Have you ever wished to take part in Christs salvation and redemption? He tried to reconcile lawlessness with righteousness, and evil with truth. In the seventeenth year of the government of the invincible monarch, the Caesar and Roman Emperor Tiberius, 201 years after the Olympiads; in the beginning of the five thousandth year after the creation, in the 4147. nd the statement, uttered with utmost discretion, that Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they required. Luke, 23, 24. Because she seems to have held an interest in the Jewish religion, she probably had discussed Jesus with Pilate. I shared with him my leisure hours, my sorrows and my joys. However, the Emperor understood from Pilates report that the action of the latter was not right, and for this reason, together with other complaints against him, Pilate was displaced and imprisoned. A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation. Thus amidst this town about to revolt, I found myself in a position where I had only a handful of soldiers at my disposal, same of them of the old guard, and had no power to suppress the rebellion, but was forced to bring Him forth. I was very homesick for youfor the quiet residence of my parents, the happy haven of Nabron, the beautiful statues the soft groves of my birth- place. The light shining forth from his face is like sunshine, so that it is impossible for anyone to behold Him too long. I have never heard such a noise in the Circus, nor have the rows in the Forum ever given me such an impression. A deeper understanding of people in the Bible. Copyright 19962023. This unique document we shall quote in the following pages. rm the sentence issued so long ago, as this was their duty and in accordance with the sound principles of justice. But the Jewish leaders did care. It seemed that she had not even seen me. Pontius Pilate's wife is the unnamed spouse of Pontius Pilate, who appears only once in the Gospel of Matthew, where she intercedes How cruel and despotic appears the prejudice against the Son of God I Christ was ready to suffer death for the redemption of mankind, but the fact that the religious leaders of His own nation thirsted to spill His blood filled to over, It will not be long before He who suffered so much will appear and gather, among His people, those who have been persecuted and wrongly sentenced. Recorded only in the Gospel of St. Matthew is the story of Pontius Pilates wife, who had a dream concerning Jesus, leading her to demand that her husband have nothing to do with that righteous man (Mt 27:19). According to what history shows us, the ruling religion has not always had pure truth as a foundation, and in all times it was subject to errors. Antiquities of the Jews 18.4.1. I order that none of my officials, of whatever rank and standing, shall delay the performance of his duty to the last, and interfere with the execution of Him who has deliberately deserted the Jewish faith, but that every one shall accurately carry out my orders, infallibly given in accordance with the laws and regulations of Rome. She appears to have one small walk onto the worlds stage and that is to announce Jesus is innocent, which she fulfilled against all odds. The emissaries who preach Jesus doctrines have inserted in the comments on their faith also the words: He was cruci. I remember Semidas voice sounding like the strings of the harp when she sang the holy hymn to the wise and great king of Israel, and often in my loneliness and beside the cradle of my son I tried to play to Him on my instrument. He proved that Jesus could not have been sentenced to death, because He had never committed a single crime. Be quiet, Claudia! Pontius Pilates wife appears in only one passage in the Bible, which is Matthew 27:19. Oh, the fateful hour had come. In His rosy-coloured face neither a spot nor a wrinkle appears. He said that he could prove that the sentence was an unjust and unlawful one, and that Jesus fell a victim to innumerable mistakes of the justice of that time. He flew on wings of the wind. From the original a copy was prepared and sent, about the year 1643, to the Constantinopolitan bishop Dionysius. Amazingly, it appears Pilate took into consideration what she instructed as he washes his hands of the whole affair, declaring they are crucifying an innocent man. The contents of the report of Pilates wife deserve greatest attention, because, as his wife, she was in constant contact with Pilate, the chief judge of Jesus. At the time, Sayers use of colloquial English was controversial to those accustomed to the style of the King James Bible. The English mystery novelist, Dorothy L. Sayers, wrote "The Man Born to Be King", a series of radio plays for the BBC during World War II. After these words Pontius rose and went into another room, deep in thoughts. Dear