This is one of the profile points that may have a completely mundane explanation, which could be proven. The German language also isnt particularly unique, as it exists on a continuum with a number of other European languages that are all similar. But I totally agree with Dave that the disappearing-while-on-the-phone stuff is weird. David Paulides presents the haunting true stories of hunters experiencing the unexplainable in the woods of North America. Missing 411: The Hunted. The evidence for Dave not cherry-picking is that he himself has no idea why most of the profile points are what they are, what they mean. Without that, theres no point in speculating any further. And thats just the first step. Especially in the one case when the phone was later found shattered into a million pieces. Here, you could have 500 in a 1,000. Finally, the seemingly most ridiculous element of all of these stories, the stool sample, is a clear sign of organization. gryff42. The dog returning back safely also makes sense in the context of human or other intelligent predation, since when someone is interested in a particular person as a target, they dont have any obvious reason to also hurt their dog (other than to make it run into the forest as a distraction). Cases with positive evidence of the impossible (facts gleaned from autopsies, missing being found in unlikely places, etc.) But back to how the specific Missing 411 accounts of the people who were found indicate organized predation. It would be easier to do in a city setting, where there are at least roads all over the place, but in that case, I would expect someone at some point seeing some of the kidnappings. And maybe nothing is. Many serious paranormal investigators note the importance of the strange coincidence angle. The exotic options would all be variations on the person entering some sort of portal or spacetime warp or legitimately teleporting. And oh my, is there a lot of anomalous data in the world that serious scientists tend to ignore or refuse to engage with. The fact that phones today double as GPS locators and that they can record both audio and video and be connected to the internet at all times makes urban disappearances of people with phones suspicious. Or to put it another way, a pattern of correlations is when the same things keep happening more frequently than they should by chance, while a pattern of coincidences is when unique, extremely unlikely events keep happening in connection to a person, event, phenomenon, etc. How often you run into people with the same first name or surname as you is a function of how rare it is. On the cases I investigated some teams were 15-20 people strong with only one trained team leader. I will discuss this in more detail when I get to related profile points like the role of bad weather. Thats definitely the weirdest scenario. It's completely bizarre. It has many of the Missing 411 hallmarks Adamski disappeared while on a walk and was last seen in the afternoon, only to turn up five days later, dead, on top of a coal pile located in a town twenty miles away. Its not crazy talk, its a genius speculation of one of the sci-fi greats. Sure, random things happen, even extremely unlikely things. When you have such data, a lot of it, about a state of an object, and it doesnt make any sense how it got there from its last known state, what youve got is a proper anomaly. Something that could be invisible and undetectable without very specific instruments, but nevertheless entirely normal and real. Thats why it is so important to not ignore this data, but instead compile it and look for discrepancies between the normal distribution and Missing 411 distribution of times and dates of disappearances on a large enough sample that will therefore give it sufficient statistical significance and reliability. The fact that they were never identified or caught is also the first indication of their organization. The ideal places to build bases would be at the bottom of the ocean or under beautiful sacred mountains, given that the former is still much less explored than the surface of the Moon and Mars, and that the latter is about the last place where humans would start a large-scale, invasive digging operation. Then again, at this point, its not much more than entertaining fiction. There is a chance that at least some perpetrators would slip up and instead of the most opportune times and dates go for a compromise between opportune times and times convenient for them. In theory, both may only be a product of sheer randomness, like number of pirates in the world inversely correlating to CO2 emissions, or they may reflect a statistical artifact caused by how the sample was selected, like unwittingly going by an ordered list. It would either mean that Jon Oliver was even more right than he thought when he was describing the current sorry state of how especially coroners (the ones without any actual medical training) operate in the United States, or it would mean that some of the Missing 411 profile points actually function as a cause of or significant contributing factor to the sudden adult death syndrome. Whats weird is that this is not happening in all of the parks equally, suggesting that a thorough comparison should be made. If they differ, now, that would be interesting, especially if the difference is major. Of course, that says nothing about who these aliens are, only that theyre organized. Disorientation happened to my son and I four years ago in Germany's Teutoburg Forest. The. Im really only qualified to speculate on the first question. A home for weird ideas, future visions, and mad ramblings. B) it only takes a few seconds for a well minded SAR volunteer to miss a clue. Which is of course reasonable in principle, especially with animals, except for the fact that it is unclear how you would do that remotely and without a trace with a human, especially a healthy adult. Paulides has classified over 1,440 missing persons cases under the Missing411 label. Especially if youre an expert with