[Fury goes over into the drivers seat] Give me the wheel! Babylon 5 Star Bruce Boxleitner Addresses Status of There's a grey car, two spaces down. Senator Stern: Listen, I gotta fly home tonight, cause uhI got some constituency problem, and I gotta press the flesh. Stand back! [Steve is trying to get away from the HYDRA agents shooting at him on the Helicarrier]. [Sam drops a file in front of Steve], Sam Wilson: Call it a resume. Uhif you guys need anything, I've been Aaron. Steve Rogers: On whose order? Natasha Romanoff: Shut up and put your arm around me, laugh at something I said. Might be cheaper than the one in the basement. Natasha Romanoff: The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me. Send those ships up now. [back in the control room one of Batroc's men tries to get hold of the pirate below deck], French Pirate: Halo? Sam Wilson: My wingman, Riley. Second, look around you. Nick was deputy chief for the SHIELD station there. If they make us, I'll engage, you hit the south escalator to the metro. [as two agents are coming straight towards them]. Are you okay? Nick Fury: A lot of things you don't about me. Steve Rogers: [talking into his wrist communicator] Secure channel seven. Nick Fury: I'm, uhhere to ask a favor. [just then another HYDRA jets heads his way and starts shooting at him] Shit! Councilman Rockwell: We've already had it, Mr. Secretary. You'll know where to find me. I just wondered how much practice you've had. Steve Rogers: So did I. I assumed you just took it. Rendezvous two minutes. Alexander Pierce: I work forty floors away and it takes a hijacking for you to visit? [he breaks open the door, holding onto Natasha and Sam, they slide on the car door through the streets] [the Winter Soldier is joined by HYDRA agents and they start shooting at them, the trio scatter and run off in different directions with the Winter Soldier shooting at Natasha but she manages to shoot him in his eye goggle mask and run off], Winter Soldier: . Falcon and the Call Durand. We've only scratched the surface and already [they start walking out of the lab] There are other facilities doing HYDRA's good work around the world. This council moves to immediately reactivate Project Insight. [Steve doesn't reply obviously not knowing this information] I want you to see something. 17th Avenue clear in three blocks, directly ahead. Steve Rogers: I had a big breakfast. [Steve picks up his shield, places it on his back and starts to make his out of the office]. [Bucky hits Steve but Steve chooses not to fight back]. Bye-bye bikinis. All targets assigned. My only regret is that you didn't get to live yours. Dr. Arnim Zola: I am afraid I have been stalling, Captain. Nick Fury: I didn't lie. We get a brief scene where we see people in Madripoor partying in what feels like a club. Why not just tell us? He plummets down, screaming.]. I justkind of wanted to be alone. ), [Steve watches them from the deck, we see another STRIKE agent getting in position], [below deck Rumlow points his gun at the bomb placed against door where the hostages are being kept]. Black Mirror Season 6 has a brand-new trailer and Netflix's signature horror anthology series is back with a vengeance. Steve Rogers: You just jeopardized this whole operation. Steve Rogers: Are you saying he's a suspect? Spoilers ahead for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Episode 5. Nick Fury: Alright then. And I thought I could throw myself back in and follow orders, serve. A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa city. [there's a moment's pause before suddenly one of the agents turns and uses an electric rod to give Steve a shock, the others grab him and try to strap his wrists with magnetic cuffs, Steve manages to knock some of them down but one cuff remains, then Rumlow uses his rod to give Steve a shock] [as Steve is being attacked we see Sitwell in a controls room watching them from a monitor], Jasper Sitwell: Mobilize STRIKE units, 25th floor. Nick Fury: About damn time. Committee General: Why haven't we yet heard from Captain Rogers? Apple Employee: Oh. So long. Alexander Pierce: No, it's more complicated than that. (Post-credits scene; at the Captain America exhibit in the Smithsonian Museum we see Bucky in civilian clothes staring pensively at the display about himself. Natasha Romanoff: No, I didn't. [the STRIKE team start shooting at the pirates, blow open the door and Rumlow quickly kills the head pirate]. Steve Rogers: Yeah, I'm here! Natasha Romanoff: Hill, where's Steve? (first lines; Sam Wilson is jogging around Washington, D.C. when Steve quickly catches up to