and beloved reader, have you ever thought that you might be one of those on the path leading to Christ-the path of Golgotha? All these people burned from anger and envy, and it appeared to me that in their faces an infernal re was shining. At last, it is proved that Roman justice is also guilty in no less a degree. Part 1, Chapter 4 (second Greek form). The clamour of the mad people shook the palace to its very foundation. Should become true! The statement related above exactly corroborates with the Holy Scriptures reports. In all probability, she had heard testimonies from others as to what He had done in their lives and the lives of others. He walks bare-footed and bare-headed. All Rights Reserved. However. before being confirmed and receiving Holy Communion. From the Holy Scriptures report we nd the statement, uttered with utmost discretion, that Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they required. Luke, 23, 24. He must cooperate with the Jewish authorities in order to keep the peace and to stay in the good graces of Caesarand she agrees, because her husband must not offend Caesar! (in The Kings Supper). With one gesture He separated the righteous from the wicked. By such roads as are not easily described, we journeyed with our personnel, engaged as servants. She tells him that she was on a ship and that she heard a cry; the skies became dark and the Aegean rough. Jeremiah 9:23-24. He masters perfectly every science, without having studied even one of them. May God help that these words and these documents may arouse in us a true and sincere desire to seek Jesus and to follow Him through all suffering, thus fulfilling the will of God! As far His physical condition was concerned, His nature was perfect, but in appearance He was like us and He had no worldly glamour bestowed on Him at once by His face, which was inspired by the Holy Ghost and which showed no trace of sin. but he passed by, saying, He whom we killed was really the Son of God. For decades, the daughter of the last Oracle at Delphi has suppress more Get A Copy Kindle Store $3.99 Amazon And that these things did happen, you can ascertain from the Acts of Pontius Pilate. Around Him stood the enraged and excited crowd which had brought Him before the tribunal. Last night I saw Him in my dreams. It was the highest agitation which I have ever experienced, for every feature in His face presented an unequalled beauty, but in this moment He inspired a certain secret fear by the glance of His eyes which, it seemed, might turn us into dust. Foreigners and aliens, as they called us. From the beginning of the proceedings many jurisconsults, who were specially invited to take part in the re-examination of this trial, were present. His face shone in majesty like the sun. When the throng saw him again, they immediately started to shout their brutal demand: Put Him to death, to death!. When therefore they were gathered together, Pilate said to them, Whom do you want me to release for you? Mishap is after us; for they do not seek right, but revenge from the courts. Your Majestys humble and obedient servant, , (ss) PUBLIUS LENTULUS. Sign up if you would like to receive occasional treats from us. SOME DOCUMENTS REGARDING THE LAST EVENTS IN CHRIST LIFE, EXTRACTED FROM HISTORICAL CHRONICLES. In Matthew, he washes his hands to show he will not be responsible for Jesus death. For the sake of all that is dear to you, and for this chi1ds sake, the token of our holy matrimonial bond, do not make yourself guilty by spilling the blood of this righteous man who is so like the immortal God. For some time I remained rooted to the spot, and with veneration and fear I glanced at the figure of this supernatural man, whose form was unknown to the majority of our artists who have worked out the form and figure of so many gods. I order my first centurion (captain), Conutus Cornelius, to keep him bound in public in the Jerusalem district and to seize what is his : to coat him with a purple cloak and put a crown of thorns upon his head, and to force him to carry the cross of his own shoulders, so that he be an example to others and especially conspirators. I fell on the oor. He sent the prisoner to me that I might pronounce the sentence on Him. I have learnt what you desired to know and am now telling you by this letter. I went to the stairs, and here I met the centurion who was present at the crucixion of Jesus. Everywhere it is said, until now, such a man has never been seen in these places. Just think Claudia Procula was the first one we know of who was unequally yoked. We may, therefore, certainty, infer that the twenty-four old men seen by St, John in his visions described in Revelation 4, 4-5, 8-9, are some of those who came to life when our Lord Jesus Christ arose. It seemed His forehead was radiant, and His hair fell in