle registration transfer.'6". - for concession card holders by developing a webform in the myVicRoads portal to capture their registration refund requests. When Joe returned from overseas, he again tried to report the car as stolen, but received the same advice. Road Safety (Vehicle) Regulations 2009 (Vic), reg 81(2). VicRoads then transferred the vehicle registrations back into the companys and Leons names. Revenue Ruling DA-022 clarifies the meaning of dutiable value of a new motor vehicle. A solution to this issue was that VicRoads would embed an escalation point in its processes. Unfortunately, the vehicles remain missing, but Leon told us that the police are continuing to look into the matter. Identify the exemption or concession relevant to your circumstances, and use the corresponding information to prepare your application for an exemption, reduction or refund if you have already paid the duty. VicRoads registration renewal notice practices. For example, if a vehicle has travelled a distance of more than 7500km since its acquisition and initial registration in the name of the LMCT, it will still be the case that a change in use will be considered to have occurred. Participants also pay supplier charges for the hire and servicing of the device. Some drivers have spent money to install and rent interlock devices assuming their licence would be automatically reinstated. When Evan contacted the Ombudsman about this violation, he provided a copy of a letter from his psychologist. You must pay duty and the transfer fee within 14 days of delivering the vehicle. Under the Act, the exemptions for demonstrator vehicles and service demonstrator vehicles require that they are used 'solely or primarily' as a demonstrator vehicle or a service demonstrator vehicle. To receive a concession rate for renewal of registration, a person must have a concession card at the time their registration is paid or the start date of the registration. Applications for the transfer of registration of a used vehicle into the buyers name must also be lodged with VicRoads. If eligible, please contact us on 13 21 61 for more information. You can register new vehicles directly into a customers name or into your own name. This amendment is proposed to come into effect this year. In view of this, VicRoads recommended that hardship provisions be included in the Road Safety (Vehicle) Regulations and Road Safety (Drivers) Regulations. Resources Legislation Last updated on 12 Feb 2021 (Please read VicRoads' standards of acceptable identity for clarification; Frequently Asked Questions There are also other RWC exemptions regarding the type of vehicle and transfer. examining how it can meet this new policy objective by firstly changing its practices and processes. Where VicRoads processed incomplete applications, some people spent money improving vehicles that were then seized by Victoria Police. When he contacted VicRoads stating he had not received a renewal notification, a VicRoads officer informed him that his renewal notification had been returned as undelivered mail. An exemption application can only be made for transactions that occurred before 1 July 2019. the transferor), an estimate of the duty payable if the corporate reconstruction concession applies, If you are applying for an exemption/refund for a vehicle modified to enable a person with a disability to drive, complete the, If you are applying for an exemption/refund for a vehicle used to transport disabled, handicapped or injured people,complete the, If you are applying for an exemption/refund for a vehicle used to transport an incapacitated personcomplete the, If you are applying for an exemption/refund for aprivate vehicleused to convey anincapacitated person,complete the, If you are applying for an exemption/refund for agovernment or charitable vehicle is used to convey anincapacitated person complete the. VicRoads explore the ability to record a notation on the Register, where a person appears in possession of a vehicle, so law enforcement authorities can issue an infringement notice to the correct person. High culture fit and teaming having worked and lived in 3 different continents & cultures - West Africa, America, and Europe. Some exemptions are available at the time of registration directly through VicRoads, which collects motor vehicle duty as part of the registration process. lose their licence for a minimum of three months, face mandatory interlock conditions for a minimum of six months. The Honourable the President of the Legislative Council, The Honourable the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. Today, Victorian EV owners began receiving emails from VicRoads regarding the upcoming 'Zero and low emission vehicle road-user charge', also know as the EVtax. Valerie said she did not receive this letter, and when she contacted VicRoads, she was told that her registration renewal had not been processed. Interlock Exemption Interview. In either case, duty must be paid to VicRoads at the time of the registration application unless an exemption applies. Sarah paid to register her vehicle for 12 months in October 2017 and then cancelled the registration in February 2018. As part of the 2019-20 Victorian Budget, the Treasurer announced increases in motor vehicle duty rates for luxury passenger cars valued over $100,000. If you are unable to provide the VASS certificate with your application, you must provide it within 30 days of receipt of this document, or lodge written notice stating any circumstances that may result in a requirement in section 233C not being complied with. However, they canhold a diplomatic post at the rank of Consul-General, Consul or Vice Consul. A concession entitlement for Health Care Card holders presents complexities because it is an entitlement that can be removed by the relevant authority, such as Centrelink.

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