him and runs past him. Nick Fury: Then activate guidance cameras! [Pierce watches from the window the commotion caused by Steve and Sam trying to stop the Helicarriers launching, he turns to Singh]. Smithsonian Narrator: Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steven Rogers were inseparable on both schoolyard and battlefield. How could it know? But what's this? [at that moment Steve manages to get up and place the chip in the Helicarrier's targeting blade overriding the system and locking it down], Steve Rogers: Charlie locked. Natasha Romanoff: We have to stop the launch. What about that girl from accounting, Laura? Natasha! [Hill notices Rumlow on the monitor]. What did you use, a stealth chute? That is so nice. Natasha Romanoff: Yeah. Nick Fury: Yeah. ], [Bucky has a brief look of realization, but he quickly brushes it aside, and takes aim again, but before he can shoot Natasha uses the grenade launcher he dropped against him. Steve Rogers: Zola. I can bring order to the lives of seven billion people by sacrificing twenty million. I'm nice like that. Steve Rogers: Tell me about Zola's algorithm. Brock Rumlow: I told him. Alexander Pierce: For the record, councilman, he's Algerian. Bring the car around. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier - Wikipedia He'd say "Hi", they'd say, "Keep on steppin'. Steve Rogers: I would now. :)"). [we see Natasha jumping down below deck to knock out one of the pirates], [as the pirate attacks her she quickly knocks him out; into her radio], [Natasha grabs a pipe from the ground and knocks out one of the pirates]. Look, I didn't want you doing anything you weren't comfortable with. ([subtitled as:] I'll take care of her.) Natasha Romanoff: Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here. [Steve's thoughts of Bucky are interrupted as Sam joins him on the bridge]. [Steve doesn't reply and turns away to walk further down the room and stops by a massive book shelf], Steve Rogers: If you're already working in a secret office [he pushes the books shelf and slides open to reveal an elevator behind it] Why do you need to hide the elevator? Read the transcript of "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier" S01E02 - The Star Spangled Man. Take your feet off the dash. ], [As Steve is walking to his apartment his hears his pretty neighbor talking on the phone as she goes to do her laundry]. [Pierce enters with Rumlow and some other HYDRA agents and goes over to Bucky], Alexander Pierce: Mission report. I think the wreck in the middle of the Potomac made his point fairly eloquently. [they are interrupted by Rumlow]. [Rumlow then goes to attack Steve with his electric rod but Steve manages to defend himself and eventually knocks Rumlow out], Steve Rogers: It kind of feels personal. Nick Fury: Open secure line zero-four-zero-five. Renata: I'm going to go, Mr. Pierce. More details are available in the progress report. Agent Romanoff is comfortable with everything. Steve Rogers: Well, let's find out what the ghost wants. Man on PA: Triskelion command request we clear the area for launch. It's just SHIELD is not what we thought it was, it's been taken over by HYDRA. By Aaron Perine - April 26, 2023 11:43 am EDT. Alexander Pierce: The prevailing theory was that the hijacking was a cover for the acquisition and sale of classified intelligence. Committee General: Many of which you seem to have had a personal hand in telling. Natasha Romanoff: And you've done it beautifully. Natasha Romanoff: And you're not a SHIELD agent. Dr. Arnim Zola: First correction, I am Swiss. Alexander Pierce: Nick Fury was murdered in cold blood. The episode was written by Malcolm Spellman, a screenwriter best known for his work on Empire (2015). Anyone gets in my way, they're gonna regret it. Three. Alexander Pierce: Then wipe him and start over. Get on your knees! Updated: Nov 3, 2022 5:13 pm. I am so fired! [as they watch the targets go offline]. Peggy Carter: You're alive! Tomorrow morning we're gonna give it a push. Nick Fury: Oh, let's not forget that. Are you crazy? Alexander Pierce: No. Steve Rogers: On my mark. Call that nurse. Did you do anything fun Saturday night? Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future. [a boy recognizes him, Steve smiles puts his finger against his mouth to indicate for the boy to keep quiet and the boy nods, Steve then watches some old footage of himself]. [Steve watches her go down the stairs before turning in suspicion to his door], [Steve hears music as he cautiously enters his apartment though the window, he grabs his shield for protection and finds Fury sitting on his couch in the dark]. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Brock Rumlow: [As he notices a footprint in the dust] Call in the asset. Take the girl. [Steve takes the flash drive from her]. [mid-credits scene; at an underground HYDRA lab Baron Wolfgang von Strucker is talking with a HYDRA scientist]. Steve Rogers: Right! [to Steve] It's from a movie that Steve Rogers: Yeah, I saw it. Wouldn't you? [as Natasha walks away Steve opens the file, which is about Bucky and the information regarding his Winter Soldier transformation, Sam walks over to Steve]. [the elevator doors close and they start riding down]. Nothing I could do. Man on PA: We are in final launch sequence. Senator Stern: Really? Sam Wilson: [flying off as the HYDRA agents continue to shoot at him] I'm not dead yet. Look, this isn't the place to talk about it. ], [Soon, the trio hear sirens after which they are surrounded by HYDRA agents being led by Rumlow], Brock Rumlow: Drop the shield, Cap! [Steven turns to Natasha], Natasha Romanoff: You're a terrible liar. [Steve notices the vending machine next to him, we then see Steve walking towards Rumlow], Brock Rumlow: Yeah. [as Sam goes to fly off and help Steve Bucky grabs one of his wings and throws him back, Sam starts shooting at Bucky and as he goes to fly off Bucky uses his weapon to rip off one of Sam's wings and kicks him off the Helicarrier, Sam manages to get his parachute out and lands on the roof of the Triskelion] Cap? Alexander Pierce: You know how the game works. Natasha Romanoff: That's impossible, SHIELD would have stopped you. These new long range precision guns can eliminate a thousand hostiles a minute. Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA! You broke the law, and you stuck your neck out for me. Even after he died, Steve was still changing my life. Romanoff missed the rendezvous point, Cap. Meet at the curb. [he hands Steve the file]. Falcon and the Winter Soldier showrunner Malcolm Spellman will write the script for Captain America 4 alongside Falcon staff writer Dalan Musson. It premiered on March 19, Dr. Arnim Zola: Accessing archive. [his men leave and Sitwell answers the phone] Yes, sir? [suddenly all the SHIELD agents draw their weapons and point them at Rumlow] Captain's orders. Sam Wilson: Don't say it! [suddenly they hear an accented voice speaking], Dr. Arnim Zola: Rogers, Steven. After the war, SHIELD was founded and I was recruited. We need to link all three carriers for this to work, because if even one of those ships remains operational a whole lot of people are gonna die. Steve Rogers: Our mission is to rescue hostages. Sam Wilson: The answer is: you don't. She's nice. Steve Rogers: But you're happy now, back in the world? Brock Rumlow: STRIKE, you heard the Cap. [But then, Sam, in his Falcon jet-pack suit with wings, flies up holding Sitwell and throws him down on the roof], [Steve and Natasha walk towards Sitwell, he holds his hand up in fear]. Natasha Romanoff: Five years ago I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran, somebody shot out my tires near Odessa. She's lost at least a pint. Zero heat signature, zero waves, not even radio. That's your mission. What the hell are you doing here? As expected, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier ended its first season with Sam Wilson becoming Captain America. Steve Rogers: There's something I gotta do first. Sharon Carter: Depends on where you're standing. But I guess I just traded in the KGB for HYDRA. Not here! [to one of his men] Hey, you! Falcon [Steve throws down the file on the table and we see that it's a classified military project called Falcon], [after their meeting is over Sitwell walks out of the building with Senator Stern]. Nick Fury: He'd walk home every night, roll of ones stuffed in his lunch bag. Natasha Romanoff: The file came from these coordinates. [Rumlow and his men break into the control room, where Agent 13 also is, Rumlow walks over to one of the techs]. [they walk towards Steve's apartment]. Dr. Arnim Zola: They thought I could help their cause. I'm headed to Europe tonight, wanted to ask if you'd come. Pierce is gonna kill me. The pattern is full. [they enter Pierce's office where he shows Steve an old photo of Fury with Pierce] That photo was taken five years after Nick and I met. Gear up. (Just then Natasha pulls up in her car by the curb and rolls down the window.). Steve Rogers: It was him. Must have freaked you out coming home after the whole defrosting thing. Councilman Singh: Well, considering this attack took place one mile from my country's sovereign waters, it's a