locks on His shoulders in the manner of the Nazarenes. . Upon my knees I called Him many times; against my will I pleaded with this God in the humility and tranquillity of my soul and heart, and Him to Whom I committed my destiny and my welfare as a slave submits to his master, and oh, wonder! Cyclopedia of Biblical Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature. He washed his hands in water from a basin and, per- forming this symbolic gesture, he said: I am not guilty of the blood of this righteous man. In the foremost row I recognised Semidas father; but instead of the depression I expected him to wear on his face, he showed a denite expression of hope, which I could not understand. There is to follow another document of greater historical and religious value. At 14.30 (1.0. While Pilate was still seated on the bench, his wife sent him a message, Have nothing to do with that righteous man. Pilates wife Claudia has a minor recurring role in several of the plays. Claudia Procula must have had a difficult time in the days, months and years that followed Jesus death. Reportedly, his father sent him to Rome as a hostage. But as they had threatened to report Pilate to the Emperor, he delivered Jesus to them. From the above quoted report of Pilate to the Emperor Tiberius, it appears that Pilate arrived in Jerusalem in his capacity of governor not long before Jesus commenced His mission of activity, and that Jesus and his prophecies exerted great influence upon him. Owing to their sweet and powerful words, these simple men suddenly became famous and renowned. Mentioned in the Gospels only once, Pontius Pilates wife tells the Roman governor she had a dream the night before where she suffered because of Christ and to free Him. The Gospel according to St. Matthew contains a small detail not in the other Passion accounts. No signs oi bitterness or fear were noticeable on His face. The hall in -the courts was crowded, and looked like a foaming stream whose waters increased by an influx, beginning at the mount Zion, where the Temple stood, and owing down to the Praetorium; and every minute new voices joined in this hellish choir. Do not harm others; this I order you. . The Modern Library. Moreover, He had preached such a religion as would lead to salvation, but which the human egoism of His time refused to accept. Pilate asked again. It seems like a bad omen to both of them, that Pilates name is so connected with this one judgment, remembered through the ages (in King of Sorrows). At the ninth hour of the day it began to darken in the court, and the fog became thicker and thicker. Owing to their sweet and powerful words, these simple men suddenly became famous and renowned. My only consolation consists in reading them again and again. This interpretation was shared by several Theologians of antiquity and the Middle Ages. After some fruitless attempts to save Him from the fury of His fiendish exasperated foes. A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation. It also declares she was a proselyte to Judaism, and a Roman citizen. The short story or novella takes the form of a letter from Claudia's freed Greek servant, recounting the effects of Pilate's condemnation of Jesus on GoodFridayon Claudia and on her relationship with her husband. The Hebrews, for instance, maintained that they had every right of religious liberty. And when he washed his hands after the meal, it seemed to me as if he washed them not in clear water, but in warm blood, the traces of which could not effaced. My only consolation consists in reading them again and again. The punishment of the Almighty came down like a ame. Pontius at once left the court hall and came to me. But although he was proud to have been entrusted with the government of his country, he nevertheless feared the Senate and would not decide on such an action, which might have destroyed his influence before the Senate. Subscriber Service CenterAlready a subscriber? Note how God does not leave unpunished the oppressors who persecute His children. Is there more information on Pontius Pilate's wife, Claudia, besides her dream and the fact that she told Pilate not to sentence Jesus to death? The quote reveals that many Greeks considered Pilates misfortunes to be divine justice for the death of Jesus Christ. If you wish to save yourself and all who are dear to you, than meditate in your prayers upon Golgotha and look with, rm faith to Him who suffered for you and all others that they might be saved. Given the situation, the Peruvian government declared a state of emergency last week at most of its border crossings in order for the armed forces to support the police. I did not dare answer him. In the Creed, the central role of Pontius Pilate in the suffering and death of Jesus Christ is etched forever in the Churchs profession of