answers. Former . You can watch both productions here on Amazon. Theres bound to be some sort of infrastructure for this, especially since it is a global phenomenon and since having the staff of the establishment where you want to disappear someone on your side or having infiltrated the school which your potential targets attend would make everything much easier. The only conventional explanation for reliable amnesia is when it is induced by some sort of chemical. Which sort of plays into the possibility that Dave often mentions of people dying essentially of fear, like when being kidnapped and burned by what may seem like aliens, even if it were human agents. Getting lost in a forest certainly can be a traumatic event, but exhaustion, dehydration, or hypothermia could account for hallucinations, skewed perception, or irrational behavior, but again, not so much for amnesia. All 185 cases fit a narrowly defined profile that was refined after researching thousands of missing person reports; these cases are the most difficult, defy common sense, challenge conventional wisdom and remain . How do you keep getting bodies into water without it being seen, ever? These are mainly the German connection, the religion connection, and the military connection, or a combination of two or all three. Pretty much the only non-exotic explanations are that the person was carried, or put into a vehicle and driven or flown away, and there were cases of people too heavy to be carried by anything normal, while there tend to be no tracks or noises indicating either of these options taking place. Because of this predictable universal connection, this profile point by itself doesnt necessarily mean anything strange on its own. Not wholly impossible, but an extreme leap nonetheless. Like his idea of a probability-based engine many macroscopic physical laws are only aggregates of chaotic movements and interactions going on at the subatomic level. This means that in order for this profile point to mean something more interesting, the person would have to be found despite the bad weather, in a place they shouldnt have been, and either alive when they should have died of exposure, or dead with no clear cause of death when they should have still been alive. So, if theres any genetic program that deals with people who have German origins, it would have to be relatively recent and more likely to be motivated by something like Nazi mysticism, rather than any real scientific reasons. Mostly, they just managed to say something like oh my gosh, or my phone is about to go dead, or gave out unsettling noises. As a person from the Czech Republic, where picking mushrooms is a national pastime more so than in most other countries, this is puzzling to me. Id wager that afternoon is the time during which forests see the highest levels of traffic. It makes for good storytelling, and beyond that, its important to understand that everyone has a bias. Connection: Directed by David Paulides. Research is how we get to know things. Otherwise, literally only the Nazis would care about this. But still, even assuming that theyre intentional omissions and not just Dave not knowing a fact or Dave keeping a fact to himself in the interest of the family of the victim, its very human. This doc centers on hunters. No sign of him or his belongings ever turned up, including a rifle and walkie-talkie, despite a large search of the area, Unusually the FBI was even involved in the investigation. Sometimes to children too young to be able to dress or undress themselves. In the last act, a twist no one saw . Missing 411 is a series of books and films, which document cases of people who have gone missing in national parks and elsewhere, and assert that these cases are unusual and mysterious, contrary to data analysis which suggests that they are not actually statistically mysterious or even unexpected. On the most basic level, it makes a lot of sense for a predator of any type or motivation to pick either easy targets (like kids, the disabled, the elderly, or less well-armed hunters), or exceptional targets (for the thrill, challenge, or some kind of interrogative or research value), so these attributes should be expected. The question is why would there be high-tech kidnappers, possibly using also advanced camouflage or noise cancellation technology, snatching random people sneakily in the forests. Or its supposed to be, anyway. This clearly points to an intelligent perpetrator, and one who, inexplicably, doesnt have a very good grasp of how human clothing works. In the Daves profile, whoever the perpetrators are seem to be perfect, but no one is 100% effective. While the logical statistical bias of unexplained cases of missing people should be to involve more cases of no obvious cause of death than what you should expect on average for all deaths (since otherwise the cases would likely be explained), the apparent failure rate of medical examiners in the Missing 411 cases still seems wildly excessive to me. Perhaps the only type of thing that Dave tends to do thats somewhat less than ideal is that in his descriptions of the cases, he sometimes omits facts that point toward more mundane explanations. And sure, tests have to be named something and there is a limited number of letters in the alphabet. Its important to understand that when youre working against an intelligent adversary, they will try to use your statistical reasoning against you, not doing anything too frequently, so that you brush it all off as a mere coincidence, normal chance. Which brings me to some practical reasons why you would undress a person that you have kidnapped. It only has to be cross-checked carefully with cases where paradoxical undressing could have realistically taken place. That would explain why its so hard to identify or catch them. Missing 411- North America and Beyond, 2013. Especially if the body wasnt even found by dedicated searchers, but by random hikers or passersby after the search was over. Which are great, so please, Dave, do more of that. There is