bit more then that. Bailiff: Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Steve Rogers: Yes, they do. Not when she owes me a dance. I said, "No, we'll negotiate." [suddenly Batroc rises and throws a grenade at the two as he runs off, Steve deflects the bomb with his shield, grabs Natasha and jumps through a window before it explodes]. [Natasha smiles faintly]. [Steve, keeping his face hidden under a baseball cap, walks over to the exhibition]. Hey. Steve Rogers: I'm sorry about this. [as the elevator doors close Steve realizes he's been surrounded by agents], Steve Rogers: Before we get started, does anyone want to get out? Steve Rogers: Don't worry, I got it. Fury's Car: Traffic alert on Roosevelt Bridge. ([subtitled] Durand. [to his colleague] Well, he could have said something. Slightly. Erratic. Steve Rogers: I can't ask you to do this, Sam. [Steve uses his shield to break off the elevator wires which sends the elevator down, as he forces the doors open he sees more STRIKE agents approaching him, he closes the door and looks for a way out], STRIKE Agent: Give it up, Rogers! [to his men] Put him on ice. [All of a sudden, Batroc kicks Steve, and they fight. You thinking about getting out? Alexander Pierce: Sadly, SHIELD can't control everything. Alexander Pierce: And how was your flight? [Rumlow points his gun at the tech's head], Brock Rumlow: Move away from your station. ), [as the pirate turns to leave Rumlow, who's standing behind him with a stun gun, shoots him, on the other side of the door the other pirate senses something but dismisses it], French Pirate #1: Deux minutes. [Steve breaks through the glass in the elevator and plummets down to finally hit the ground floor, from his monitor Sitwell watches in shock as Steve gets up and starts running off], Jasper Sitwell: Are you kidding me? [suddenly a minigun pulls up from inside the car and Fury uses it to return fire on the mercenaries causing the SWAT truck and some of the police cars to explode]. Steve Rogers: I know what you're gonna say, Buck, I just Bucky Barnes: We can put the couch cushions on the floor like when we were kids. [Sam flies out of the carrier], SHIELD Pilot: All SHIELD pilots, scramble. [just then Renata interrupts them as she enters the kitchen], Renata: Sorry, Mr. Pierce, II forgot my phone. [feeling something is off, Steve looks at the agents in the elevator and notices one of them is sweating, then the elevator stops and more agents enter], SHIELD Computer: Confirmed. [he gets the chip out] Charlie [Bucky shoots Steve in the stomach and he falls]. If someone tweets about this guy, I want to know about it. Nick Fury: He'd show 'em. The war taught us much. [the Winter Soldier goes in pursuit of Natasha as the Hydra agents go after Steve and Sam who both manage to fend them off as they shoot at them, Steve then notices the Winter Soldier in pursuit of Natasha], Sam Wilson: Go, I got this! Natasha Romanoff: Why was Fury in your apartment? Brock Rumlow: Uhmostly techs. Steve Rogers: Why all the secrecy? I'm just finished orientation in the infectious diseases ward, so. [suddenly Bucky appears and starts firing at the SHIELD pilots and agents killing them all after which he gets into one of the jets and flies off; back inside the building with Natasha, Pierce and the council members]. Steve Rogers: By holding a gun at everyone on Earth and calling it protection. But he didn't trust them very much. I move for immediate hearing. This is Level One. I can't let that happen. I noticed. [the battering ram is smashed against the window again]. Brock Rumlow: Twenty-five, top mercs, led by this guy. Let's go! [just as the elevator doors are about to close Rumlow steps in with two STRIKE agents]. Where do you guys thinking about going? The next time we see him, he's in Sokovia handing Zemo over to the Dora Milaje. [Sitwell looks down at his tie and sees a small red light from the gun being pointed at him] [Steve throws Sitwell across a rooftop, Natasha follows behind him]. Steve Rogers: Are you saying Fury hired the pirates? It's like I was up there just to watch. Natasha Romanoff: Do you know this thing? The story of Captain America is one of honor, bravery and sacrifice. Nick Fury: It's not like they put the floor numbers on the outside of the building! Steve Rogers: You just can't stop yourself from lying, can you? [Steve looks at Peggy's family photos by her bedside table showing her with her children]. Steve Rogers: I used to. [he hesitates a moment] Captain, you were the last one to see Nick alive. Sharon Carter: His. Steve Rogers: Secure the engine room, then find me a date. Maria