faith. His nose and His mouth give rise to no criticism, and His dense beard is similar to His hairlong, and parted in two in the middle. According to the Cuban presidency, issues related to the work of the Catholic Church, the socioeconomic situation of the country, the strengthening of values in society, among other matters of common interest, were addressed.. All rights reserved. Every moment the number of the rebels increased. I raised my eyes to contemplate Him, but, as before the radiance of the sun, I had to turn them away immediately and to lower my eyes to the ground. Many Jews believe Him to be God, others denounce Him as acting against Your Majestys laws. I went into the great hall. During my life I have never read in books or in the Philosophers anything which could be compared to the preaching of Jesus. The day of the Passover approached. Instead she sent a message to her husband and said that she had a dream about Jesus Christ. The Telegraph newspaper commented upon it as follows: Jerusalem, 25th July. Once I tried to speak to him of repentance and remorse for sins committed, but I shall never forget his wild glance and the bitter words of desperation with which he answered. Acts of Faith Book Series in Order Full List This radiance arouses fear, but as soon as He starts teaching and advising, He does it with so much sorrow that He evokes love and veneration among His listeners. Fear the Forces of heaven.. asked Him: It lawful to pay taxes to the Emperor? The Jews allegation that Jesus taught the people not to pay taxes to the Emperor has been proved unjustified by Pilates report. Pressure was also applied by his wife to have nothing to do with Jesus. Some people believe that perhaps Claudia was the person responsible for relaying the details of Jesuss trial to the disciples for documentation. Justin Martyr. to deal with the Nazarene. In Connection with Him, O Emperor, there have been rumours every day of miracles performed by the said Jesus Christ. By addressing him as she did, as he was on the judgment seat, Pilate sought to avoid personal responsibility for the death of Jesus. This document was found in a private library in England approximately in 1865. Some days later the High Priest came to me and excused himself. Pilate declared I, nd no fault in this man; with what justi. I was born on the self-same day that the Emperor gave peace to the Roman world. 10, says of the causes of Pilates death. YouTube | Jesus, I said to Him at last, and for three successive years I gave you great freedom to speak, and I do not know whether you have read of Socrates or Plato, but I can tell you that in your preaching, so great a modesty comes to light that it will raise you above all these Philosophers. My eyes followed the victim, who was led to be slaughtered. Go and take Him! . The day grew dusky, similar to that on which the Emperor Julius the Great died, an event which also took place in the middle of the month of march. As you know, in my views there flows a mixture of Spanish and Roman blood which does not know fear nor is wont to be spiritually disconcerted. With bound hands, and clothes torn by blows He had suffered, and with a blood-covered forehead, Jesus of Nazareth, calm and undisturbed, stood before him. The report of the Bible also tells us of the inscription, and of the inquest made by Ananias and Caiaphas at Herods place, and by Pilate in the courts. But Jesus did not answer. 8. p. 426. He started by proving that the court, at the time, when Jesus was judge, tried to proceed lawfully, for at the period mentioned nobody, except His disciples, could see in Christ the Son of God He was a conspirator, who gathered people round Him to inuence them against the authorities, and who preached a non-existing religion, and as such he was a danger to the community. He had risen again. The latter were distinguished by parchment rolls containing various texts of the laws, which they had bound to their heads. EIN 27-4581132 He said his religion forbade him and his subordinate to sit at ones and the same table with Roman and to feast with them (to participate in drinking orgies). In vain had they formerly felt secure from suffering, and in vain they protected themselves with the eternal and insurmountable illusion. The York Mystery Plays include Pilates wife and her dream, but offer the opposite interpretation: Satan comes to tempt Pilate wifes to thwart Jesuss purpose to redeem and save us through His Cross and Resurrection by preventing her husband from condemning Jesus to death. Written in the Jerusalem District, the 9th day of the 10th month. Barabbas, or Jesus who is called Christ? For he knew that because of envy they had delivered Him up. Have you ever wished to take part in Christs salvation and redemption?

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