mounting evidence that states of mind affect probability of external events, making it fluctuate. Moreover, again ironically, there are many other both genetically and culturally much older groups. It would make much more sense for this tech to be involved in the urban cases. These coincidences may of course ultimately mean nothing, or they can have nothing to do with what caused the disappearance or death even if they by themselves are more than just a fluke of random chance. Missing 411- David Paulides Presents Cases from Minnesota (Stateley), Yosemite and Alaska (Perkowski) Canam Missing Project. Missing 411 cases are a colloquial classification that documents missing person cases that fit a number of criteria: The disappearance occurred in a national park, rural area, or large reserve of public land. Clothing really is tricky. At the same time, however, getting as many people to know and think about this is key, as it directly defeats the main objectives of the hypothetical adversary (remaining hidden and keeping potential targets unaware). The person could have intentionally vanished. Which brings me to a statistical issue that I think Dave got wrong. Missing 411: The Hunted is based on the book by Paulides, which documents 185 cases of missing peoples from four different countries. It should never be tens of percent. Furthermore, introducing it in the first place or doing things like turning it inside out could screw with pattern recognition AI that was designed to target us looking a particular way. When picking mushrooms or berries, a group of people typically stays within hearing range, which means that all you need to do to not get lost is being able to shout (or shoot, I guess). In any case, since many of the missing in cities were students, maybe they were targeted at school. Think of it as a cosmic-level tool to bring attention of specific types of people or individuals to specific things, while hiding the act itself. While our current medical science is far from perfect, the real number of truly unknown causes of death appears to be quite low, somewhere in the range of 1.34 per 100,000 (in the U.K.) and 15 per 100,000 (in the U.S.). But even then, dogs can simply fail in some cases, meaning that this profile point alone is never truly a conclusive proof of something unusual going on with the case. If you are some sort of wildman creature, you may want to do something primal, like hunt someone to eat them, kidnap someone as a mate or a kid to raise as part of your tribe, get rid of a witness, or attack someone for fun or because they did something to offend you. Medical emergency would then prevent you from wandering away very far, unless it was a psychotic break, but regardless, many of the missing were in excellent physical and mental health. And it is what profiling is, in a way youre looking for cases that include selected elements. Apart from this (the fact that a personal attack is a logical fallacy, not a counterargument), if Dave incorrectly interprets some data point or a causal relation, its an error, not a crime. All of which are attributes that should be connected with strange disappearances, if you think about it. It is a significant step forward in the understanding of the missing phenomena that adds several new elements never before identified. If you have any theories or suggestions yourselves, Im all ears. Thats what Dave was doing regarding Bigfoot. You have no reason to want their poop, specifically. I could also go on and on, but I think this is more than enough for now. Dave have made some comments over the years that indicate that he initially didnt believe that paradoxical undressing is an actual thing that happens, but after he got predictably criticized for it, he appears to understand it better now. Though there are Missing 411 cases where that didnt help, like when a person was seen chasing a dog into the forest, which only helps explain how people can get lost more often while walking a dog. Dave assembled the profile by reviewing details of all unexplained disappearances he could find that took place in the U.S. national parks and by noting what they had in common. Finally, being associated with Bigfoot research also doesnt disqualify everything that you say about anything. One that I will totally use in some of my sci-fi or fantasy stories. Cherry-picking in this context would be for example assuming that Bigfoot is taking all these people, and then looking for all the cases in which the missing person seems to have been mysteriously abducted, and ONLY such cases. Furthermore, if I understand the abstract of the U.S. study correctly, 5% of autopsy reports in the U.S. list the cause of death as undetermined, even though the real number of undeterminable deaths is much lower than that. With Daniela Salmen, John Miles, Adam Palmer, Gail Star. Mental illness or voluntary disappearance does not appear to be the cause. And even then, there often still should have been enough time to use the phone to report or record what happened. Missing 411: The Hunted is based on the book by Paulides, which documents 185 cases of missing peoples from four different countries. The available data that connects the water-related cases together (mainly the ones of students being found dead in water in some college cities) makes them somehow more inexplicable than the cases of people who got lost in a forest and were never found (cases in which all data is missing). If the person was seen, say, falling of a cliff, then that would be an explanation, just like it should be easier to find someone when youd seen where exactly they entered the forest, at what speed, and in what state of mind. Paulides has written a series of books under the title, "Missing 411." the books detail hundreds of these cases and locations. The reason why amnesia always seems contrived in TV shows and movies when used more than minimally is that it is rare in real life. natalee holloway found alive 2020, pisces woman eye contact,

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