Hill: He's right. Because it's really not your style, Rogers. [as they start drinking to Pierce's toast suddenly they hear Steve over the SHIELD microphone that everyone in the building can hear], Steve Rogers: Attention, all SHIELD agents. Then they fiercely battle it out. Nick Fury: Why do you think we're meeting in this cave? Spellman will co-write the script with Dalan Musson, a staff writer on Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Down! He's the kind you stop. You guys did some nasty stuff. [Steve replies coldly as he walks towards Pierce]. This is Steve Rogers. [they shake hands]. Falcon and the Winter Soldier [Steve quickly puts his arm around Natasha and laughs] [inside the Mac store one of the agents looks around], Brock Rumlow: Snake the upper levels, work down to me. [the police cars continue to chase after Fury as he weaves through the cars on the road] Traffic ahead. [they see an old camera moving above them as it analyzes them]. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier S01E03 Power Broker Dmarre le moteur. Natasha Romanoff: Are you still on the fence about Rogers' chances? Extraction imminent. Where are the targets? Nick Fury: The last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye. The sale went sour and that led to Nick's death. [Steve turns and starts to walk off], Steve Rogers: No. [Fury looks at him coldly] I'm glad you're here, Nick. [He sees a mysterious figure emerge ahead in the middle of the road. [suddenly they hear a sharp noise through their earpiece] Ow! [Natasha laughs softly]. (He shows them a photo of Batroc on the monitor.). The world has changed and none of us can go back. Sam Wilson: Man, shut the hell up. Steve Rogers: Cause I'm with youto the end of the line. [the HYDRA agent points his gun at Singh]. [Fury looks at Natasha then Sam]. Completely untraceable. Senator? Start the engine. Steve Rogers: [after he leaves Pierce's office he steps into the elevator] Operations control. STRIKE Agent: Was he wearing a parachute? Three next generation Helicarriers synced to a network of targeting satellites. Natasha Romanoff: Well, it makes sense. [Hill watches as the weapons are being targeted at Washington, the White house, the Pentagon, Stark Tower, aiming to kill over 700,00 people.]. [as they are going down the escalator Natasha spots Rumlow on the escalator next to them going up, she turns to Steve]. SHIELD recruited German scientists with strategic value. Steve Rogers: It takes some getting used to. So when the pandemic hit, The Falcon and the Winter Solider's creative team rewrote a portion of the script at the last minute. You have nowhere to go! Sam Wilson: I need a new set of lungs. [the armor on Fury's vehicle starts to become weaker, the mercenaries bring out a battering ram to break in]. Steve Rogers: You're right. Steve Rogers: You didn't. Let me know when you're ready. Fury's Car: Calculating. [Steve stops and looks at Pierce] Somebody murdered my friend and I'm gonna find out why. ], [Steve jumps in and blocks a punch from the latter with his shield before he kicks him away, followed by him blocking a few bullets from the Winter Soldier's Colt M4A1, korpion vz. Maria Hill: Rumlow's headed for the Council. [Steve goes over to Natasha and looks at what Natasha is backing up]. Natasha Romanoff: Everyone we know is trying to kill us. If you launch those Helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them. Credit: Marvel Studios. I thought I knew whose lies I was telling, butI guess I can't tell the difference anymore. Councilman Rockwell: If Nick Fury thinks he can get his costumed thugs and STRIKE commandos to mop-up his mess, he's sadly mistaken. Alexander Pierce: [on radio] We are go to targets. [he brings up footage of Batroc being interrogated]. Natasha Romanoff: I make an LZ, twenty-three hundred block of Virginia Avenue. SHIELD's been compromised, you said so yourself. Let's go. 1. [she kisses Steve on the cheek and turns to walk away] Be careful, Steve. A beautiful parasite inside SHIELD. We lost control, went straight over a cliff, I pulled us out, but the Winter Soldier was there. (He hesitates for a moment before saying sarcastically.). WebThe Falcon and the Winter Soldier premiered on March 19, 2021, and ran for six episodes until April 23. Steve Rogers: Am I supposed to know who that is? Steve Rogers: Well, things aren't so bad. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Steve Rogers: If I run in these shoes, they're gonna fall off. Sam Wilson: He's gonna be there, you know? Sam Wilson: You must miss the good old days, huh? Sam Wilson: I had to take a detour! Alexander Pierce: Your work has been a gift to mankind. Natasha jumps onto the Winter Soldier's back and tries to strangle him. If I do not hear anything in two minutes, I'll start to kill them! ], [He vanishes in the smoke of the explosion. [Steve rides out of the SHIELD garage on his motorcycle, evading the obstacles laid out but then a Quinjet emerges ahead of him], Quinjet Pilot: Stand down, Captain Rogers. Natasha Romanoff: There's Stark's father. He wants to storm the building through the sewers. Finally we're here, and the world should be grateful. Steve Rogers: I'm not gonna ask you again. Steve Rogers: Those hostages could've died, Nick. Steve Rogers: So you gave him a promotion. Steve Rogers: Stand by. Safeguards removed. Maria Hill: GSW. Natasha Romanoff: It was Operation Paperclip after World War II. You ready for yours? Clear! [Natasha and another agent parachute down onto the deck to join them]. Stand down. Nick Fury: Granddad loved people. Real hot. Sam Wilson: Some stuff you leave there, other stuff you bring back. ], [He removes the device, and recalibrates his arm.]. [he rolls a bomb towards where he thinks she's hiding. Steve Rogers: But he's not working alone, Zola's algorithm was on the Lemurian Star. Or would you have compartmentalized that too? Brock Rumlow: Hostages en route to extraction. Bucky Barnes: The man on the bridge [he has flashback to Steve calling him by his name] Who was he? Natasha Romanoff: I know who killed Fury. Steve Rogers: Bucky, you've known me your whole life. Steve Rogers: It's not exactly the word I would use. Natasha Romanoff: The drive has a Level Six homing program, so as soon as we boot up SHIELD will know exactly where we are. [Steve and Natasha go to the mall disguised as a civilian couple]. We need a place to lay low. [the tech takes a few nervous breaths before replying] I'm not gonna launch those ships. Falcon and Winter Soldier; Loki; The Mandalorian; Harley Quinn; Hawkeye; The Witcher; Batwoman; Comics. I do share. His last address was 14-35 Elmhurst Drive. It was like seventy years ago. HYDRA Dispatch: [on radio] Sir, Council's been breached. Alexander Pierce: You know it was bugged? Natasha Romanoff: I don't know. ], [He throws her off, and attempts to shoot her, only for Natasha to throw an electric device which shocks his electric arm before running off. Natasha Romanoff: Who's the girl? Nobody spills the secrets because nobody knows them all. ([subtitled] I do not like to wait. Steve Rogers: Understood. as Fury goes to drive off suddenly another police car smashes into his car, his car is then surrounded by several other police cars crashing into him; inside his car Fury is injured], Fury's Car: Fracture detected. I have lived a life. [she goes to Fury then contacts SHIELD through her radio] Foxtrot is down, he's unresponsive. [Steve smiles at her] Yeah. Two. You seemed pretty helpless without me. [she gets up and walks away, meanwhile Fury gets rid of any trace of his existence, including his passports and eyepatch, burning them and his hiding place]. I don't think that's an accident, and I don't think you do either. But seriously, you could do whatever you want to do. Hiring a mercenary to hijack his own ship. Come on in. That thing was squeezing my brain. Their mission, taking down HYDRA, the Nazi rogue science division. [the batterring ram is smashed against the car window again]. Jasper Sitwell: What?! [Steve, Natasha and Hill watch in shock as Fury is flatlining] I want you to charge him at one hundred. It's the next step, Nick, if you have the courage to take it. Who wants to die first? Senator Stern: Uhno, not really. Born, 1984. Nick Fury: Tetrodotoxin B. Slows the pulse to one beat a minute. Alexander Pierce: Did he tell you he was the one who bugged it? I can draw a map if it'll help. Natasha Romanoff: When I first joined SHIELD, I thought I was going straight. Sam Wilson: Don't look at me. I also helped my own. Ezekiel 25:17"]. Guilt, regret. [Bucky lashes out at Steve in anger]. We're not just taking down the carriers, Nick, we're taking down SHIELD. [just then a helicopter appears outside, lands and Fury steps out to enter the building to Pierce's surprise]. [present Steve watches nostalgically as the former Steve runs off], Natasha Romanoff: This is a dead end. [just then Pierce sets off the pins he gave the council members, causing it to burn deeply into their sternum, Natasha and Fury points their guns at Pierce; to Natasha], Alexander Pierce: Unless you want two inch hole in your sternum, I'd put that gun down.

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